117 fans | Vote

#210 : L'esprit de Noël

Un homme est renversé par une voiture en tentant de protéger sa fille. Témoin de la scène, Max refuse d’utiliser ses pouvoirs pour ressusciter ce père de famille car il prendrait le risque de dévoiler son identité…


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
A Roswell Christmas Carol

Titre VF
L'esprit de Noël

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Photos promo

John (John Littlefield) & Max Evans (Jason Behr)

John (John Littlefield) & Max Evans (Jason Behr)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

Michael Guerin (Brendan Fehr) & Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby)

Michael Guerin (Brendan Fehr) & Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby)

Max Evans (Jason Behr) & Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby)

La fille de John (Madison McReynolds) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)

La fille de John (Madison McReynolds) & Sydney Davis (Adeline Allen)


Logo de la chaîne The WB

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 18.12.2000 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jason Katims
Réalisé par : Patrick Norris

Guests :
Mary Ellen Trainor ... Diane Evans
Garrett M. Brown ... Phillip Evans
Desmond Askew ... Brody Davis
John Littlefield ... John
Diane Farr ... Amy DeLuca
Adeline Allen ... Sydney Davis


C’est Noël à Roswell.

Max et Michael sont en train d’acheter un sapin. Isabel qui veut à tout prix un Noël parfait ( à tel point que Michael l’a surnommée la terreur des guirlandes : La Nazi de Noël en VO ) leur a fourni un diagramme très complet que Max s’efforce de suivre à la lettre.

Michael doit aussi trouver un cadeau pour Maria, ce qui le laisse perplexe.

Un accident tragique a lieu sous leur yeux. Un père de famille se fait renverser par un chauffard pour sauver sa fille.

Max est pris entre le désir d’utiliser ses pouvoirs pour le sauver et la peur des conséquences. Michael l’empêche d’intervenir.


Le lendemain, alors qu’Isabel continue sa préparation despotique du Noël parfait, Max, tiraillé par le remord, voit apparaître le fantôme de l’homme qui lui reproche de l’avoir laissé mourir.


Michael essaye de négocier avec Maria pour avoir quelques jours de plus avant de lui offrir son cadeau. Elle refuse tout net.

Brody, triste et préoccupé, annonce à Maria qu’il ne sera absent pendant les fêtes et qu’elle n’aura donc pas à lui apporter son repas.


Chez les Valenti, Tess dont c’est certainement le premier Noël, essaye en vain d’intéresser le père et le fils, occupés par un match à la télé, à la préparation d’une fête digne de ce nom.

Ils ont quant à eux l’intention de dîner au Crash Down.


Isabel essaye d’amener Michael à réfléchir sérieusement au cadeau pour Maria, lui fournissant des critères à prendre en compte.


Max s’est rendu à la maison de l’homme qui est mort sous ses yeux. Il observe Maria et d’autres choristes qui sont venus chanter des cantiques de Noël pour la famille du disparu.

Le fantôme lui apparaît encore te le prend à parti.

Max va alors vers Liz. Il lui avoue qu’il a désespérément besoin d’une amie.

Il lui explique ce qui s’est passé, lui confie combien il s’en veut de ne pas avoir sauver cet homme.

Le fantôme l’oblige à avouer que s’il n’a rien fait c’est parce qu’il a eu peur pour sa propre vie. Il exige alors de lui qu’il rétablisse l’équilibre.


Maria qui continue sa tournée de  chants de cantiques pour les familles éprouvées pour Noël découvre que Brody a une petite fille, Sydney, atteinte d’un cancer incurable.


Michael qui a tenu compte des critères d’Isabel a enfin trouvé le cadeau idéal pour Maria : un pare choc pour sa voiture, qu’il a récupéré dans une casse.

Isabel est atterrée mais ne parvient pas à le faire changer d’idée. Prise dans le tourbillon de ses activités autour de la fête, elle laisse quelques uns de ses paquets chez lui.


Les Valenti et Tess rencontrent Amy DeLucca au super marché en faisant leurs courses, ce qui donne des idées à Tess.


A la fête de Noël organisée par Isabel pour les enfants de Roswell, Maria raconte à Liz le drame que vit Brody.

Complètement bouleversée par la mort prochaine de Sydney, elle veut à toute force s’occuper de l’elle, envisageant même d’épouser Brody.

Liz la raisonne. Elle aperçoit Max, perdu au milieu de toute l’agitation due aux fêtes. Elle a alors l’idée de lui parler de la maladie de Sydney.

Le fantôme apparaît encore et approuve ce que Max se prépare à faire.


Dans l’appartement de Michael, Max réunit tous les aliens et leur demande leur accord pour utiliser ses pouvoirs afin de guérir Sydney.

Isabel et Tess sont d’accord. Michael, lui, craint pour leur sécurité puisque la guérison laissera une empreinte argentée. Il est furieux contre Max qui lui est très décidé à agir


Le soir du réveillon, Tess a invité Amy DeLucca à dîner., ce qui oblige Kyle et Valenti a éteindre le poste de télé et à passer une soirée familiale.


Max va chez Brody pour soigner Sydney. Le fantôme l’y attend et l’informe qu’elle a été amenée d’urgence à l’hôpital de Phœnix.

Max va alors prévenir Michael qu’il se rend à Phœnix.  Michael décide de l’accompagner.


Chez les Valenti, le repas, préparé avec soin par Tess se déroule très agréablement. Kyle la remercie de leur avoir fait cadeau de leur meilleur Noël depuis bien longtemps.


A Phœnix, Max et Michael, déguisés en internes, s’introduisent dans l’hôpital.

Max entre dans la chambre de Sydney tandis que Michael veille au grain, prêt à lui signaler tout danger.

Max guérit Sydney mais, réalisant qu’il y a d’autres enfants malades dans la chambre, il continue à les soigner les uns après les autres, s’affaiblissant au fur et à mesure.

Une infirmière remarque Michael et alerte la surveillance.

Comme Max ne répond pas à ses avertissements, Michael entre à son tour dans la chambre, utilisant ses pouvoirs pour refermer la porte derrière lui. Il découvre Max évanoui sur le sol. Tandis que les vigiles enfoncent la porte, Michael désespéré, fait une rapide prière demandant à Dieu « s’il existe » de l’aider à sauver son ami.

Quand les gardes parviennent enfin à enfoncer la porte, ils trouvent 5 enfants en pleine santé, jouant et riant.

La fenêtre est ouverte. Max et Michael se sont échappés.


Le lendemain, chez les Evans, un reportage à la télé parle de la guérison des enfants. Diane Evans y voit un miracle. Philippe Evans penche pour un nouveau traitement expérimental.


Maria vient chez Michael pour le féliciter pour ce qu’il a fait.

Elle découvre le pare-choc que Michael a soigneusement redressé et poli. Un peu surprise, elle ne peut envisager une seconde qu’il s’agisse de son cadeau de Noël.

Pris de court, Michael se rabat sur les paquets oubliés par Isabel et décide de lui en offrir un au hasard. Il découvre alors qu’Isabel a prévu un cadeau pour Maria de sa part au cas où.

Il le donne à Maria en priant pour que ça marche.

Maria est très agréablement surprise en découvrant une paire de boucles d’oreilles( de vraies perles ).


Max va voir Liz pour la remercier de lui avoir dit pour Sydney.

Le fantôme ne le hante plus.

Liz lui demande pourquoi il a guérit tous ces enfants au péril de sa vie. Il lui répond qu’il n’a pas pu s’arrêter, qu’il devait utiliser son don de guérison. Elle lui demande de ne plus faire quelque chose d’aussi risqué à l’avenir.

Elle voudrait qu’il vienne à la messe de minuit mais il refuse, disant qu’il ne croit pas en Dieu.


Devant la maison de la famille du mort, Max revoit une dernière fois le fantôme qui lui dit d’aller avec ceux qu’il aime pour cette nuit de Noël.


Michael s’est fait beau pour aller à la messe de minuit.

Max s’en étonne puisqu’il ne croit en rien, mais Michael lui avoue qu’il a vu 2 fois ses prières être exaucées en 2 jours, alors…

Il amène Max voir Sydney et Brody à travers la fenêtre de leur maison.


Tous se retrouvent ensuite à la messe de minuit.

Max prend la main de Liz en lui disant qu’il croit en elle.



00:00:08,053 --> 00:00:10,009

Va chercher ce sac de gui,

ma chérie.


00:00:13,693 --> 00:00:15,888

Allez, Max, fais ton choix.

On gèle.


00:00:16,093 --> 00:00:19,290

C'est délicat. Il doit

répondre à certains critères.


00:00:19,733 --> 00:00:21,963

- Comme quoi?

- La hauteur, la couleur,


00:00:22,173 --> 00:00:24,971

la densité du feuillage.

Regarde ce dessin.


00:00:25,173 --> 00:00:27,004

Tu connais Isabel à Noël.


00:00:27,213 --> 00:00:30,922

La Nazie de Noël. Elle nous rend fous

avec son Noël parfait.


00:00:31,373 --> 00:00:33,011

Ne rentre pas dans son jeu.


00:00:33,213 --> 00:00:35,283

Il faut résister

au Nazisme de Noël.


00:00:38,293 --> 00:00:40,011

La quincaillerie va fermer.


00:00:40,213 --> 00:00:41,851

C'est pour le cadeau

de Maria.


00:00:42,173 --> 00:00:43,526

Tu lui offres un rochet?


00:00:44,373 --> 00:00:46,204

Elle me met une telle pression.


00:00:46,653 --> 00:00:50,407

Elle en parle sans arrêt.

Un cadeau, ça ne se fait pas à la légère.


00:00:50,693 --> 00:00:53,412

Alors, oublie la quincaillerie.


00:01:08,653 --> 00:01:10,211

Mon Dieu.


00:01:10,573 --> 00:01:11,483



00:01:12,893 --> 00:01:13,962



00:01:15,973 --> 00:01:17,167



00:01:18,973 --> 00:01:20,372

Appelez une ambulance.


00:01:20,933 --> 00:01:21,968

Il respire encore.


00:01:23,173 --> 00:01:24,162



00:01:32,213 --> 00:01:35,489

- Les pauvres.

- C'est tragique.


00:01:35,693 --> 00:01:38,207

Cet homme est mort

en sauvant sa fille.


00:01:38,413 --> 00:01:40,210

Ça, c'est un acte d'héroïsme.


00:01:40,493 --> 00:01:41,892

Où est la Nazie de Noël?


00:01:42,093 --> 00:01:44,846

Elle inspectait les guirlandes

du jardin.


00:01:49,173 --> 00:01:53,086

Je n'ai jamais vu

de sapin si minable.


00:01:53,293 --> 00:01:56,410

- As-tu regardé mon dessin?

- Le choix était limité.


00:01:56,973 --> 00:02:00,443

Pour une fois que je te demande

de me rendre un petit service.


00:02:00,933 --> 00:02:02,810

- J'ai été retardé.

- Si j'avais su,


00:02:03,013 --> 00:02:05,129

j'aurais trouvé un créneau


00:02:05,333 --> 00:02:08,131

entre la collecte

et le Noël de l'hôpital.


00:02:08,333 --> 00:02:11,689

Isabel, savais-tu que cette famille

vivait juste à côté d'ici?


00:02:12,213 --> 00:02:13,885

C'est atroce. On organise


00:02:14,213 --> 00:02:17,091

- une veillée pour la famille.

- Bonne idée.


00:02:17,453 --> 00:02:19,728

C'est gentil. Des bougies, oui.


00:02:20,373 --> 00:02:23,092

Il y a 17 ampoules grillées

sur la 2 et la 5


00:02:23,413 --> 00:02:25,529

et ça doit

être pareil pour la 3 et la 4,


00:02:25,853 --> 00:02:27,730

elles sont fragiles, vérifiez-les.


00:02:28,373 --> 00:02:31,524

Il faut toujours vérifier,

parce qu'une année... Max?


00:02:32,693 --> 00:02:34,092

Il s'occupe du linge!


00:02:38,853 --> 00:02:39,922

Je suis désolé.


00:02:41,213 --> 00:02:42,612

Tu m'as laissé mourir!


00:02:56,413 --> 00:02:58,927



00:03:39,133 --> 00:03:40,851

- Je dois te parler.

- Vas-y.


00:03:41,173 --> 00:03:44,051

Noël est dans 3 jours

et je travaille tous les jours.


00:03:44,573 --> 00:03:45,562

- Et?

- Est-ce que


00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:47,724

tu tiens

à avoir ton cadeau le 25?


00:03:48,093 --> 00:03:49,651

- Le temps presse?

- Oui.


00:03:49,973 --> 00:03:52,203

2 jours, qu'est-ce que c'est?

On pourrait


00:03:52,533 --> 00:03:53,886

faire ça le 27 ou le 28.


00:03:54,213 --> 00:03:56,681

Parfait. Ou la 2e semaine de janvier?


00:03:57,013 --> 00:03:58,765

Noël n'est qu'une date arbitraire.


00:03:59,093 --> 00:04:01,084

L'anniversaire de notre Seigneur.


00:04:01,413 --> 00:04:02,528

Ce n'est rien.


00:04:04,173 --> 00:04:05,288

C'est d'accord?


00:04:06,773 --> 00:04:08,604

Si je n'ai pas mon cadeau le 25,


00:04:08,933 --> 00:04:10,252

je ne te parle plus.


00:04:20,453 --> 00:04:22,091



00:04:23,333 --> 00:04:25,722

Maria, bonjour.


00:04:27,213 --> 00:04:31,491

Tu veux les dernières nouvelles

sur mon goujat de pas-petit-ami?


00:04:31,813 --> 00:04:34,805

Il n'avait pas l'intention

de m'offrir de cadeau.


00:04:35,133 --> 00:04:36,407

- Et il a...

- Maria.


00:04:37,413 --> 00:04:40,849

- Je suis désolée.

- Ce n'est vraiment pas le moment.


00:04:41,933 --> 00:04:43,286

Je comprends.


00:04:43,613 --> 00:04:46,844

Je dois m'absenter deux jours.


00:04:47,653 --> 00:04:50,087

- Ne m'apporte pas à déjeuner.

- Entendu.


00:04:54,373 --> 00:04:56,045

Tout va bien?


00:05:09,013 --> 00:05:10,332

Joyeux Noël.


00:05:14,453 --> 00:05:15,647

Joyeux Noël.


00:05:19,693 --> 00:05:21,524

Bouge-toi, gros lard!



00:05:22,093 --> 00:05:24,482


Tu fous quoi?


00:05:26,893 --> 00:05:28,884

Sa tête et son corps

sont en conflit.


00:05:29,413 --> 00:05:31,529

Quand le cœur

et la tête sont dissociés,


00:05:31,853 --> 00:05:33,127

le corps lâche

en premier.


00:05:35,893 --> 00:05:37,042



00:05:37,373 --> 00:05:39,762

C'est un grand jour, je te comprends.


00:05:40,093 --> 00:05:44,166

S'il ne visualise pas son parcours

jusqu'au but, il n'y arrivera pas.


00:05:44,493 --> 00:05:47,963

C'est un véritable zoo. Les magasins

sont pleins de gens paniqués


00:05:48,133 --> 00:05:51,045

à l'idée de ne pas trouver

le cadeau idéal.


00:05:51,373 --> 00:05:55,252

Les rues sont bondées

de gens zélés qui chantent.


00:05:55,573 --> 00:05:57,962

Et il y a des gens assez fous pour


00:05:58,293 --> 00:06:00,329

mettre des sapins

sur leur voiture.


00:06:04,533 --> 00:06:08,082

Vous, les sapins,

vous vous en fichez.


00:06:08,413 --> 00:06:10,131

Au garage. Il est en plastique.


00:06:11,053 --> 00:06:15,888

Vous n'êtes pas pressés

de le sortir?


00:06:16,213 --> 00:06:18,124

On ne le fait plus

depuis des années.


00:06:18,453 --> 00:06:20,091

Je sèche mes chaussettes



00:06:20,573 --> 00:06:24,805

Attention. C'est parti.

Allez, allez! Visualise!


00:06:25,573 --> 00:06:28,485

Pour le repas de Noël,

surtout ne faites pas de folies.


00:06:28,813 --> 00:06:29,928

On va au self.


00:06:30,253 --> 00:06:31,971

Dinde à volonté pour 7,95 $.


00:06:32,453 --> 00:06:36,969

Génial. Moi, non plus,

je ne fête pas Noël.


00:06:37,293 --> 00:06:38,442



00:06:48,813 --> 00:06:51,202

- C'est une brosse à dents.

- Electrique.


00:06:51,533 --> 00:06:53,125

- C'est pratique.

- En effet.


00:06:53,453 --> 00:06:55,171

Tu as autre chose pour Maria?


00:06:55,493 --> 00:06:58,166

Non. Elle m'a fixé un prix

à ne pas dépasser.


00:06:58,493 --> 00:07:00,802

Si je le dépasse,

elle ne me pardonnera pas.


00:07:01,813 --> 00:07:05,692

Maria te pardonnera tes excès.

Mais elle ne te pardonnera pas


00:07:06,013 --> 00:07:08,208

si tu lui offres

une brosse à dents.


00:07:08,533 --> 00:07:10,091

Mieux vaut

ne rien lui offrir.


00:07:10,413 --> 00:07:12,802

J'ai essayé l'an dernier,

elle l'a mal pris.


00:07:13,813 --> 00:07:16,247

Tu ne lui as rien offert

pour votre 1er Noël?


00:07:16,573 --> 00:07:19,087

Pourquoi offrir des trucs

si je n'y crois pas?


00:07:19,413 --> 00:07:21,449

Ça sert qu'à inciter

les gens à acheter


00:07:21,773 --> 00:07:23,491

- des trucs inutiles.

- Dis-lui ça


00:07:23,813 --> 00:07:25,690

quand tu lui offres

la brosse.


00:07:27,013 --> 00:07:31,564

- Je lui prends quoi, alors?

- Rentre chez toi.


00:07:31,933 --> 00:07:34,367

Pense aux moments que

vous avez partagés.


00:07:34,653 --> 00:07:37,451

Tu trouveras bien.

Un cadeau de Noël, ce doit être


00:07:37,733 --> 00:07:40,531

personnel et quelque chose

qu'elle se s'achèterait pas.


00:07:41,333 --> 00:07:43,483

J'ai la répétition

du spectacle de Noël,


00:07:43,653 --> 00:07:45,609

le repas de Noël

de l'hôpital


00:07:45,933 --> 00:07:47,048

et le sapin à changer.


00:07:47,373 --> 00:07:48,852

Heil, Nazie de Noël.


00:07:50,373 --> 00:07:52,170

- Quoi?

- Rien.


00:07:53,213 --> 00:07:54,168

A tout à l'heure.


00:08:20,053 --> 00:08:21,566

Que fais-tu ici?


00:08:26,893 --> 00:08:28,087

Je viens voir si ça va.


00:08:28,413 --> 00:08:29,482

Ça ne va pas.


00:08:30,213 --> 00:08:32,966

Si j'avais agi,

j'aurais mis des vies en danger.


00:08:33,293 --> 00:08:35,568

Ça ne t'a pas empêché de sauver

Liz Parker.


00:08:36,093 --> 00:08:37,651

- Qui vous l'a dit?

- Je sais


00:08:37,973 --> 00:08:41,443

ce qu'il y a dans ton cerveau,

ton cœur et ton âme. Je sais tout.


00:08:42,013 --> 00:08:44,891

Je veillerai sur vos enfants,

je vous le jure.


00:08:46,213 --> 00:08:47,566

Pendant combien de temps?


00:08:48,773 --> 00:08:51,890

- Le temps qu'ils s'en remettent.

- Ça n'arrivera jamais!


00:08:52,053 --> 00:08:54,442

Tu ne comprends pas.

Ils ont perdu leur père.


00:09:23,893 --> 00:09:27,124

Tu te rappelles, on avait

dit qu'on resterait amis?


00:09:30,213 --> 00:09:31,612

J'ai besoin d'une amie.


00:09:36,813 --> 00:09:37,962



00:09:43,973 --> 00:09:46,441

La dernière.

Fillette de 5 ans qui a le cancer.


00:10:19,173 --> 00:10:22,802

Il y avait foule,

tout le monde regardait.


00:10:26,613 --> 00:10:29,491

J'aurais pu le sauver

mais je ne l'ai pas fait.


00:10:30,213 --> 00:10:31,885

Max, écoute-moi.


00:10:32,213 --> 00:10:34,681

Tu ne dois pas te sentir coupable.


00:10:36,173 --> 00:10:38,812

Il est mort pour sa fille

et je l'ai laissé mourir.


00:10:40,093 --> 00:10:43,529

Tu risquais de compromettre

Michael, Isabel et Tess.


00:10:43,853 --> 00:10:45,605

Qu'elle est mielleuse!


00:10:51,173 --> 00:10:53,243

Dis-lui à qui tu pensais vraiment.


00:10:57,213 --> 00:10:59,647

Je ne pensais pas à eux.


00:11:01,373 --> 00:11:04,285

Je me suis vu torturé

dans la Salle Blanche.


00:11:07,573 --> 00:11:10,292

Je ne l'ai pas sauvé

pour me protéger.


00:11:13,213 --> 00:11:16,250

- Pourquoi n'ai-je pas donné ma vie?

- Max,


00:11:17,293 --> 00:11:18,931

arrête, s'il te plaît.


00:11:28,213 --> 00:11:30,886

- Il me hante, Liz.

- Que veux-tu dire?


00:11:31,213 --> 00:11:33,204

Il vient me voir. Je le vois.


00:11:35,413 --> 00:11:38,325

Tu le vois vraiment.


00:11:45,053 --> 00:11:46,611

Je dois faire quelque chose.


00:11:52,653 --> 00:11:55,611

Max! Que veux-tu dire?


00:11:56,733 --> 00:11:59,884

- Je ne sais pas.

- Je suis tenace, Max.


00:12:01,173 --> 00:12:05,610

Je n'ai nulle part où aller.

Tu dois rétablir l'équilibre.


00:12:11,213 --> 00:12:12,771

Je dois rétablir l'équilibre.


00:12:23,453 --> 00:12:25,250

- Maria.

- Bonjour.


00:12:26,053 --> 00:12:28,886

- Que fais-tu ici?

- Je ne sais pas. Je suis juste...


00:12:29,213 --> 00:12:30,612

Je suis là.


00:12:31,213 --> 00:12:32,726

C'est à cause de Sydney?


00:12:34,533 --> 00:12:35,682

C'est ma fille.


00:12:37,173 --> 00:12:38,572

Elle est très belle.


00:12:42,213 --> 00:12:45,330

Elle passe quelques jours avec moi,

pour Noël.


00:12:48,573 --> 00:12:52,282

- Elle a...

- Un cancer, oui.


00:12:52,453 --> 00:12:56,128

De la moelle épinière. Inopérable.


00:12:58,293 --> 00:12:59,328

Je suis désolée.


00:13:02,333 --> 00:13:06,372

On bavarde beaucoup toi et moi

mais je n'en ai jamais parlé.


00:13:08,893 --> 00:13:11,771

C'est difficile, tu sais,

d'en parler.


00:13:13,213 --> 00:13:16,569

Si je peux t'aider

d'une façon ou d'une autre.


00:13:17,333 --> 00:13:20,689

Merci. Tu as déjà beaucoup

fait hier soir.


00:13:21,573 --> 00:13:23,006

Tu chantes très bien.


00:13:24,573 --> 00:13:26,928

Papa, je n'arrive pas

à mettre ma couronne.


00:13:28,213 --> 00:13:30,647

- Qui es-tu?

- Je suis Maria.


00:13:30,973 --> 00:13:32,770

- Tu dois être Sydney.

- Oui.


00:13:34,053 --> 00:13:38,888

C'est ton cadeau de Noël

que tu portes?


00:13:39,293 --> 00:13:43,081

Sydney participe au spectacle de Noël.

Pas vrai, mon cœur?


00:13:47,893 --> 00:13:49,246

C'est un peu grand, non?


00:13:52,853 --> 00:13:55,003

Voilà. C'est très joli.


00:14:01,493 --> 00:14:04,007

- C'est un pare-choc.

- Je vois bien.


00:14:04,333 --> 00:14:05,402

De Jetta.


00:14:09,853 --> 00:14:12,572

Alors, tu n'as pas écouté

mes conseils, hier?


00:14:13,373 --> 00:14:14,965

Ça remplit tous les critères.


00:14:15,333 --> 00:14:19,565

C'est personnel car elle nous en veut

d'avoir amoché sa voiture.


00:14:20,213 --> 00:14:22,169

J'ai été spécialement à la décharge.


00:14:22,493 --> 00:14:24,290

Et elle ne se l'achètera jamais


00:14:24,613 --> 00:14:27,730

puisque ça fait 6 mois

que le sien tient par un fil.


00:14:31,973 --> 00:14:33,804

Voilà ce que je vais faire.


00:14:34,133 --> 00:14:36,488

J'annule le défilé canin de Noël


00:14:36,813 --> 00:14:39,611

et je t'emmène faire les magasins.


00:14:39,933 --> 00:14:41,730

Non, j'ai assez pensé

à ce cadeau.


00:14:42,053 --> 00:14:43,884

Je n'embêterai pas le monde entier.


00:14:44,213 --> 00:14:45,851

Quoi? Je pense trop à Noël


00:14:46,173 --> 00:14:48,733

- et j'embête les gens?

- Non!


00:14:49,053 --> 00:14:52,568

C'est trop demander

qu'un jour par an


00:14:52,893 --> 00:14:55,851

on me laisse me comporter

comme un être humain normal


00:14:56,173 --> 00:14:57,526

et passer un bon Noël?


00:14:58,173 --> 00:14:59,162

Non, mein Führer.


00:15:00,653 --> 00:15:01,722



00:15:04,053 --> 00:15:05,088



00:15:16,373 --> 00:15:19,046

Je peux les laisser ici

pendant que je fais mes courses?


00:15:19,213 --> 00:15:21,727

- Laisse-les sur la table.

- A plus tard.


00:15:28,173 --> 00:15:29,891

Si, dimanche,

le match s'éternise,


00:15:30,213 --> 00:15:31,771

on sera parés.


00:15:32,093 --> 00:15:34,049



00:15:34,613 --> 00:15:36,092

Oh, mon Dieu, Jim.


00:15:36,693 --> 00:15:38,888

Amy Deluca. Joyeux Noël.


00:15:39,213 --> 00:15:41,966

Joyeux Noël.

Joyeux Noël, Kyle.


00:15:42,293 --> 00:15:43,612

Joyeux Noël, Mme Deluca.


00:15:43,933 --> 00:15:47,846

Tu dois être Tess. Ma fille Maria

m'a beaucoup parlé de toi.


00:15:48,213 --> 00:15:49,965

Je nie tout.


00:15:50,413 --> 00:15:53,883

C'est un authentique

miracle de Noël, Jim.


00:15:54,213 --> 00:15:56,044

Accueillir cette jeune fille.


00:15:56,373 --> 00:15:57,442

Ce n'est rien.


00:15:57,773 --> 00:16:00,003

C'est ça, Noël.


00:16:00,333 --> 00:16:04,212

Ouvrir son cœur

et créer une famille.


00:16:04,533 --> 00:16:08,492

- C'est temporaire.

- Quand bien même. Allons!


00:16:08,813 --> 00:16:10,883

Ça va être un Noël très spécial.


00:16:11,213 --> 00:16:12,885

La famille s'agrandit.


00:16:17,693 --> 00:16:20,651

- Oui, très spécial.

- J'en suis sûre.


00:16:22,333 --> 00:16:24,893

Notre sapin croule

déjà sous les décorations


00:16:25,213 --> 00:16:29,126

mais on n'en a jamais assez.

Pas vrai?


00:16:29,493 --> 00:16:31,165

Tout à fait.


00:16:33,373 --> 00:16:36,251

Et Jim, si tu as envie de passer,


00:16:36,573 --> 00:16:40,009

tu sais qu'il y aura

toujours une de mes tartes pour toi.


00:16:41,333 --> 00:16:43,688

- Merci, Amy.

- Merci.


00:16:58,653 --> 00:17:00,484

On a beaucoup répété


00:17:00,813 --> 00:17:04,089

mais n'oubliez pas de sourire.

Souriez. Parfait.


00:17:04,813 --> 00:17:07,247

- Mon Dieu.

- J'ai pleuré toute la journée.


00:17:07,573 --> 00:17:09,086



00:17:10,013 --> 00:17:12,891

J'ai pris ma décision.

Je veux aider Brody et Sydney.


00:17:13,213 --> 00:17:14,407

Bonne idée.


00:17:14,733 --> 00:17:17,088

On pourrait leur livrer

des plats préparés.


00:17:17,413 --> 00:17:18,892

Ils n'auront pas à cuisiner.


00:17:19,213 --> 00:17:20,851

Je veux être à leurs côtés.


00:17:21,773 --> 00:17:23,684

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?


00:17:24,013 --> 00:17:27,130

Brody est quelqu'un de bien.

Et, quant à Sydney,


00:17:27,453 --> 00:17:30,013

le courant est immédiatement passé

entre nous.


00:17:30,333 --> 00:17:32,893

- Elle a besoin d'une mère.

- Maria, doucement.


00:17:33,213 --> 00:17:35,932

C'est si triste.

Je dois faire quelque chose.


00:17:36,333 --> 00:17:39,962

Maria, tu as 17 ans.

Tu es au lycée. Pas Brody.


00:17:40,293 --> 00:17:42,284

Ma mère s'est mariée à 17 ans.


00:17:42,613 --> 00:17:46,891

Je sais, ce n'est pas forcément

un bon exemple à suivre.


00:17:47,213 --> 00:17:50,125

On ne devient pas mère

du jour au lendemain.


00:17:50,453 --> 00:17:52,808


tu vas t'installer chez Brody?


00:17:54,933 --> 00:18:00,610

Il t'a dit quelque chose?

Tu lui as parlé de tes projets?


00:18:01,813 --> 00:18:05,169

Qu'est-ce qui te fait croire

que c'est envisageable?


00:18:10,213 --> 00:18:15,287

Il a dit que je chantais bien.

Qu'est-ce qui me prend?


00:18:16,693 --> 00:18:19,082

Je veux épouser Brody?

Je dois être folle.


00:18:19,413 --> 00:18:20,641

Non, tu n'es pas folle.


00:18:20,973 --> 00:18:24,886

C'est juste que ton impuissance

te ronge parce que


00:18:25,213 --> 00:18:27,408

tu as si bon cœur.


00:18:29,213 --> 00:18:35,163

Ce que tu as de mieux à faire,

c'est de les laisser tranquilles.


00:18:36,613 --> 00:18:38,729

Ces moments sont précieux

pour eux.


00:18:39,053 --> 00:18:41,089

Tu devrais les laisser ensemble.


00:18:42,213 --> 00:18:46,092

C'est si injuste. C'est Noël.


00:18:46,453 --> 00:18:50,082

Noël, c'est la saison

des fins heureuses et des miracles.


00:19:05,813 --> 00:19:09,408

Bonjour et merci d'être venus assister

à notre spectacle de Noël.


00:19:10,533 --> 00:19:14,572

Je suis Isabel Evans.

Certains m'associent à ce spectacle,


00:19:14,893 --> 00:19:17,453

d'autres, à la collecte alimentaire,


00:19:17,773 --> 00:19:19,684

ou aux spectacles de Noël donnés


00:19:20,013 --> 00:19:24,529

à l'hôpital. Pour d'autres,

je suis la Nazie de Noël.


00:19:32,533 --> 00:19:34,842

Assez parlé de moi.

Applaudissez bien fort


00:19:35,173 --> 00:19:36,891

les plus beaux enfants

du pays.


00:19:37,213 --> 00:19:40,285

Bienvenue au 23e spectacle

de Noël de Roswell.


00:20:18,613 --> 00:20:20,251

Tu as un plan, on dirait.


00:20:28,213 --> 00:20:30,283

Tu la guéris,

tu laisses tes empreintes.


00:20:30,613 --> 00:20:32,888

On sera repérés.


00:20:33,213 --> 00:20:35,283

Nasedo a détruit

les fichiers gênants.


00:20:35,613 --> 00:20:37,171

Ils ne savent rien de nous


00:20:37,533 --> 00:20:38,852

ni de la main d'argent.


00:20:39,773 --> 00:20:42,082

Je sais que c'est beaucoup demander.


00:20:42,933 --> 00:20:45,652

Il n'y a qu'une seule raison

qui justifie mon choix:


00:20:48,933 --> 00:20:50,207

J'en ai besoin.


00:20:53,053 --> 00:20:54,406

Voilà, j'ai fini.


00:20:56,533 --> 00:21:00,287

L'année passée a été très difficile.


00:21:00,613 --> 00:21:03,081

On commence à

en payer le prix.


00:21:03,853 --> 00:21:05,172

D'un point de vue humain.


00:21:08,093 --> 00:21:10,653

Si tu penses que tu en as besoin,

je suis avec toi.


00:21:16,133 --> 00:21:18,044

Si c'est si important pour toi,


00:21:18,373 --> 00:21:21,206

je te fais confiance.

Je suis pour.


00:21:23,733 --> 00:21:25,246

Evidemment, je suis le paria.


00:21:26,973 --> 00:21:29,043

- Michael...

- On est ici dans un but.


00:21:30,013 --> 00:21:32,891

Traitez-moi d'égoïste.

Mais on risquerait tout,


00:21:33,213 --> 00:21:35,681

juste pour que tu te sentes mieux

à Noël?


00:21:36,013 --> 00:21:37,731

A 3 contre 1, je ne peux rien.


00:21:38,413 --> 00:21:42,088

Ta décision était prise quand

tu es arrivé. Ta voix t'a trahi.


00:21:43,053 --> 00:21:44,930

Fais donc ce que tu veux


00:21:45,253 --> 00:21:46,686

et surtout fais-le bien.


00:21:50,213 --> 00:21:51,885

Voilà. On y est presque. Kyle...


00:21:52,213 --> 00:21:54,727

peux-tu me sortir

deux chaises?


00:21:55,053 --> 00:21:56,691

Il n'y en a pas au garage.


00:21:57,213 --> 00:21:59,647

- Ni ailleurs.

- Quoi?


00:22:01,533 --> 00:22:04,366

On n'a pas d'autres chaises.


00:22:05,053 --> 00:22:10,889

Vous n'avez que deux chaises.

Vous trouvez ça normal?


00:22:11,213 --> 00:22:12,851

On en avait d'autres,


00:22:13,173 --> 00:22:15,164

mais elles ont disparu

au fil des ans.


00:22:15,853 --> 00:22:20,881

Ça ne vous dérange pas

qu'il n'y ait que 2 chaises?


00:22:21,213 --> 00:22:23,727

- On mange ici.

- Il n'y arrivera pas.


00:22:24,053 --> 00:22:27,090

- Concentre-toi, abruti.

- Il est incroyable.


00:22:28,253 --> 00:22:31,882

Ça fait 20 heures que je cuisine.

Et vous, vous êtes


00:22:32,213 --> 00:22:34,966

affalés sur le canapé

comme deux baleines échouées


00:22:35,293 --> 00:22:38,524

sans même vous soucier de moi.


00:22:39,053 --> 00:22:41,692

Je suis là. Y a quelqu'un?


00:22:42,213 --> 00:22:47,446

Puisque je vis ici, la moindre des choses,

c'est de me donner une chaise.


00:22:51,413 --> 00:22:53,244

- Prends la chaise du bureau.

- Oui.


00:22:53,573 --> 00:22:57,885

- Et où va s'asseoir Amy Deluca?

- Amy Deluca?


00:22:58,213 --> 00:23:03,207

- Pourquoi veux-tu qu'elle s'assoie?

- Je l'ai invitée à dîner.


00:23:04,373 --> 00:23:07,922

- Quoi?

- J'ai pensé que pour un invité,


00:23:08,253 --> 00:23:10,483

vous éteindriez la télé


00:23:10,733 --> 00:23:12,564

et feriez semblant

d'être civilisés.


00:23:12,893 --> 00:23:17,091

- A quelle heure vient-elle?

- Maintenant.


00:23:17,693 --> 00:23:19,809

Mon Dieu. Non, non!


00:23:20,253 --> 00:23:23,086

Je n'en reviens pas.


00:23:23,533 --> 00:23:26,411


N'invite jamais plus personne à dîner


00:23:26,733 --> 00:23:28,086

sans me prévenir.


00:23:28,813 --> 00:23:30,087

Bon sang, Louise.


00:23:44,013 --> 00:23:45,162

Bonsoir tout le monde.


00:23:45,733 --> 00:23:49,362

C'est si gentil d'avoir pensé à moi.

Ton mot m'a beaucoup touchée.


00:23:49,733 --> 00:23:51,086

Mon mot?


00:23:54,213 --> 00:23:55,487

Toi aussi, tu me manques.


00:24:01,133 --> 00:24:02,486



00:24:19,213 --> 00:24:21,329

Trop tard. Ils l'ont hospitalisée.


00:24:25,213 --> 00:24:26,532

Tu parles d'un dilemme.


00:24:34,453 --> 00:24:37,490

Elle a rechuté. Elle est

à l'hôpital de Phoenix.


00:24:37,813 --> 00:24:39,292

- Et alors?

- J'y vais.


00:24:39,613 --> 00:24:41,365

C'est sûrement plus risqué.


00:24:41,693 --> 00:24:43,809

- Je voulais te prévenir.

- Je viens.


00:24:44,173 --> 00:24:46,084

Juste pour sauver notre peau.


00:24:52,573 --> 00:24:53,892

Je ne peux pas t'aider?


00:24:54,213 --> 00:24:57,011

Merci. Vous vous connaissez

depuis quand?


00:24:57,333 --> 00:24:59,801

- Longtemps.

- Très, très longtemps.


00:25:00,133 --> 00:25:02,408

- Je n'étais même pas majeure.

- C'est vrai.


00:25:02,573 --> 00:25:03,403



00:25:03,573 --> 00:25:06,531

On s'était déjà vus

mais on a vraiment fait connaissance


00:25:06,693 --> 00:25:08,809

quand il a failli

me renverser avec son vélo.


00:25:08,973 --> 00:25:10,452

Que faisais-tu avec Curt,


00:25:10,773 --> 00:25:12,809

allongée au milieu de la mesa?


00:25:13,373 --> 00:25:17,082

Peu importe et ce n'est pas

un sujet qu'on aborde à table.


00:25:17,573 --> 00:25:19,882

La 2e fois qu'on s'est vus,

il m'a arrêtée.


00:25:20,213 --> 00:25:24,172

- Arrêtée?

- C'est un gratin de pommes de terre?


00:25:24,333 --> 00:25:26,085

Avec du bacon. Ton plat préféré.


00:25:27,213 --> 00:25:28,566

...avec des hippies.


00:25:28,893 --> 00:25:31,407

On protégeait le patrimoine

naturel américain.


00:25:31,733 --> 00:25:32,848

Chacun sa version.


00:25:33,173 --> 00:25:35,403

La 3e fois, il m'a sauvée.


00:25:35,733 --> 00:25:37,405

Je la connais. Mais continuez.


00:25:37,733 --> 00:25:39,883

Tu n'avais pas besoin

d'être sauvée.


00:25:40,213 --> 00:25:42,443

Si, le grenier était en flammes.


00:25:43,973 --> 00:25:47,488

- Je peux t'aider?

- Ca va.


00:25:50,773 --> 00:25:51,842



00:25:53,213 --> 00:25:56,205

C'est vraiment merveilleux.


00:25:56,853 --> 00:26:00,243

J'ai remarqué qu'il n'y avait pas

de matchs de foot entre


00:26:00,573 --> 00:26:03,485

le 22 et le 24 décembre


00:26:03,813 --> 00:26:05,485

- et je me suis dit...

- Je vois.


00:26:06,213 --> 00:26:09,569

Ça faisait longtemps

qu'on n'avait pas eu un si beau Noël.


00:26:10,213 --> 00:26:13,683

Tu sais, deux hommes seuls.

On n'a jamais vraiment fêté Noël.


00:26:20,213 --> 00:26:23,603

Il a l'air d'y prendre goût.


00:26:25,213 --> 00:26:27,283

Tu lui as fait un très beau cadeau.


00:26:28,213 --> 00:26:30,443

Tu nous as fait un très beau cadeau.


00:26:33,213 --> 00:26:35,408

C'en est un pour moi aussi.


00:26:46,573 --> 00:26:47,767

Et voilà!


00:26:56,013 --> 00:27:00,882

Un coup, danger.

Deux, la voie est libre.


00:27:01,773 --> 00:27:04,924

- Et trois, on est fichus.

- Entendu.


00:27:35,493 --> 00:27:38,212

- Tout va bien.

- Qui es-tu?


00:27:40,213 --> 00:27:44,001

Un rêve. Rendors-toi.


00:29:15,133 --> 00:29:18,648


C'est l'heure de ma ronde.


00:29:19,213 --> 00:29:21,090

Quelqu'un l'a faite à votre place.


00:29:35,253 --> 00:29:38,643

- Tu es un ange?

- Rendors-toi.


00:30:40,693 --> 00:30:41,728



00:30:45,493 --> 00:30:47,961

Ouvrez! Ouvrez!


00:30:48,653 --> 00:30:50,530

Dieu, si tu existes, aide-nous.


00:31:18,413 --> 00:31:21,883

Notre bébé est guéri. Le cancer

a disparu. C'est un miracle.


00:31:22,213 --> 00:31:24,044

On a prié chaque jour


00:31:25,093 --> 00:31:26,924

et Dieu nous a entendus.


00:31:27,253 --> 00:31:29,608

C'est un miracle.


00:31:30,173 --> 00:31:31,891

C'est un peu excessif.


00:31:32,213 --> 00:31:34,363

Ils suivaient

un traitement expérimental.


00:31:34,693 --> 00:31:37,082

Pose ton doigt, là.

Ces enfants...


00:31:37,413 --> 00:31:40,883

qui étaient en phase terminale

se réveillent guéris.


00:31:41,213 --> 00:31:44,888

Ce n'est pas le traitement.

N'oublie pas


00:31:45,213 --> 00:31:48,011

l'empreinte de la main

sur chaque enfant.


00:31:49,213 --> 00:31:51,204

Si, après ça, il reste des athées,


00:31:51,533 --> 00:31:54,172

moi, j'abandonne. Ton doigt...


00:31:54,493 --> 00:31:57,690

Peut-être que maintenant,


00:31:58,013 --> 00:32:00,652

Max viendra avec nous

à la messe de minuit.


00:32:01,653 --> 00:32:03,325

Qu'en dis-tu, Max?


00:32:06,813 --> 00:32:08,041

Enfant de l'espace!


00:32:14,173 --> 00:32:15,288

Quoi de neuf?


00:32:17,133 --> 00:32:20,170

Je sais ce que tu as fait

à l'hôpital.


00:32:20,493 --> 00:32:21,892

C'est Max. J'étais contre.


00:32:22,213 --> 00:32:25,683

Les malheurs de Sydney m'ont fait

comprendre que cette histoire


00:32:25,853 --> 00:32:28,572

de cadeaux est ridicule.

Je n'en ai pas besoin.


00:32:29,213 --> 00:32:31,329

- Je t'en ai acheté un.

- Ah bon?


00:32:32,133 --> 00:32:33,168

- Vraiment?

- Oui.


00:32:33,733 --> 00:32:39,091

- Génial. Qu'est-ce qu'on sent?

- Ce n'est pas encore sec.


00:32:39,933 --> 00:32:42,970

- Un pare-choc? C'est un pare-choc.

- Oui.


00:32:43,293 --> 00:32:46,091

- Pour une Jetta?

- Quand j'aurai fini, oui.


00:32:48,213 --> 00:32:52,126

- C'est très touchant.

- C'est ce que je pensais.


00:32:52,453 --> 00:32:54,523

- Le mien ne tenait...

- Qu'à un fil.


00:32:54,853 --> 00:32:58,448

- Et je ne m'en serais jamais...

- Acheté un. Je le savais.


00:33:01,093 --> 00:33:05,086

- Joyeux Noël.

- Merci, Michael. Merci.


00:33:06,213 --> 00:33:08,010

Alors, on s'offre

nos cadeaux?


00:33:09,173 --> 00:33:11,164

Il y en a un pour moi?



00:33:15,853 --> 00:33:19,084

- Je vais le chercher.

- Lequel est-ce?


00:33:23,053 --> 00:33:25,089

- Le gros?

- Retourne-toi.


00:33:35,293 --> 00:33:37,807




00:33:50,533 --> 00:33:51,522

Joyeux Noël.


00:33:53,013 --> 00:33:54,969

- C'est quoi?

- Bonne question.


00:33:57,213 --> 00:34:00,842

N'oublie pas que j'étais à Phoenix.

Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps.


00:34:03,653 --> 00:34:04,881



00:34:13,213 --> 00:34:14,328



00:34:19,213 --> 00:34:23,889

- Ce sont des vraies perles.

- Quoi? Quoi? Bien sûr.


00:34:24,053 --> 00:34:26,203

Mon Dieu. Ca doit coûter une fortune.


00:34:27,533 --> 00:34:28,761

Je le crains.


00:34:29,093 --> 00:34:30,890

Je n'en ai jamais vu

d'aussi belles.


00:34:31,213 --> 00:34:33,408

Fallait pas. C'est toi mon cadeau.


00:34:34,893 --> 00:34:37,088

- Tu ne les veux pas?

- Si, je les garde.


00:34:55,533 --> 00:34:56,966

Tu as été à Phoenix.


00:35:01,013 --> 00:35:03,527

Merci de m'avoir parlé

de Sydney.


00:35:05,213 --> 00:35:08,967

- Il te hante toujours?

- Je ne crois pas.


00:35:11,693 --> 00:35:13,809

Tu as guéri tous ces enfants.


00:35:16,173 --> 00:35:17,731



00:35:20,853 --> 00:35:22,844

Après avoir guéri Sydney,


00:35:23,813 --> 00:35:26,771

j'ai vu le visage du petit garçon

à côté. J'ai pensé:


00:35:28,693 --> 00:35:30,126

"Comment ne

pas continuer?"


00:35:32,853 --> 00:35:34,571

"Comment ne pas

exploiter mon don?"


00:35:36,253 --> 00:35:41,043

Même si c'est très beau, Max,

tu dois arrêter.


00:35:42,893 --> 00:35:46,647

Je sais qu'on ne comprend pas

pourquoi ces enfants ont le cancer.


00:35:47,213 --> 00:35:50,410

Ou pourquoi un père meurt

en sauvant sa fille.


00:35:52,773 --> 00:35:59,087

Mais, il y a peut-être une raison,

quelqu'un, quelque chose là-haut


00:35:59,413 --> 00:36:04,646

qui planifie tout ça.

Et tu devrais le respecter.


00:36:07,973 --> 00:36:09,531

Tu n'es pas Dieu, Max.


00:36:11,613 --> 00:36:13,092

C'est toi qui me l'as dit.


00:36:16,613 --> 00:36:18,171

Tu viens

à la messe de Noël?


00:36:22,173 --> 00:36:26,883


mais je ne crois pas en Dieu.


00:36:32,733 --> 00:36:34,246

Joyeux Noël, Liz.


00:36:43,373 --> 00:36:45,091

Joyeux Noël, Max.


00:36:48,213 --> 00:36:49,407

Ils s'en sortiront.


00:36:52,413 --> 00:36:57,362

Ma femme, c'est quelqu'un

de remarquable.


00:36:59,413 --> 00:37:01,085

Si quelqu'un peut s'en sortir...


00:37:05,173 --> 00:37:07,368

Sache que s'ils ont besoin de moi,


00:37:10,013 --> 00:37:11,287

je serai là.


00:37:12,453 --> 00:37:13,886

Je le sais, Max.


00:37:16,213 --> 00:37:17,202

File, maintenant.


00:37:18,933 --> 00:37:20,764

- Où?

- C'est Noël.


00:37:22,253 --> 00:37:24,084

Rejoins les gens que tu aimes.


00:37:25,013 --> 00:37:28,483

C'est là que je serai.

Pour l'éternité.


00:38:04,653 --> 00:38:06,086

Tu vas à la messe

de Noël?


00:38:07,773 --> 00:38:11,607

- Tu ne crois en rien.

- Il faut savoir arrondir les angles.


00:38:12,333 --> 00:38:14,483

Deux de mes prières ont été entendues.


00:38:16,013 --> 00:38:17,082

Ne me demande rien.


00:38:18,773 --> 00:38:22,083

- Ca va?

- Mieux merci.


00:38:22,533 --> 00:38:24,888

- Tes dons?

- Ils me reviennent.


00:38:25,213 --> 00:38:26,692

Tant mieux.


00:38:28,213 --> 00:38:31,091

Je suis vraiment contrarié

pour hier soir.


00:38:33,653 --> 00:38:37,805

- Je n'ai pas pu m'arrêter.

- Non, pas ça.


00:38:39,253 --> 00:38:43,087

De ne pas avoir pu aider ceux

que tu n'as pas pu sauver.


00:38:47,213 --> 00:38:48,931

- Michael...

- Assez parlé.


00:38:51,013 --> 00:38:54,085

J'ai un cadeau de Noël pour toi.



00:40:36,893 --> 00:40:39,009

Je croyais que tu ne croyais pas

en Dieu.


00:40:42,293 --> 00:40:44,090

Je crois en toi.

(Episode begins with a scene in downtown Roswell. A man and his daughter are tying a tree to the top of their car near a major intersection. Max and Michael are nearby in the Christmas tree lot trying to find a suitable tree for Isabel)

MAN: Go grab that bag of mistletoe, ok, honey?

MICHAEL: Come on, Maxwell. Just pick a tree. It's freezing out here.

MAX: It's not so simple. This tree's got to fall within certain parameters.

MICHAEL: Parameters?

MAX: Height, circumference, color, density of foliage. Look at this diagram. You know how Isabel gets this time of year.

MICHAEL: The Christmas Nazi, driving everyone insane while trying to have the perfect Christmas. The worst thing you can do is play into it, Max. You've got to fight her. You've got to fight the Christmas Nazi. Come on. I got to get to the hardware store before it closes. I got to get Maria her present.

MAX: Why? Are you gonna get her a ratchet set?

MICHAEL: Never mind. I'm under a lot of pressure. She's been busting my ass for weeks about this present. She says it's got to be significant.

MAX: Then you might want to steer clear of the hardware store.

(Suddenly, we see a car veer sharply on the road and start heading towards a little girl. Her father sees the car coming and pushes her out of the way. Unfortunately, the car runs into him and he falls to the ground a few feet away from the car)

LITTLE GIRL: Daddy! Daddy!

(Max is stunned by this tragedy unfolding before him and internally struggles with whether or not to use his healing power to save this man who just sacrificed his life to save his child)

MICHAEL: Maxwell.

BYSTANDER 1: Someone, call an ambulance.

BYSTANDER 2: He's not breathing.

MICHAEL: Let's go.

(The next morning at the Evans home. Mrs. Evans is reading about the accident in the paper)

DIANE: Oh, this poor, poor family.

PHILIP: Tragic.

DIANE: I mean, this man gave his life to save his daughter. Now, that's a true hero.

PHILIP: Where's the Christmas Nazi?

MAX: Last I saw, she was examining our outdoor lights for errant bulbs.

(Isabel comes into the house, dragging the tree that Max got)

ISABEL: Max. This is, by far, the most pathetic Christmas tree I have ever seen. Did you even refer to my diagram?

MAX: I had to run out this morning. There were only a few left.

ISABEL: You know, I give you one tiny, little assignment, and you can't even handle that?

MAX: Something came up.

ISABEL: Well, if you had told me you couldn't go, I would have squeezed in time to get it myself between the hunger drive and Christmas dinner at the nursing home.

DIANE: Isabel, did you know that this family lived only 4 blocks from here?

ISABEL: It's so terrible. A few of us are talking about organizing a vigil for his family.

PHILIP: Beautiful. A vigil? You know, that's nice. Candles. Yeah.

ISABEL: You know, I think I saw at least 17 burnouts on 2 and 5. Oh, what do you want to bet there are some flickering ones on 3 and 4, because they always seem to have problems, so check those, too, you know? You should never be careful because once 2 and 3 are gone and...

(Max sees an image of the man who died saving his daughter sitting on the washing machine. He walks over and stands in front of him. Only Max sees this man's ghost)

ISABEL: Max. Great. He's doing laundry now. Dad, is there a reason you haven't finished hanging the rest of the outdoor Christmas lights?

MAX: I'm sorry.

GHOST: How could you let me die?

(Opening credits)

(Scene switches to the Crashdown. Michael rings the bell and Maria goes up to the counter expecting to pick up an order)

MICHAEL: I need to talk to you.

MARIA: Yes, spaceboy?

MICHAEL: We got 3 days til Christmas, and I'm working every day until then.


MICHAEL: I was wondering if it was necessary to exchange presents on Christmas day.

MARIA: Need a little wiggle room?

MICHAEL: If that would be all right. I mean, what's a couple days? You know, I figure we can make a date for the 27th or 28th.

MARIA: Sure. No problem. How about the, uh, second week of january? I mean, what is Christmas but some arbitrary day. What is it again? Oh, yes. The birthday of our lord and savior. It's no big deal.

MICHAEL: So, that's cool?

MARIA: You give me that damn present on December 25th, or I'll never speak to you again.

(Switch to the inside of the UFO Center. Maria has brought Brody's usual lunch for him and is looking around for him)

MARIA: Hello? Brody?

BRODY: Maria. Hi.

MARIA: Ok. Flash update on my non-boyfriend Michael Guerin. First of all, he had no intention of buying me a Christmas present, right? Then, he tried...

BRODY: Maria. I'm sorry. This just really isn't a good time.

MARIA: Oh. Ok.

BRODY: Listen. I'm gonna be away for a couple of days. Uh, you don't need to bring my lunch.

MARIA: Fine. Is...is everything all right?

BRODY: Yeah. Fine.

MARIA: Yeah. Of course. Merry Christmas.

(Maria leaves)

BRODY: Yeah. Merry Christmas.

(Switch to the Valenti home, where Sheriff Valenti and Kyle are sitting on the couch watching football on TV)

SHERIFF: Go, go. Run, you tub of lard, run! No, nooo! What the hell are you doing?

KYLE: Uhh!


KYLE: His mind and body are in deep conflict. When one's heart and one's mind are not in balance, one's body is the first to fail.

(Sheriff Valenti turns his head to Kyle and gives him a look)

KYLE: What?

SHERIFF: I'm very concerned that you're starting to make sense to me.

KYLE: All I'm saying is that if the guy can't visualize his journey to the goal, he has no chance of taking the rock downtown.

(Tess comes back from shopping and sits down on a foot rest in front of the TV. Sheriff Valenti and Kyle continue to watch the football game by glancing around her)

TESS: It is a zoo out there. God, every store is packed with desperate people trying to find the perfect present. Oh, and the streets are loaded with overzealous people singing. And then, there's all these insane people dragging Christmas trees on top of their cars.


KYLE: Whoo! Oh!

SHERIFF: Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

TESS: But, clearly, you guys don't bother with Christmas trees.

KYLE: We've got ours out in the garage. Plastic.

TESS: Oh. Oh, well, I guess there's...no hurry to bring it into the house then.

SHERIFF: Well, actually, we haven't brought it in for a few years.

KYLE: We like it in the garage. I use it to dry my socks.

SHERIFF: Good. Second down. Second down, here we go. Come on. Come on. Visualize.

TESS: Oh, and about Christmas dinner. I hope you guys aren't planning some big...

KYLE: We usually hit the Crashdown for turkey.

SHERIFF: $7.95 - all you can eat.

TESS: Great. You know, I don't celebrate Christmas anyway.

SHERIFF: Great. Oh, yes.

KYLE: Yes. Yes!

SHERIFF: Yes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!

KYLE: Whoo!

SHERIFF: Ha ha ha!

(Switch to the hardware store. Michael shows Isabel the present he's going to give to Maria - an electric toothbrush)

ISABEL: This is a toothbrush.

MICHAEL: It's an electric toothbrush. It's practical.

ISABEL: It is practical. Are you gonna give it to Maria as a stocking stuffer?

MICHAEL: Hell no. This is gonna be her present. She set a price limit. If I exceed that budget, then there's gonna be hell to pay.

ISABEL: Actually I think Maria would find it in her heart to forgive you for exceeding the price limit, though there would be hell to pay if you gave the girl you love an electric toothbrush for Christmas. You're better off getting her no gift at all.

MICHAEL: No. I tried the "no present" idea last year. It didn't work.

ISABEL: Last year was your first year together, and you didn't give her a present?

MICHAEL: Hey, I don't even believe in this, so why should I get sucked into it? The whole thing's a marketing scam invented to make people buy things they don't even need.

ISABEL: Well, you could write that on the card when you give her a dental product for Christmas.

MICHAEL: So, what should I get her?

ISABEL: Okay, look. Go home. Think about all that you and Maria have shared, all that she means to you. Then start coming up with some ideas, ok? A Christmas gift should be personal, thoughtful, and something someone would never get herself. Now I've gotta go, 'cause I've got a rehearsal for the holiday pageant, dinner at the nursing home. I've gotta wrap a ton of presents, and now I've got to get a new tree.

MICHAEL: Hail the Christmas Nazi.

ISABEL: What was that?

MICHAEL: Nothing.

ISABEL: Bye now.

(Isabel leaves)

(Switch to a group of people out Christmas caroling to the wife and children of the man who was killed in the car accident earlier. Maria is among them. They're singing "Jingle Bells". Max observes from a distance and is confronted by the ghost of the dead man)

GHOST: What are you doing out here?

MAX: I just want to make sure they're all right.

GHOST: They're not all right.

MAX: If I had exposed myself last night, there are people I would have put at risk.

GHOST: But it was ok for you to heal Liz Parker.

MAX: How do you know about that?

GHOST: Because I know everything in your mind, heart, and soul, Max. I know it all.

MAX: I will look after your children. I swear I will.

GHOST: For how long, Max?

MAX: Until they're ok.

GHOST: They'll never be ok, Max. Don't you understand that? They lost their father last night.

(Max is really unsure of what he should do. He goes to the Crashdown to ask Liz for advice)

MAX: You know how we said that we were gonna try to be friends?

LIZ: Yeah.

MAX: I think I need a friend.

LIZ: Oh. Ok. Come on in.

(Switch to the group of carolers moving to another house)

CAROLER: Ok. Last house of the night. 5-year-old girl with cancer.

(They start singing "Deck the Halls" and a little girl comes out of the house to listen)

SYDNEY: Daddy, come here!

(Brody comes outside to join his daughter, Sydney. Maria and Brody see each other, and Maria realizes why Brody wasn't in the Christmas mood earlier when she brought him his lunch)

(Scene switches to the outside of Liz's room, where Max is explaining his dilemma to Liz)

MAX: There was a crowd, a huge crowd, and everyone was watching, and I...I...I could have healed him, but I didn't.

LIZ: Max, listen to me. Listen. You can't hold yourself responsible for that man's life.

MAX: He gave his life for his daughter, and I let him die.

LIZ: If you healed him, you would have exposed Michael, Isabel, and Tess.

(The ghost suddenly appears and criticizes Max)

GHOST: Well, that was the sugar-coated version, Max. Now tell her what you were really thinking.

MAX: I wasn't thinking about Michael and Isabel and Tess. I was thinking about myself in the white room and being tortured. I didn't heal that man, because I was protecting myself. Why couldn't I trade my life for his?

LIZ: No, Max, look. You can't do that to yourself.

(The ghost walks around outside Liz's room singing "Amazing Grace")

MAX: He's haunting me, Liz.

LIZ: What do you mean?

MAX: He comes to me. I see him.

LIZ: You mean you literally see him.

MAX: I have to do something.

(The ghost stops singing and Max sees him falling off of the roof. Max rushes over to the edge and reaches out to try to grab him)

LIZ: Max! Max. Max, what are you talking about?

MAX: I don't know.

(The ghost re-appears)

GHOST: Can't get rid of me that easily. I got no place to go. You need to restore the balance, Max.

LIZ: Max.

MAX: I need to restore the balance.

(Scene switches to Brody's house. Maria wanders there looking for Brody. She wants to know about Sydney)

BRODY: Maria.


BRODY: What are you doing here?

MARIA: Um, I don't know. I'm just...I'm just here.

BRODY: You're wondering about Sydney.

MARIA: Yeah.

BRODY: She's my daughter.

MARIA: She's very beautiful.

BRODY: Thank you. She's staying with me for a few days, you know, for Christmas.

MARIA: Oh. She has, uh...

BRODY: Cancer. Yeah. It's in her bone marrow. Inoperable.

MARIA: I'm sorry.

BRODY: I know you and I talk a lot and that I've never mentioned her. I just don't...it's hard, you know, to talk about it.

MARIA: If there's anything I can do, anything at all...

BRODY: Thank you. You did enough last night. You have a beautiful voice.

(Sydney comes out of the house looking for Brody)

SYDNEY: Daddy, I can't get my crown to fit right.

(Sydney notices Maria)

SYDNEY: Who are you?

MARIA: I'm Maria. You must be Sydney.


MARIA: Now, is, um...is that a Christmas present you're wearing?

BRODY: Sydney's gonna be in the holiday pageant this afternoon, aren't you, sweetheart?

(Brody walks to Sydney and places a tiara on her head)

BRODY: All right. A bit big, isn't it? There we go. It's lovely, isn't it?

(Switch to Michael's apartment. Michael is fixing up a bumper. Isabel comes in with her arms full of presents)

MICHAEL: It's a bumper.

ISABEL: Yes, I see that.

MICHAEL: For a Jetta.

ISABEL: Hmmm. How did what I said yesterday result in this?

MICHAEL: It meets all your criteria. It's personal, because I personally know what a bug she has up her ass about how much we screwed up her car. It's thoughtful, because I had to go to the junkyard and get it, and it's something she would never get herself for the obvious reason that her bumper's been hanging from a string for the past half-year.

ISABEL: Ok, Michael. This is what I'm gonna do. I am going to take the Christmas dog show off my calendar and take you shopping and rectify this situation.

MICHAEL: No. I'm not gonna get obsessed over this present. This is fine. I'm not gonna make everyone else around me miserable.

ISABEL: What are you saying? That I get obsessed and make everyone around me miserable?

MICHAEL: I didn't say that.

ISABEL: You know, is it too much to ask that one day a year, I can be like a normal human being with a normal life and have a merry Christmas?!?

MICHAEL: No, mein fuhrer.

(Isabel turns around sharply and gives Michael an evil look)



ISABEL: Oh. Is it all right if I leave some gifts here? I have more shopping to do.

MICHAEL: Leave them on the table.

ISABEL: Bye-bye then.

(Isabel leaves and Michael lets out a sigh of relief)

(Switch to the supermarket where Sheriff Valenti, Kyle, and Tess are buying groceries. Amy De Luca is also there)

SHERIFF: Whoo. Meaty Man, in case the game runs late on Sunday, and we don't make it to the Crashdown. Go long, go long, go long.

AMY: Oh, my God. Jim.

SHERIFF: Amy De Luca. Merry Christmas.

AMY: Merry Christmas. Oh, merry Christmas, Kyle.

KYLE: Merry Christmas, Mrs. De Luca.

AMY: Oh, my God. This must be the famous Tess. My daughter Maria has told me so much about you.

TESS: Oh, I deny everything.

AMY: Oh, well, this is a true Christmas story, Jim, making a home for this lovely young girl.

SHERIFF: Oh, it's nothing, really.

AMY: Oh, no. Come on. This is what Christmas is all about, you know? Opening your heart and creating new family.

SHERIFF: It's just a temporary thing.

AMY: Oh, never you mind. Come on. This must be a very special year for all of you. You have a new member of your family.

SHERIFF: Yep. Very special.

AMY: Yeah. I bet.

SHERIFF: Ha ha ha ha!

AMY: Well, our tree is overflowing already, but, you know, I always say that you can never have too many Christmas ornaments, right?

(Tess sees this opportunity to add some Christmas ornaments to the shopping cart)

TESS: Right. You know, that's what we say.

AMY: Right. Well, remember, Jim, if you ever want to stop by, there'll always be a De Luca Christmas pie waiting.

SHERIFF: Thanks, Amy.

AMY: Uh, thank you. Ok. Um, bye.

(Switch to the Christmas pageant that Isabel has organized. It's the one that Sydney is in)

ISABEL: Ok, you guys. We worked really hard, so just don't forget to smile, ok?

LIZ: Oh, my God.

MARIA: I've been crying all day.

LIZ: Oh, Maria.

MARIA: Liz, I've made up my mind. I'm gonna be there for Brody and Sydney.

LIZ: Yes, definitely. You know, we could go put together a care package from the Crashdown. So they don't have to worry about making food.

MARIA: No. No. I mean, I'm gonna be with them.

LIZ: What are you talking about?

MARIA: Brody is such a good man. He really is. And Sydney...I mean, we only spoke for a minute, but we had this, like, immediate connection. A girl needs a mother.

LIZ: Oh, no, Maria. Slow down.

MARIA: I can't take it anymore, Liz. It's just so sad. I have to do something.

LIZ: Maria, you're 17. You're in high school. Brody is not.

MARIA: My mother was married when she was 17. Ok. No. It's not exactly an advertisement for marrying young, no, but...

LIZ: Maria, you can't just step in and become someone's mother...and what? All of a sudden, you're just gonna be with Brody? Did Brody say something to you? Did you talk to him about this? I mean, what is making you think this?

MARIA: He said he liked my voice. Oh, my God. What am I thinking? I'm gonna marry Brody? I mean, I'm crazy.

LIZ: No, you're not crazy. It is...it's just killing you not to do something about this, because you are such a good person. But I think the best thing you could do is just...leave them alone. Their time is precious right now. You should let them have their time together.

MARIA: I mean, it's so wrong. It's Christmas. Christmas is supposed to have happy endings and miracles.

(Liz's eyes light up suddenly as she remembers Max's dilemma and his desire to "restore the balance")

ISABEL: Hi, everyone. Welcome to this year's holiday pageant. I'm Isabel Evans. Some of you know me as the director of this pageant, others may know me as the president of the hunger drive, and still others might know me from the many holiday events at the nursing home, and some of you know me as...the Christmas Nazi.

(Isabel glances accusingly at Max and Michael)

ISABEL: But enough about me. Let's feast our eyes on the cutest darn kids in America. Welcome to Roswell's 23rd annual holiday pageant.

(As the children perform, we see Liz walk over to Max and whisper something into his ear. She tells Max about Sydney and Brody and how Sydney has bone marrow cancer. Max glances over at Brody, then to Liz, then to Sydney. The ghost appears next to him and smiles)

GHOST: Looks like we have a plan.

(Switch to Michael's apartment. Max is discussing his plan with Tess, Isabel, and Michael, hoping to get their approval)

MICHAEL: You heal her, and you leave behind a silver handprint, a nice, big fat clue saying there's aliens in Roswell.

MAX: Look. Nasedo destroyed all the records from the special unit. It's possible no one even knows who we are or what the silver handprint is.

(Michael hammers away at the bumper)

MAX: Look, I know what I'm asking here is big. There are a million reasons not to do this and only one reason to do it. I need to. I don't know what else to say.

(Michael bangs on the bumper again)

ISABEL: What we've been through this past year, it's taken a lot away from us. I think maybe that sort of thing starts to take its toll, you know, on our human side...so if you feel you need to do this, then I'm behind you, Max.

MAX: Thank you.

TESS: Look. If this means so much to you, I'm sure there's a good reason for it, so I'm with you, too.

(Michael bangs on the bumper again)

MICHAEL: I guess that makes me the odd man out.

MAX: Michael.

MICHAEL: Hey, we're here for a reason, Max. So call me a selfish jerk, but I don't think we should risk everything just so you can feel a little bit better about yourself at Christmas. It's 3 against 1. I'm voted down anyway.

MAX: Michael.

MICHAEL: You made your decision before you walked through that door. I know you did. I could hear it in your voice, so why don't you just go do what you're gonna do...and make sure you don't screw up.

(Michael bangs on the bumper one last time)

(Switch to the Valenti home where Tess is finishing up on setting the table. Sheriff Valenti and Kyle are, of course, sitting on the couch watching TV)

TESS: Ok. I think we're just about ready. Oh, Kyle, could you grab 2 more dining room chairs? I looked in the garage, but I couldn't find any.

KYLE: Oh, that's 'cause there aren't any.

TESS: Uh, what do you mean?

KYLE: Uh, we don't have any other chairs.

TESS: All we have are 2 chairs? Um, doesn't that seem a little odd to you?

SHERIFF: Well, we used to have more chairs, but over the years, our collection has dwindled.

TESS: So it doesn't bother you that there are only 2 chairs in the entire house?

SHERIFF: We usually eat in front of the TV.

KYLE: He's never gonna pick up this spare. Come on, look within, you putz.

SHERIFF: Guy's amazing.

TESS: I have been cooking for 20 hours, while you two have been sitting back on the couch like 2 beached whales, not even noticing or caring that I am living here. Ok. I am here. Hello. Hello? So, since I'm living here, I should have a damn chair to sit in!

SHERIFF: We could bring my desk chair over.

KYLE: Good idea.

TESS: Oh, and, uh, where's Amy De Luca going to sit?

SHERIFF: Amy De Luca? Why does Amy De Luca need a place to sit?

TESS: Because...I invited her over to dinner.

SHERIFF: You what?

TESS: Well, I figured if we had a guest, you two would have to shut off the damn TV and pretend to be civilized.

SHERIFF: When is she coming?

(The doorbell rings)

TESS: Uh, about now, actually.

SHERIFF: Oh, my God. No, no, no, no. Shh...ooh, no! Come on, now. Don't do this to me. Come on. Help me out, will you? Don't ever invite somebody over to dinner without telling me first. Ah! Jeez Louise. Oh! Jeez.

(Sheriff Valenti quickly cleans up a bit as best he can. He throws the bag of chips into the kitchen and tucks in his shirt. Kyle is busy sweeping away the chips on the coffee table. Sheriff Valenti takes a deep sigh just before opening the door)


AMY: Hi, Jim. Hi, everyone. It was so nice of you to think of me, Jim, and I loved your note.

SHERIFF: My note...

AMY: I miss you, too.

(Switch to Brody's home. Max uses his power to unlock the door and slips inside. The house is empty, except for the ghost who informs Max that he's too late)

GHOST: It's too late, Max. They rushed her to the hospital. Boy, do you have a dilemma.

(Max drives over to Michael's apartment and updates him on the situation)

MAX: She had a relapse. She's in the hospital in Phoenix.


MAX: I'm going. It may be a little more dangerous now. I just thought you should know.

MICHAEL: I'm going with you. I just want to keep you from getting us all killed.

(Switch back to the Valenti home)

AMY: Are you sure you don't need any help?

TESS: No, I'm fine. So how long have you and the Sheriff known each other?

SHERIFF: Oh, a long time.

AMY: A long, long time. He knew me before I was legal, right, Jim?

SHERIFF: Mm-hmm.

TESS: Really?

AMY: Well, actually, we always sort of knew each other, but the first time we actually met, he almost ran me over with his dirt bike.

SHERIFF: Well, what the hell were you and Curt Pressman doing laying out there on that mesa...

AMY: That is neither the point or proper dinner conversation. Of course, the second time I met him, he arrested me.

TESS: Really, you arrested her?

(Tess brings another dish to the table)

KYLE: Is that 3-cheese potato gratin?

TESS: With bacon on the bottom. Your favorite.

(Tess heads back to the kitchen and Kyle stares at her for a moment)

SHERIFF: Standing in front of a pile of old rocks with a bunch of hippies.

AMY: Oh, for protecting a native american treasure.

SHERIFF: Tomatoes, tomatoes.

AMY: All right, and then finally, the third time we met, he rescued me.

KYLE: Yeah, I've heard that one, but don't let me stop you.

(Kyle goes to the kitchen to help Tess)

SHERIFF: Don't exaggerate. You didn't need to be rescued.

AMY: Of course I did. The attic was engulfed in flames...

KYLE: So you need me to carve that?

TESS: I got it. Thanks.

(Tess uses her power to slice up the turkey)

KYLE: Well, so this...this is really, uh...this is really great.

TESS: Well, I saw a break in the NFL schedule between the 22nd and 24th of December, so I figured...

KYLE: Right. Well, this is the best Christmas dinner we've had in a long time. I mean, 2 guys living alone. We just never really had the Christmas spirit.

(Sheriff Valenti and Amy are laughing in the other room)

TESS: Well, it, uh, looks like he's got the spirit now.

KYLE: That's a really great gift that you gave him...to both of us, I mean.

TESS: This is a great gift to me, too.

(Tess brings the turkey out to the table)

AMY: Oh...


TESS: There we go! Enjoy, ok?

(Kyle looks at the scene in the dining room and smiles)

(Scene switches to the hospital in Phoenix that Sydney was admitted to. Max and Michael are dressed in scrubs and head toward the room that Sydney is in)

MICHAEL: One knock means be on your guard, 2 means the coast is clear...and 3 will mean we're screwed.

MAX: Right.

(Max enters the room and Michael stands guard outside)

MAX: Shh. It's ok.

SYDNEY: Who are you?

MAX: I'm just a dream. Go back to sleep.

(Max places his hands on Sydney, grunts softly, and heals her. He gets up and his eyes gaze upon a boy laying in a bed nearby. Max looks at the ghost in the room with him and heads for the other child. Each times he heals, he is flooded with images of the child's memories. Ouside, Michael notices a nurse gazing in his direction and knocks on the door. Max hears the knock and proceeds to heal the boy. Outside, the nurse grabs a clipboard and walks toward Michael)

NURSE: Excuse me? I'm supposed to check this ward.

MICHAEL: I'll save you the trouble. Someone just checked it.

(Max moves to the bed of another little girl)

LITTLE GIRL: Are you an angel?

MAX: Go back to sleep.

(Max heals her and starts having blurry vision. He struggles to the bed of another child. Outside the room, the nurse has returned with a group of security guards and points to Michael. Michael knocks on the door 3 times. The guards start heading toward Michael. He knocks on the door again, then opens the door, goes in, and locks the door from the inside. He sees Max stumble and fall to the floor)


(The guard bangs on the door)

GUARD: Open this door! Now!

MICHAEL: If there's a God, please help us now.

(The guard finally manages to open the door, using a chair to knock it open. The guards rush in with the nurses close behind. They see a room full of children playing around and singing. The window is open, and it's obvious that's how Max and Michael made their escape)

(The next morning at the Evans home)

WOMAN ON TV: Our baby is ok. The cancer is gone. It's a miracle. We prayed everyday and...and God...God spoke.

DIANE: Now that...that is a miracle.

PHILIP: That might be overstating it a little. They did say they were all undergoing experimental treatment.

DIANE: Philip, put your finger here. I mean, one day those children were at death's door, and the next day they were completely healed. That wasn't medicine, honey. And the part about the imprint of the hand on each of the children. I mean, if that isn't enough to get you to believe in God, then I don't know what is. Can you put your finger there? And, I mean, maybe it's even enough to, uh...get Max to join us at midnight services tonight. What do you say, Max?

(Switch to Michael's apartment. Maria goes there to look for him to talk about what happened in Phoenix)

MARIA: Spaceboy...

(Michael, who has been polishing the bumper, quickly covers it as Maria walks towards him)

MICHAEL: What's up?

MARIA: I just wanted to let you know that I heard about what you did for Sydney and those children.

MICHAEL: Thank Max. I was against it.

MARIA: This whole...thing with Sydney has made me realize how stupid I've been about this gift thing. I don't need a gift.

MICHAEL: I actually got you one.

MARIA: You did? Really?


MARIA: Yea, I'm so excited. What is that smell?

(Maria pulls off the covering to the bumper)

MICHAEL: No, it's not...it's not dry yet.

MARIA: Is that a bumper? It...it's a bumper.

MICHAEL: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

MARIA: Is that, like, a Jetta bumper?

MICHAEL: Not yet, but it's gonna be.

MARIA: Michael...that is so thoughtful.

MICHAEL: That's what I keep saying.

MARIA: I mean, my bumper has been hanging...

MICHAEL: From a string. I know.

MARIA: And I...I would have never, you know...

MICHAEL: Got one for yourself. Exactly. So...merry Christmas.

MARIA: Thank you, Michael. Thank you. So you want to exchange gifts now?


MARIA: Are one of those for me? One of those are for me.

MICHAEL: Yes, I'll go get it.

MARIA: Ok, which one? Is...is it the big one?

MICHAEL: Turn around.

(Michael walks over to the pile of presents and rummages through them, wondering which one of Isabel's gifts he will give to Maria. Near the bottom, though, there is a present with a note on it - "Michael, just in case. Love, The Christmas Nazi". Michael smiles, removes the note, and walks back to Maria and hands her the present)

MICHAEL: Merry Christmas.

MARIA: Whoo-hoo-hoo. What is it? What is it?

MICHAEL: That's a good question. Now remember, I was in Phoenix saving lives, so I was a little strapped for time.


MICHAEL (silently): Oh, please, God.

MARIA: Michael...these are real pearls.

MICHAEL: What?!? Wow! Of course.

MARIA: My God, this must have cost you a fortune.

MICHAEL: I'm sure they will.

MARIA: These are the most beautiful earrings I've ever seen, but I don't need this gift. This year my gift is you.

(Maria hugs Michael tightly)

MICHAEL: So you don't want the earrings, then?

MARIA: Oh, no. I'll keep the earrings.

(Michael lets out a huge sigh of relief)

(Max goes over to the Crashdown and knocks on Liz's window)

LIZ: So I hear you went to Phoenix.

MAX: Yeah. Thank you...for telling me about Sydney.

LIZ: Are you still haunted?

MAX: I don't think so.

LIZ: Healing all of those kids...why did you do it?

MAX: After I healed Sydney, I...I looked at the face of the boy lying next to her, and I just thought...how can I not...how can I not use my gift?

LIZ: As beautiful as that is, Max...you can't keep doing it. I know it seems like there's no reason for those kids to have cancer or for a father to get killed saving his child or for any of it...but maybe there is. Maybe there is someone or something out there that's planning all of this, and maybe you have to respect it. You're not God, Max. You're the one that told me that. Will you come to midnight service?

MAX: I'd like to...but I don't believe in God. Merry Christmas, Liz.

(Liz closes the window)

LIZ: Merry Christmas, Max.

(Max walks toward the house of the man who was killed. The ghost is with him)

GHOST: They'll be ok. My wife? She's, uh...she's pretty remarkable. If anybody can get through this...

MAX: I want you to know that if they ever need me...I will be there for them.

GHOST: I know you will, Max. Get outta here.

MAX: I don't know where to go.

GHOST: It's Christmas. You should be with your loved ones. That's where I'll be. That's where I'll always be.

(The ghost walks to the front door and appears on the other side. He turns around, smiles at Max, and then disappears)

(Back at the Evans home, Michael stops by to check up on Max)

MAX: You're going to midnight service? You don't believe in anything.

MICHAEL: Gotta hedge your bets, Maxwell. I've had my prayers answered twice in the past 2 days. Don't ask. You ok?

MAX: Better. Thanks.

MICHAEL: Your powers?

MAX: Yeah, they're starting to come back to me.

MICHAEL: Good. I just wanted to say that I'm really pissed about what happened last night.

MAX: Michael...I couldn't stop myself.

MICHAEL: No, no, no. I'm pissed that I don't have the ability to help the kids in the hospital that you couldn't get to.

MAX: Michael...

MICHAEL: Enough said. I got a Christmas present for you. Come on.

(Max and Michael drive over to Brody's house. They look in and see Brody speaking softly to Sydney who is sleeping in his arms)

(Max wanders around a bit and winds up at the midnight service. Everyone looks happy there. The choir is singing "Come All Ye Faithful". Michael is sitting with Maria. Isabel sits a few rows in front of them with Mr. and Mrs. Evans, rubbing her fingers together to signal that Michael owes her big time for the earrings. Kyle and Tess are sitting together, with Tess sitting between Kyle and Sheriff Valenti. Sheriff Valenti looks to the row behind him where Amy De Luca is sitting. They smile at each other. Mrs. Evans turns to tell Mr. Evans something and notices Max walking towards them. Max stops to kiss his mom and then sits down next to Liz)

LIZ: I thought you didn't believe in God.

MAX: I believe in you.

(Max grabs Liz's hand and squeezes it tightly)

(Episode ends with snow falling around everyone)

Kikavu ?

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