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#211 : Servir et protéger

Isabel a des visions concernant une certaine Laurie Dupree, qui a été enterrée vivante, à Roswell. Elle en informe son frère Max, ainsi que le shérif Valenti. Tous les trois vont essayer de localiser la jeune fille, avant qu’il ne soit trop tard…


4.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
To Serve And Protect

Titre VF
Servir et protéger

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Logo de la chaîne The WB

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 22.01.2001 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Breen Frazier
Réalisé par : Jefery Levy

Guests :
Jeremy Davidson ... Grant Sorenson
Jason Peck ... Hanson
Allison Lange ... Laurie DuPree
Devon Gummersall ... Sean DeLuca
Sage Kirkpatrick ... Melissa Foster
Sebastian Siegel ... Brad

Max et Isabel cherchent vainement un programme regardable à la télé.

Agacée, Isabel décide alors d’aller se promener dans les rêves, malgré la désapprobation de Max qui lui demande de laisser au moins Liz tranquille.

Isabel lui rend bien sûr aussitôt visite. Liz rêve de Max, évidemment.

Trouvant cela ennuyeux, Isabel rend alors visite à Kyle qui fait un cauchemar dans lequel il se transforme en extra terrestre.

Sans le vouloir, Isabel glisse ensuite dans un autre rêve. Elle se retrouve dans une forêt et voit un homme traîner une jeune femme hurlante dans un sac en plastique.

Isabel se réveille, complètement affolée.

Au bureau du shérif, le lendemain, Valenti reçoit la visite d’un collègue et néanmoins ami, Dan Lubetkin, qui appartient à la police des polices. Il vient enquêter sur la mort d’Everet Hubble ( voir Le Festival saison 1 )

Au Crash Down, Kyle, toujours tracassé par son éventuelle transformation en alien, se confie à Tess. Il essaye même de s’initier à la gastronomie alien ( gaufre aux fraises et à la chantilly + Tabasco ) qu’il n’apprécie pas vraiment. Tess se moque un peu de lui et lui avoue qu’elle ne sait pas ce qui va réellement lui arriver.

Isabel et Max vont voir Valenti et lui parle des visions d’Isabel. Valenti promet de lancer des recherches pour voir si une jeune femme est portée disparue.

Dan Lubetkin arrive sur ses entre faits pour chercher le shérif pour déjeuner.

Valenti explique à Max qu’il enquête sur l’affaire Hubble. Max s’en inquiète, mais Valenti se veut rassurant.

Au restaurant, Lubetkin interroge Valenti sur les circonstances de la fusillade et semble satisfait de ses réponses. Il demande aussi qui étaient les 2 jeunes aperçus dans le bureau du shérif. Le nom de Max Evans attire son attention, un témoin ayant dit l’avoir vu avec Hubble peu avant sa mort. Valenti affirme que Max n’était pas sur les lieux.

Au Crash Down, Liz se plaint à Maria. Elle est totalement obsédée par Max, au point de dire son nom sans le vouloir et de se promener partout avec sa photo dans la poche.

Maria s’en amuse mais compatit.

Arrive alors le cousin de Maria; Sean DeLucca, petit repris de justice qui vient d’être libéré pour bonne conduite et que la mère de Maria a accepté d’héberger pour un temps.

Maria voit la chose d’un mauvais œil et le lui fait comprendre.

Sean semble très attiré par Liz.

Chez les Evans, Grant Sorensen vient chercher Isabel avec qui il a rendez-vous. Elle se montre très nerveuse, toujours obsédée par son rêve.

Chez les Valenti, Kyle essaye ses « pouvoirs » éventuels sur la télévision ( cf Starman ) Tess, armée de la télécommande, profite de l’occasion pour se moquer encore de lui en lui faisant croire que ça marche.

Grant et Isabel vont au cinéma. Elle s’assoupit et a une nouvelle vision.

Max et Isabel retournent alors voir Valenti chez lui.

Isabel a pu entrevoir la voiture de la jeune femme, une japonaise de couleur argentée.

Bien que ces renseignements soient un peu légers, Valenti affirme qu’il la croit et qu’il va faire tout son possible.

Plus tard, au Crash Down, Valenti rencontre une de ses anciennes copines de lycée. Elle lui confie qu’elle est un peu inquiète car sa fille, Melissa, qui rendait visite à des amis à Santa Fé, ne l’a pas appelé comme elle en a l’habitude.

Apprenant que la jeune fille a une voiture correspondant à celle de la vision d’Isabel, Valenti déclenche une alerte qui surprend Lubetkin par son ampleur.

Valenti fait venir Isabel et Max qu’il essaye de dissimuler à Lubetkin.

Isabel croit reconnaître la fille de son rêve en voyant la photo de Melissa.

Au Crash Down, Maria met les choses au clair avec Sean: elle lui précise les règles de vie de sa maison et lui demande de laisser Liz tranquille.

Isabel fait de nouveau le même rêve mais cette fois elle identifie le ravisseur: c’est Grant Sorensen.

Averti, Valenti essaye d’obtenir un mandat. Le juge le lui refusant, il passe outre et se rend au campement du géologue, à Frasier Wood.

Sorensen se montre mécontent qu’à chaque fois que quelqu’un disparaît ( cf Tess dans Surprise) on le soupçonne. Il exige un mandat.

Valenti, obstiné, fouille et découvre un sac ressemblant à celui vu par Isabel.

Malgré les protestations de Sorensen, il l’ouvre, n’y trouvant que du matériel que le géologue affirme être très fragile.

Lubetkin met Valenti en garde: il en fait trop sans véritable preuve. Il craint qu’il ne commence à dérailler comme son père avant lui.

Melissa Foster réapparaît : elle était seulement tombée en panne.

Max s’inquiète pour Valenti qui se veut encore rassurant.

Furieux, le juge suspend Valenti. Lubetkin l’interroge à propos des Evans. Valenti, décidé à protéger les 2 aliens coûte que coûte, refuse de dire quoique ce soit.

Max toujours inquiet pour Valenti, essaye de réconforter Isabel qui est atterrée de s’être trompée.

Au Crash Down, Sean continue ses approches envers Liz qui se montre gentille avec lui, éveillant les soupçons de Maria.

Isabel a une nouvelle vision.

Max appelle Valenti qui est aux prise avec Lubetkin venu lui annoncer des poursuites judiciaires.

Valenti n’hésite cependant pas à les écouter et les amènent avec lui à Frasier Wood.

Ils retrouvent la jeune femme kidnappée. Elle a été enterrée vivante avec un système lui permettant de respirer.

Tandis qu’ils essayent de la dégager, le kidnappeur leur tire dessus avec un fusil à lunettes. Max utilise alors son champ de force pour arrêter les balles tandis qu’Isabel libère la jeune femme. Valenti peut localiser le tireur. Max coupe son champ de force pour lui permettre de tirer à son tour. Il blesse le tireur qui s’enfuit.

Lubetkin qui les a suivi, arrive alors et Valenti lui annonce qu’il a retrouvé la jeune femme. Lubetkin n’en revient pas et lui demande comment il a fait.

Valenti refuse de donner des explications sur la présence des Evans, quitte à être sanctionné.

Le shérif adjoint Hansen retrouve les balles du kidnappeur, inexplicablement intactes. Valenti feint la surprise. Lubetkin n’est pas dupe.

Isabel s’approche de la jeune femme, nommée Laurie. Celle-ci la remercie de lui avoir sauvé la vie. Avant que l’ambulance l’évacue, Isabel lui prend la main.
 Elle a un flash où elle voit des sortes de cristaux bleus fluorescents.

Isabel dit à Max qu’elle a eu l’étrange impression de la connaître.

(Episode opens on Max and Isabel at home flipping through television channels)

ISABEL: There’s nothing on.

MAX: We must have 50 channels.

ISABEL: Crap. . .Crap. . .

MAX: Uh Huh.

ISABEL: Boring.

MAX: Uh Huh.

ISABEL: I’m going to take a stroll; see what people are dreaming.

MAX: Haven’t you been over doing that lately?

ISABEL: Take it easy. It’s harmless.

MAX: It’s just not a very nice thing to do.

(Isabel leaves, Max yells after her.)

MAX: Stay away from Liz, please.

(He continues flipping through channels)

MAX: Crap. . .Crap. . .Crap. . .

(Isabel is on her bed looking through her yearbook and stops at Liz’s picture. We enter Liz’s dream at the Crashdown. A young man enters.)

BRAD: Hello, Liz.

LIZ: Hello, Brad.

(Brad lifts her up, and sets her on the counter. Liz lies down.)

LIZ: Would you like fries with that.

(Brad and Liz start kissing. Max shows up behind the counter)

LIZ: I’m with Brad now.

MAX: Brad doesn’t even exist. Besides, you want someone who can do this.

(Max gestures toward the ceiling and rose petals start to fall. Liz and Max kiss.)

LIZ: Oh my!

ISABEL: Even her romantic dreams are boring.

(Back to Isabel’s room. She looks through the yearbook again and stops on Kyle.)

ISABEL: Kyle’s got to be more interesting than that.

(We enter Kyle’s dream. He’s on a mountaintop in a Lotus position with BUDDHA.)

BUDDHA: Remember young blossom, my most important words.

KYLE: Yes, master.

BUDDHA: To thine own self be true.

ISABEL: It’s Shakespeare.

BUDDHA: With every inhale find the center of yourself. With every exhale release the ties that bind your energy. Inhale. . .Exhale. . .Inhale. . . (BUDDHA is interrupted by a cell phone beeping.)

BUDDHA: Excuse me. BUDDHA here. Yeah. When? Prepare the ship. Standby to beam us aboard.

KYLE: Master?

BUDDHA: Our enemies have arrived, Kyle. We must leave Earth and face the dark legion. KYLE: No, no, no, no. I’m here for inner peace, not that science fiction crap.

BUDDHA: Max Evans changed you when he saved your life. You know that. You’re an alien now Kyle. Dude, like, accept you destiny.

KYLE: No, I’m not!

(Kyle looks down at his hand and it has become green and slimy.)

KYLE: Ahhhhh!

(Switch back to Isabel’s room, where she enters another dream in a forest with flashes of light.)

ISABEL: Where am I? Kyle, who’s dream is this?

(We see a man dragging a screaming girl in a black plastic bag. Isabel wakes up in a panic.)

(Opening credits)

(Open on Sheriff Valenti’s office, the next morning.)

VOICE OFF CAMERA: Excuse me. I’m looking for a broken-down, old, war-horse somehow managed to make Sheriff of Roswell, New Mexico.

VALENTI: Hansen, send that sanctimonious paper-pusher in here before I have him arrested for vagrancy.

(Man enters)

DAN: Damn son, you are getting old.

VALENTI: Real police work will do that to you, Dan. You should try it some time.

DAN: Now, that hurts. Long time, Jimbo.

VALENTI: Too long. So, I take it this isn’t a social call.

DAN: The state police board wants to review the Hubble shooting.

VALENTI: Hubble? Well, it’s an open and shut case. Crazy old man with a gun in the desert. It was over a year ago. Why investigate that?

DAN: Wheels of justice grind slowly.

VALENTI: Do I need a lawyer?

DAN: Whoa, easy, no need to get all riled up now.

VALENTI: That was a clean shoot, Dan.

DAN: If you say so.

(Change to Crashdown. Tess is having breakfast with Kyle. She pours Tabasco sauce on her waffles with whip cream and strawberries, and in her orange juice.)

KYLE: That’s a very alien thing, isn’t it? The very sweet, very spicy?

TESS: Uh huh.

KYLE: Can I try a bite?

TESS: You won’t like it.

KYLE: Oh, I hope not.

(Kyle takes a taste)

KYLE: Oh my God.

TESS: I told you.

KYLE: No,no,no. It’s not completely horrible. It’s almost tasty.

TESS: Oh well, here. Have some more.

KYLE: No, no, I can’t. This is so wrong. I’m not ready for this.

TESS: Not ready for what?

KYLE: For the change. Not ready to be, like, a half-human, half-alien freakazoid.

TESS: Uh, we prefer the term ‘hybrids’.

KYLE: I’m serious. Look, I never bargained for this. One minute I’m a normal guy with my whole life ahead of me the next thing I know, Max Evans transmogrifies me into something not-of-this-Earth.

TESS: Whoa, whoa, trans-what?

KYLE: Look, I never asked for this.

TESS: Well, I suppose he could have let you die. Is that what you want?

KYLE: If I had died, I would have transcended the mortal plane and been reincarnated into the next stage of my life. TESS: Reincarnated as what, exactly?

KYLE: Like, just another person or animal, maybe.

TESS: An animal? Like, you could have ended up a gopher or something!

KYLE: Look, we’re getting off the point. I really need some help.

TESS: What do you want from me? I don’t know what’s going to happen to you. You know, maybe nothing will happen. Or maybe you could develop superpowers and start flying all over Roswell in a big cape. I don’t know!

(Kyle reaches for Tess’ waffles.)

KYLE: Could I have another-


(Isabel and Max are talking to Sheriff Valenti in his office.)

VALENTI: Alright, let me get this straight. You can go into people’s dreams?

ISABEL: Yes. But usually I choose whose dreams I go into. This one just came to me.

VALENTI: Well, how do you know this was real, not just somebody’s nightmare you stumbled into?

ISABEL: I don’t know, but it felt real. She needs help.

MAX: Sheriff, when Tess was being tortured Isabel got flashes from her, and that’s how she knew Tess was in danger. That’s how we saved her life. We should check into this.

VALENTI: It’s a little hard to look for a missing girl without a name or a face.

(Dan knocks and enters)

DAN: Hey, Senor Chows for lunch?

VALENTI: Yeah, that’d be fine.

(Dan looks with interest at Max and Isabel.)

DAN: Hi.

MAX: Hi.

VALENTI: I’ll see you at 1:00, Dan.

(Dan exits)

MAX: Who was that?

VALENTI: From the State Police Board. He’s reviewing the Hubble case.

MAX: Hubble?

VALENTI: It’s no big deal. Dan’s an old friend. I’ll tell you what. I’ll look into it, Okay?

ISABEL: Thank you.

(Dan and Valenti are having lunch at Senor Chows.)

VALENTI: When I ordered him to put his weapon down, he uh. . . he refused, brought the gun up. I felt my life was in imminent danger, so I fired.

DAN: Hmm, just like it says in your report. (Dan signals a waiter) Uh, could we have more of these sweet and sour tortillas? They’re good, different, but good. So, uh, who were those kids in your office this morning?

VALENTI: Nobody. Stolen bike.

DAN: Hmm, What were their names again?

VALENTI: Max and Isabel Evans.

DAN: Max Evans. . .hmm, I got a statement here says that Hubble was last seen in a car with Max Evans, before the shooting.

VALENTI: Whose statement?

DAN: Was Max Evans there that night?


DAN: Okay Jim, that’s all I need to hear.

(Move to the Crashdown. Liz is serving food to some customers)

LIZ: Okay, Umm, we have a Saturn Rings and a Galaxy Sub, hold the Max. (Liz looks at Maria as she realizes her mistake) Okay, so I’ll be right back with the Cokes.

(Maria pulls Liz aside.)

MARIA: Okay, what just happened?

LIZ: I need help. I’m sick, Okay. I am an obsessed person.

MARIA: Okay, is this a general freakout or should I be concerned?

LIZ: No, I have Max on my brain 24 hours a day. Okay, I dream about him, I think about him, and now I’m saying his friggin’ name without even realizing it. What am I going to do?

MARIA: You’re in love that’s all.

LIZ: I know, but it’s not getting me anywhere.

MARIA: Okay relax, relax, Liz. It’s not that bad. I promise.

LIZ: Not that bad? Really? Why don’t you look at this? (Liz pulls out two pictures of Max from her apron pockets.) See! Obsession, obsession, obsession, obsession!

MARIA: Okay, okay, you’re a Max-aholic. I’m here for you. What can I do?

LIZ: Get me a life.

(a new guy enters the Crashdown.)

MARIA: Oh, you gotta be kidding me. When did you get out?

SEAN: This morning.

MARIA: You didn’t break out did you?

SEAN: I got a release, good behavior.

MARIA: That’s a first. You don’t think that you’re going to stay with us do you?

SEAN: Oh, uh, Aunt Amy already gave it the thumbs up.

MARIA: She is such a soft touch, isn’t she?

SEAN: Hi, Liz.

LIZ: Hey, Sean.

SEAN: All grown up. Like it. I’ll see you at home.

MARIA: It’s not your home.

(Evans House. Grant Sorenson is flipping through TV channels as Max walks in with a look of distrust.)

MAX: Grant.

GRANT: Hey, Max.

MAX: You’re uh. . .

GRANT: Waiting for Isabel.

MAX: Oh, right. I’ll go check on her.

(Max enters Isabel’s room. Isabel is hurriedly going through her closest of clothes picking out something to wear.)

MAX: You know, Grant’s downstairs.

ISABEL: I know.

MAX: Do you really like that guy?

ISABEL: Don’t start with me, Max.

MAX: What’s wrong?

ISABEL: I just. . .I’ve been thinking about that girl all day. You know? It was different. It was like she was dreamwalking me.

MAX: You mean, like, she’s an alien?

ISABEL: No, no, I don’t think so.

MAX: Well, maybe you should cancel your date.

ISABEL: You know how many times I have cancelled in the last month? I have no more excuses.

MAX: Well, tell him the truth. You’ve been battling evil aliens for control of the planet and it’s hard to fit him in.

ISABEL: Funny. No, no, I want a normal date with a normal guy tonight. I’m going, so just. . .just tell him I’ll be ready in five minutes. Okay? Five minutes.

MAX: Five minutes.

ISABEL: Yeah, five minutes. Okay? Thank you.

(Valenti living room. Kyle is sitting in front of the TV, which is off. He tries out his alien powers by raising his hand toward the screen. Tess walks up behind him and sees what he is doing, so she picks up the remote control and turns the TV on.)

KYLE: Oh God, jeez.

(Tess laughs quietly to herself and Kyle tries again.)

KYLE: Channel 15.

(Tess changes the channel with the remote.)

KYLE: Channel 23

(Tess changes the channel)

KYLE: Unscrambled porn.

(Tess changes again, and Kyle jumps up in triumph.)

KYLE: I have become - (he turns and sees Tess behind him.) an idiot.

TESS: Oh, but a cute one. Hey (Tess tosses the remote to Kyle)

(Switch to the movies with Isabel and Grant. Isabel rolls her head from side to side.)

GRANT: You sore?


(Grant massages her neck.)

ISABEL: Thank you.

(Isabel lays her head on Grant’s shoulder and closes her eyes. Suddenly she gets another flash of a young blond girl being kidnapped as she goes to her car. We see drugs and a syringe. Next we see her being dragged in a black bag, by a man. Isabel sits up with a yell.)

GRANT: You okay?

ISABEL: Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m sorry.

(Isabel and Max are in Valenti’s livingroom later that night.)

ISABEL: I need to find her. She’s in trouble. She’s going to die.

VALENTI: I thought you weren’t sure.

ISABEL: It’s real Sheriff. I know it’s happening.

MAX: You have to find her.

VALENTI: Find who? What missing girl? No one’s been reported. I don’t know what she looks like. I don’t have any leads. . .

ISABEL: I saw her car. It’s silver.

VALENTI: Did you see the plates?

ISABEL: No, but it’s a Honda, or a Toyota, or something. I’m not good with cars.

VALENTI: Okay, I guess I could start looking through the abandoned vehicle reports. See if it’s turned up. Okay?

ISABEL: Thank you. I’m sorry for barging in like this.

VALENTI: Hey, hey. It’s Okay, alright?

ISABEL: Thank you.

(As Isabel leaves Max talks to the sheriff.)

MAX: I know how all this must look.

VALENTI: I believe her. I do. I just don’t know how realistic it is to think that I’m going to be able to find this girl with this evidence.

MAX: I know. Thanks.

(As Max leaves the sheriff makes a phone call.)

VALENTI: Hansen, I’m coming in.

(Valenti enters the Crashdown on his way in to the station and sits at the counter by a woman.)

VALENTI: Large coffee and a warp wrap to go please.

JUDITH FOSTER: Working late Jim?


JUDITH FOSTER: Great match your boy had the other night.

VALENTI: Yeah, two take downs. Not bad, huh?

JUDITH FOSTER: Just like his father. Remember that match against the Rangers?

VALENTI: My God, how do you remember these things?

JUDITH FOSTER: I had a crush on you, or didn’t you notice?

VALENTI: I noticed your boyfriend.

JUDITH FOSTER: I like to call him my husband now.

VALENTI: How’s your girl?

JUDITH FOSTER: Melissa? Fine, just fine. . . I think.

VALENTI: Something wrong?

JUDITH FOSTER: No, it’s nothing I’m sure. She went to visit some friends in Santa Fe yesterday and she hasn’t called home yet. I know I shouldn’t be concerned, but she always calls. Oh, I’m being silly.

VALENTI: Melissa drives a silver car doesn’t she?

JUDITH FOSTER: Yeah, Toyota. Why?

(Sheriff’s station later that night. A deputy is interviewing the woman as Sheriff Valenti enters giving orders.)

VALENTI: You contacted all the Foster girl’s friends yet? I need to know if she turns up.


(Valenti turns to another officer.)

VALENTI: Get highway patrol on the horn. I want every inch of 285 covered.

(Valenti hands papers to another officer)

VALENTI: Plate numbers. Run them.

(Switch to Mrs. Foster being interviewed)

MRS. FOSTER: She had an overnight bag and a cosmetics case.

DEPUTY: Does she have a cell phone?

MRS. FOSTER: No. I took it away from her. She was spending too much money.

(Dan enters)

DAN: Hey, how’s it going?

VALENTI: Busy. Judith, you have that picture?

MRS. FOSTER: Yeah, it’s right here.

(Valenti turns back to Dan.)

VALENTI: What’s up?

DAN: Heard about the missing girl. You’re really circling up the wagons here.

VALENTI: Just doing my job. Excuse me.

(Valenti opens his office door.)

DAN: Who you got in there?

(Valenti turns back and looks at Dan but doesn’t answer, then continues into his office and closes the door. Max and Isabel are waiting. He hands Isabel a picture of Melissa Foster.)

VALENTI: Is this her?

ISABEL: The hair’s the right color. I think so.

VALENTI: Are you sure?

ISABEL: I never saw her clearly, but it’s her. It has to be.

VALENTI: I hope you’re wrong. I’ve known the Fosters for years.

MAX: Well, I don’t recognize her.

VALENTI: She goes to Goddard High.

ISABEL: The terror. I felt it so clearly in the last dream. We have to get her back. I need to.

VALENTI: You and me both.

(Change to the next day in the Crashdown where Maria is serving Sean.)

MARIA: In case I haven’t told you this. You dine n’ dash here, you die.

(Sean reaches into his pocket and lays money on the table.)

MARIA: Is there a tip in there?

SEAN: Just give me the burger.

MARIA: How about a little talk, hmmm? Alright, in our house there are rules, and as strange, unimaginable, and bizarre as it may seem - we live our lives by these very simple rules.

SEAN: Okay.

MARIA: Rule one, toilet seat is left down. Rule two, underwear are not left on the floor, no. Rule three, milk is poured into a glass, not directly consumed by the carton. Rule four -

SEAN: There a lot of these rules?

MARIA: Don’t worry, I’ll write them down for you, assuming of course, that you can read.

SEAN: Of course.

MARIA: Now, pay attention please. Rule four is very important. Leave Liz alone.

SEAN: Why, is she part of that house too or something?

MARIA: I am not kidding, Sean. She is way off limits to you. Okay? Way, way, off limits.

SEAN: Way.

MARIA: Look, I saw the way you looked at her, alright? ‘All grown up. I like it’ No, it’s not going to happen, Sean.

SEAN: Okay.

MARIA: She’s in a very delicate and fragile place in her life right now.

(We hear Liz yelling off camera)

LIZ: Dammit Eddie, where’s my order?

(Sean looks questioningly at Maria)

MARIA: I’m serious.

SEAN: I hear you, alright? Leave her alone. I get it. What do you want from me?

MARIA: I’ll give you the list by the end of the day.

(Switch to Isabel in her room. She lies on her bed and tries to dreamwalk. After some restless tossing she sees the blond girl again being dragged in the forest. This time we see the face of the man and it is Grant Sorenson. Isabel wakes up very upset and Max is shaking her.)

ISABEL: No! Oh, no! It can’t be!

MAX: You started crying Isabel. What happened?

ISABEL: No, Oh God! It’s Grant! It’s Grant. I saw him. I saw him. Oh God! Oh God. No.

(Change to Valenti’s Office, where Isabel and Max are talking to the Sheriff.)

VALENTI: Sorenson?

ISABEL: I’m positive.

VALENTI: Alright, I’ll take care of it.

MAX: You want us to help?

VALENTI: Not this time.

(Switch to a daytime shot of a golf course. Valenti is calling to a judge who is playing golf.)

VALENTI: Your honor! Your honor!

JUDGE: Hello, Sheriff.

VALENTI: The woman who came forward is positive she saw Grant Sorenson with Melissa Foster.

JUDGE: You have a history with this Sorenson character don’t you? Uh, he filed a complaint?

VALENTI: That was a misunderstanding, sir.

JUDGE: Yeah, you searched his room without a warrant, shoving a gun in his face.

VALENTI: Your honor! Your honor! A girl could be dying here!

JUDGE: You hurry and get me probable cause, then you’ll get your warrant; otherwise, you’re ruining my handicap.

(Change to Grant Sorenson’s campsite as The Sheriff and Hansen drive up.)

VALENTI: Check the car. We’re looking for a large vinyl bag; seven foot by three.

GRANT: What the hell’s going on here?

VALENTI: We need to do a little looking around Mr. Sorenson.

GRANT: For what? My igneous rock collection?

VALENTI: Do you know Melissa Foster?

GRANT: I heard she was. . . What is this? Every time someone disappears I become your number one suspect?

VALENTI: What were you doing last Friday night?

GRANT: I drove to Carlsbad. That’s the opposite direction from Santa Fe.

VALENTI: How did you know Miss Foster went to Santa Fe?

GRANT: It’s common knowledge. The whole town is talking. Sherrif, you got a warrant?

VALENTI: What were you doing in Carlsbad?

GRANT: I went to pick up some equipment.

VALENTI: We heard you were out here in the middle of the night.

GRANT: That’s not a crime.

VALENTI: Depends upon what you were doing.

(Valenti comes to Grant’s tent and opens the flap. He sees a large black vinyl bag like the one in Isabel’s visions, and pulls it out.)

GRANT: Don’t touch that.

VALENTI: What are you doing with this bag?

GRANT: Transporting equipment.

VALENTI: I need to see what’s inside it. Open it up.

GRANT: I can’t do that.

VALENTI: Well if you won’t then I will. Step aside.

GRANT: Sheriff, this is ridiculous.

VALENTI: Back off!

(Grant moves aside and the sheriff unzips the bag to find equipment.)

VALENTI: What is this?

GRANT: It’s equipment, photosensitive equipment. They use it in caverns like in Carlsbad. That’s why I work at nights. It’s the only time to get proper readings. You don’t have a warrant do you?

(Switch to Valenti’s office where Dan is waiting for him.)


DAN: Okay, cards on the table, Jimbo. What’s going on here?

VALENTI: I’m in the middle of an investigation.

DAN: Where you been the last four hours?

VALENTI: Following a lead. Checking out a suspect. Anymore questions?

DAN: Yeah, you get a warrant for Sorenson this time?

VALENTI: You always know more than you let on, don’t you Dan. I should have remembered that the day you walked through my door.

DAN: It’s part of my job, Jimbo, and what I know right now is you disappear for days on end and you spend a lot of time lately with teenage kids. That’s awful strange behavior.

VALENTI: This isn’t about the Hubble case is it? What the hell is going on here?

DAN: The State Board has had you in their watch file for a long time now, what with your reputation for chasing UFO’s and what not. But right now it’s your own men that are talking, and they want to know what’s happened to their sheriff.

VALENTI: I don’t owe them an explanation.

DAN: You owe me!

(Valenti and Dan start yelling at the same time.)

DAN: You’re crossing a lot of lines and I want to know why! VALENTI: I haven’t been able to carry on an investigation. A girl’s life is on the line.

(The two men are interrupted by a knock on the door.)


HANSEN: Uh, Sheriff. I’m sorry but, uh. .

(Hansen shows a young blond girl into Valenti’s office.)

DAN: Can we help you?

GIRL: Yeah, hi. I’m Melissa Foster. I heard you were looking for me.

(Switch to an alley outside the Sheriff’s station where Valenti is talking to Max and Isabel.)

VALENTI: Girl said her car gave out halfway to Santa Fe. Next day she had it towed. No kidnapper, no needles, no bags and no desert.

(Isabel hangs her head.)

VALENTI: Isabel, it’s alright. Melissa’s safe. Her family’s happy. Nobody got hurt.

MAX: What about you?

VALENTI: I’ll have some awkward questions to answer but I’m sure it will blow over.

ISABEL: Sheriff, I am so sorry. I don’t know how I could have been so wrong. I . . .

VALENTI: Hey, you didn’t do anything wrong. You have gifts the rest of us don’t, and I trust those gifts. And if anything like this ever happens again, I want you to come to me. I’ll be fine.

(Back in Valenti’s office where Dan and the Judge are questioning him.)

JUDGE: What the hell is wrong with you? You conduct an illegal search after I say no!

DAN: You know, Sorenson has filed a 15 million-dollar civil suit against the city.

VALENTI: For what? Because I ruined his stupid experiment? He’s gonna be laughed out of court.

JUDGE: I’m half tempted to have you thrown into your own jail on a contempt citation.

VALENTI: I’m sorry. Okay, I was wrong. I had a hunch. I had to follow it.

JUDGE: A hunch! You told me you had a witness!

DAN: You told Judith Foster you had two witnesses! You terrified that family! I spent all day trying to calm them down.

VALENTI: There are two witnesses, but I promised them anonymity. I can’t break that promise.

DAN: We talking about those kids again.


JUDGE: What kids?

DAN: Max and Isabel Evans.

VALENTI: This has nothing to do with them.

JUDGE: Then who? I want names and I want them now.

VALENTI: I’m sorry.

JUDGE: Best find yourself a lawyer.

(Later that night in Isabel’s room, where Max is talking to Isabel.)

MAX: Isabel, I don’t understand this. You’ve never been wrong about this in the past and we’ve always gone with your judgement.

ISABEL: I don’t understand it either, Max. This wasn’t something that I planned.

MAX: How could this happen.

ISABEL: I don’t know.

MAX: Valenti might be losing his job because of us. Have you thought about that?

ISABEL: Of course I have, but what was I suppose to do? Just let her die?

MAX: There is no missing girl, Alright! Your dreams were wrong. You were wrong.

ISABEL: Don’t’ you think I know that? Maybe part of me just needed her to be missing.

MAX: What do you mean?

ISABEL: After everything we’ve been through, after all the pain that we’ve caused, I just wanted what we are, what I am, to do something good for a change.

MAX: Isabel, you are my sister. You yell at me, you second-guess me, and you piss me off. You also saved my life, and I don’t care what we’ve been through; I still believe in you. I always will. Go get some sleep. You look. . . really bad.

ISABEL: Thanks!

(Change to Crashdown same night. Liz, Maria, and Michael are working and Kyle is sitting at the counter. Sean enters.)

KYLE: Tess is openly mocking me now. This morning I woke up with little antennae coming out of my head.

LIZ: I don’t know what to say. We need professional help.

SEAN: Yo, M.

MARIA: M? No, see um. . . in the real world we use names. My name is Maria.

KYLE: Who’s that?

MICHAEL: Maria’s loser cousin Sean.

SEAN: Can I get some fries, tough guy?


MARIA: Sorry, we’re closed. So sorry.

KYLE: Anyway, the point is, I’m just saying It’s gonna be OK. I mean we’re both obsessed people but we’ll get through it. At least we have each other.

LIZ: You know, uh, I think the fryer is still warm. I could whip you up some fries.

SEAN: Nah, forget it. I’ll scrounge something up at home.

(Sean exits.)

MARIA: It’s not your home. Stop calling it that. You’re just passing through. You’re not actually thinking. . .

LIZ: No, of course not.

MARIA: All I try and do is help. Does anybody listen?

LIZ: I’m sorry, what were you saying?

KYLE: Nothing. I was just talking to myself. Hey, you got any cousins for me?

(Change to Isabel in bed, same night. She has another vision. She sees more details of where the girl is.)

ISABEL: Where am I?

KIDNAPPED GIRL: No, please don’t!

ISABEL: Max, Max! No, Max. . . Max!

(Attacker takes out a syringe. Isabel screams and begins reacting like the kidnapped girl.)

ISABEL: Help me!

(Max enters, sits on Isabels bed and tries to wake her.)

MAX: I’m here. Isabel, Isabel wake up.

ISABEL: No, please! Don’t do this. You don’t have to do this. No!

(Isabel wakes up)

MAX: Isabel, are you alright?

ISABEL: Oh my God.

(Move to Valenti’s office the same night. Dan enters.)

DAN: Judith Foster is filing a grievance with the State police board. She wants a formal investigation into you actions.

VALENTI: I wonder who put that idea in her head?

DAN: Lot a questions here, Jimbo. Time for you to start thinkin’ of some answers.

VALENTI: Talk to my lawyer.

(Phone rings)

VALENTI: Sheriff Valenti.

MAX: It’s not over.

VALENTI: You wanna explain that to me.

MAX: It’s not Melissa Foster. It’s some other girl. She’s in Fraizer Woods in the clearing outside the abandoned pump house. We have to go right now.

(Valenti pauses and looks up at Dan.)

MAX: Sheriff?

VALENTI: Where are you now Deputy?

MAX: We’re at our house. We’ll meet you on Clark’s street, near the Crashdown.

VALENTI: Stay where you are. I’ll take care of it.

MAX: No, we’re going with you. Can you meet us?

VALENTI: Yeah, I’ll meet you there deputy.

(The Sheriff hangs up.)

DAN: Do deputies always call you on your private line?

VALENTI: I’ll talk to you in the morning.

DAN: You know your Daddy went down just like this. Got some fool notion into his head, ignored the law and his friends, and ended up handing over his badge.

VALENTI: Is that a threat?

DAN: If that phone call was from those kids, consider it a warning.

(Move to Frazier Woods. Max, Isabel, and Valenti are searching with flashlights.)

ISABEL: This is it.

MAX: Ok, we’re here. Now what?

ISABEL: I don’t know. I don’t know. She’s here. She’s here somewhere.

VALENTI: You kidnap a girl. You bring her out here and then you. . . MAX: What is it?

VALENTI: It’s a molehill.

MAX: So?

VALENTI: It’s an awfully straight line for a molehill.

(Valenti reaches down and finds a tube. He pulls it up and follows along it until he comes to a strange apparatus.)

VALENTI: Oxygen tanks

ISABEL: Oh my God.

VALENTI: Come on.

(Valenti follows the tube back the other direction until it finally disappears deep into the ground.)

ISABEL: Oh God, she’s under here.

(They dig frantically with their hands. We see someone watching them through the cross hairs of a gun scope.)

MAX: Watch the head.

ISABEL: Oh my God.

(They unearth a clear plastic box around the buried girl’s head.)

ISABEL: What did they do to her?

MAX: I don’t know.

VALENTI: She’s going into shock.

ISABEL: We’ve got you. What did they do?

MAX: Isabel, can you get this thing off?


VALENTI: Hurry, Hurry. Get it off.

(The rifleman shoots and hits the ground near them. Max jumps up and puts up his protective shield. Valenti pulls out his gun and aims toward where the shots came from. The masked man fires again, but the bullet bounces off the shield.)

MAX: Isabel, hurry!

(Isabel tries to lift the box off the girl’s head while another bullet bounces off Max’s shield.)

VALENTI: Max, I see the shooter.

MAX: I can’t keep this up.

ISABEL: I almost have it.

(Another shot bounces off.)

ISABEL: I’ve got it.

MAX: You see him?

VALENTI: Yeah. . . Ready? Go!

(Max withdraws the shield. Valenti fires several shots and hits the shooter. The shooter is only wounded and runs away. A flashlight appears behind Valenti, Max, and Isabel.)

DAN: Freeze!

VALENTI: Dan, It’s me!

DAN: What the hell’s going on here? Who are you shootin’ at?

VALENTI: Kidnapper.

DAN: What kidnapper?

VALENTI: We found our missing girl.

(Max and Isabel look at each other nervously while Dan walks over and sees the girl. Dan removes his coat to cover her. The girl is crying.)

(Later. More police have arrived and an ambulance. The kidnapped girl, Laurie, is on a stretcher.)

LAURIE: (very emotional) I never saw his face. I was coming down to visit my grandparents in Roswell when he . . . came up behind me on the street. . .

VALENTI: Laurie, I’m going to have someone watch over you round the clock until your parents arrive. You’re safe now. I promise.

LAURIE: How did you know to find me out here?

VALENTI: Someone heard you cry out for help.

(Paramedics take Laurie away. Isabel follows her and Dan approaches the Sheriff.)

DAN: How’d you find her?

VALENTI: Good police work.

DAN: Aw, come on. You can do better than that. What were those kids doin’ out here?

VALENTI: Nothing. They were just along for the ride.

DAN: Along for the ride? You tellin’ me that you took two minors with you on a ride along? That alone is enough to get you suspended.

VALENTI: I’ll take the suspension. You leave the kids out of this.

(Hansen approaches with a small plastic bag.)

HANSEN: Sheriff, look at this.

VALENTI: Our shooter’s bullets.

HANSEN: Yes, but there’s no laceration or impact. They’re in perfect shape.

DAN: That’s impossible, physically impossible. Thanks. Deputy, I’ll take care of these.

VALENTI: I’m as baffled as you are.

DAN: Nah, nah, you’re not. You’re a good cop, Jimbo, but you don’t lie very well, and whatever you’re coverin’ up I’m going to find it out. You can count on it.

(We move over to Laurie and Isabel.)

LAURIE: Who are you?

ISABEL: Isabel.

LAURIE: You saved my life. Thank you.

(Isabel takes her hand then has a flash of blue cell like things. Laurie is loaded into the ambulance.)

MAX: Ready to go home? Isabel?

ISABEL: There’s something about her, Max.

MAX: What do you mean?

ISABEL: It’s like I know her.

(Episode ends with them looking after the ambulance as it pulls away.)

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