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#305 : Un monde impitoyable

Max découvre que Karl Langley est bien un alien. Il se trouvait dans le vaisseau lors du crash de 1947 à Roswell. Bien qu'il ne souhaite pas aider Max, il ne peut pas désobéir aux ordres de son roi et accepte à contre-coeur ses directives. Ensembles, ils se rendent sur une base militaire afin de s'emparer du vaisseau spatial qui s'y trouve. Max espère ainsi rejoindre son fils. Mais l'appareil est en trop mauvais état et Max pert toute chance de quitter la terre. Par ailleurs, Michael reproche à Isabel de se précipiter dans un mariage sans avenir.


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Titre VO
Control - Part 2

Titre VF
Un monde impitoyable

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 06.11.2001 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Gretchen J. Berg & Aaron Harberts
Réaliser par : Bill L. Norton

Guests :
Joe Pantoliano ... Kal Langley
Mary Ellen Trainor ... Diane Evans
Missi Pyle ... Windy Sommers
Richard McGonagle ... Général Edward Chambers
Dylan Kussman ... Brian
Ron Fassler ... Scott

Max est étendu sur le sol lorsqu'il reprend connaissance. Max essaye de savoir pourquoi Langlay ne joue pas son rôle de protecteur et s'il sait où est caché le vaisseau. Le soit disant producteur est énervé, il lui dit qu'il était leur protecteur mais que cela remonte à 50 ans et que depuis beaucoup de chose ont changé. Il stoppe la fumée et jette Max dehors.

Isabel est sa mère parle avec l'organisatrice du mariage. Le rendez-vous ne se déroule pas comme la jeune fille l'espérait. Sa mère ne comprend pas ce qu'elle fait la et ses propositions sont rejetées.

Liz est au Crasdown en compagnie de Maria. Elle prépare des petits gâteaux à Max ce qui contrarie son amie qui lui dit qu'elle le pourrie. Isabel qui a décidé de ne pas baisser pas les bras, passe leur annoncer qu'elle va se marier et leur demande si elles veulent bien être ses demoiselles d'honneur à la cérémonie. Les jeunes filles sont sous le choc de cette annonce mais accepte volontiers le rôle. Elle demande aussi à Liz de ne rien dire à Max pour l'instant et à Maria de prévenir Michael.

Dans la soirée, Max se rend chez Langlay qui organise une soirée. Il s'intègre parfaitement en se faisant passé pour un homme du milieu. Il affirme avoir une autre idée de script pour un prochain film. Il raconte l'histoire d'un extraterrestre qui voudrait rentrer chez lui, recherchant un autre extraterrestre capable de l'aider à trouver son vaisseau. Les autres invités pensant qu'il ne s'agit que d'un film sont ravies des péripéties que leur raconte Max. Langlay, lui, rétorque que les films ne sont intéressants que lorsqu'un personnage meurt.

Lorsqu'Isabel entre dans sa chambre, elle y trouve Michael qui vient lui parler de son mariage. Elle aimerait qu'il lui apporte son soutien mais il n'est pas d'accord. Il affirme que Jess va se poser des questions après leur lune de miel étant donné ce qu'il connaît des relations sexuelles extraterrestres. Et même si elle a décidé de ne pas lui avouer la vérité, elle le met quand même en danger. La jeune fille est déçue et lui demande de ne pas en parler à son frère pour l'instant.

A la fin de la soirée, Langlay demande à Max de rester pour soit disant parler de leur projet de film. Seulement, dés que tous les invités sont partis, il projette Max au sol. Le jeune homme finit par lui avouer qu'il a un fils qui est reparti sur Antar et qu'il doit le récupérer grâce au vaisseau. Le protecteur essaye à nouveau de le tuer mais s'arrête avant. C'est à ce moment que Max comprend qu'il ne peut pas et lui affirme qu'il ne partira pas tant qu'il ne l'aura pas aidé.

Au crashdown, Maria et Liz parlent du mariage d'Isabel en travaillant lorsque Mme Evans arrive. Elle demande après Michael car elle a besoin d'un plat qu'il ne lui a pas rendu. Seulement, Michael ne travaille pas aujourd'hui, elle demande donc à Maria de lui passer le message. Mme Evans en profite aussi pour demander des nouvelles de son fils à Liz mais la jeune fille ne révèle rien et s'excuse.

Lorsque Mme Evans est parti, Liz apprend à Maria qu'il n'a pas téléphoné la nuit dernière. Sa meilleure amie trouve ça déplacé et ne comprend pas comment il a pu oublié un rendez-vous téléphonique. Liz, elle, est seulement inquiète. Elle aimerait savoir s'il va bien mais n'ose pas appeler pour vérifier.

Le lendemain, Max rejoint Langlay sur le patio de sa maison où il se fait masser. Le jeune homme ne comprend pas pourquoi il se fait masser alors qu'il ne peut rien sentir. Il lui raconte qu'à sa sorti des incubateurs lui non plus ne pouvait sentir ni ressentir les choses. Langlay lui avoue qu'il l'envie d'avoir de l'ADN humaine mais qu'il aime cette vie et qu'il ne voudrait pas rentrer sur leur planète sous aucun prétexte car maintenant c'est ici leurs vies.
Il sort un téléphone de sa poche, il s'agit d'un cadeau du fabriquant et que seul le vice président des Etats-Unis en a un comme ça. Max lui demande de le lui donner et Langlay s'exécute en prétextant qu'il veut être généreux ce qui trouble Max.

Lorsque Mme Evans rentre chez elle, elle surprend Isabel et Jess en train de s'embrasser. Elle demande à sa fille de lui passer le numéro de l'imprimeur avec qui ils ont déjà fait affaire. Pour ne pas les déranger plus longtemps, elle propose d'aller le chercher seule dans l'agenda d'Isabel. C'est à ce moment qu'elle découvre le numéro de Max et n'hésite pas à l'appeler tout de suite.

Lorsqu'il entend sa mère au bout du fil, il ne sait plus trop quoi dire. Il lui annonce qu'il est en Californie pour quelques jours. Sa mère lui parle d'Isabel et lui annonce qu'elle est fiancée. Elle aimerait qu'il parle à sa sœur pour l'en dissuader. Lorsque Langlay arrive, il écourte la conversation.

Max lui demande de lui rendre un service et il s'exécute ce qui montre au jeune homme que le protecteur est obligé de suivre ses ordres. Il lui ordonne donc de lui dire où se trouve le vaisseau mais l'homme ne le sait pas.

Ils se rendent donc dans un base militaire où Langlay a des contacts avec le général. Il essaye de lui soutirer des informations sur le lieu de stockage du vaisseau mais rien n'y fait. Bien que le vaisseau soit un "canular" il ne peut lui permettre de le voir.

Pendant ce temps, Isabel s'assoie à coté de Michael au Crasdown. Ils reviennent sur le fait qu'Isabel ne devrait pas faire subir cette situation à Jesse puisqu'elle l'aime. Car tout ceux qui sont impliqué de prêt ou de loin dans leur histoires sont en danger. Lorsque l'organisatrice du mariage arrive et annonce que la mère d'Isabel a refusé la réservation, Michael s'en va.

Max appelle rapidement sa sœur pour lui demander si elle compte vraiment se marier. Il essaye de la dissuader en lui disant qu'elle ne le connaît que depuis quelque mois mais rien n'y fait. Max arrive tout juste à lui demander de ne pas faire d'autre projet avant qu'il revienne, avant qu'elle ne lui raccroche au nez.

Lorsque Langlay sort de son rendez-vous avec le général, il affirme à Max qu'il ne connaît pas l'information jusqu'à ce que dernier insiste. Le vaisseau est dans la base (On ne sait pas comment Langlay s'y est pris pour avoir l'info) Ils s'y rendent donc tout de suite car Langlay sera le conducteur de Max. Pour cela il devra prendre son apparence réelle. Le producteur ne veut pas quitter cette planète et pense qu'il ne sera pas si facile que ça de partir mais Max lui ordonne de le faire.

De retour chez elle, Isabel est excédé. Elle ne comprend pas comment sa mère a pu se permettre d'annoncer la nouvelle à Max et pourquoi elle a refusé la réservation avec l'organisatrice. Mme Evans, lui explique qu'elle devrait ralentir le rythme et de se contenter de fréquenter ce garçon avant d'aller plus loin. Elle lui signale aussi qu'il y a un an, elle était avec Alex, elle pense que sa fille a choisi le premier homme qui passait par là. Isabel l'a remercie ironiquement de son soutien et s'en va.

Liz est désespéré. Elle offre le contenu de son paquet destiné à Max, à sa meilleure amie. Maria comprend tout de suite qu'il n'a pas appelé. Du coup, Liz lui explique qu'elle était vraiment anxieuse jusqu'à ce qu'elle parle avec Isabel qui lui a dit qu'il l'avait appelé. Maria lui dit que le téléphone ne fonctionne pas que dans un sens.

Le vaisseau démarre juste au moment où Liz appelle. Lorsque Max voit son prénom il répond pas. A ce moment là, le vaisseau commence à vaciller et finir par retomber au sol. Langlay est télétransporter hors, assez mal en point. Max décide de le faire quitter rapidement les lieux.

Isabel, bien décidé à se marier, annonce à sa mère que la date de mariage est avancé à dans deux semaines. Sa mère pense qu'elle fait cela pour se venger d'elle car elle n'a pas aimé que sa mère annule la première date fixée. Isabel lui explique qu'il ne s'agit pas de ça, elle veut seulement aller au bout de son engagement car elle est sure d'elle. Elle aimerait que sa mère l'a soutienne un minimum mais Mme Evans annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas se rendre à son mariage car elle s'y oppose. Michael arrive à se moment pour rendre le plat (sale) et remarque que l'ambiance n'est pas au beau fixe. Isabel quitte la pièce.

Pendant ce temps, Max ramène son protecteur jusqu'à chez lui. L'homme affirme qu'il a tout perdu ce qu'il a mis tant d'année à obtenir. Le coté protecteur est inscrit dans ses gènes mais maintenant il haïra Max pour le restant de ses jours. Il dit aussi que Max est égoïste et ingrat comme il l'a toujours été. Le jeune homme essaye de lui expliquer la situation entre Tess et son fils mais ça ne change pas l'avis de Langlay. L'homme rajoute que s'il continu à aller vers son coté extraterrestre il perdra tout ce qu'il a de cher ici.

Isabel marche seule et elle fait griller les ampoules des réverbères lorsque Michael l'a rejoint. Elle lui annonce que ses parents ne seront pas à la cérémonie et qu'elle aurait bien aimé que pour une fois, lui, soit de son coté car son avis compte autant que celui de Max pour elle. Michael lui dit que ça n'est pas vrai car elle a laissé Maria le prévenir. Isabel est désolée d'avoir fait ça. Michael finit par la féliciter et la serre dans ses bras.

Au crashdown, Liz est en train de nettoyer lorsqu'elle aperçoit Max. Il lui explique qu'il a roulé toute la soirée car il avait besoin de la voir et qu'il est désolé de ne pas avoir donner de nouvelles. Elle lui demande comment c'est passé Los Angeles. Max est triste, il lui dit qu'il a gâché sa vie et celle de Langlay et qu'il ne l'a quittera jamais. Elle le sert dans ses bras pour le réconforter.

[Fire crackling]

Max: mmhhh!

Kal: Why are you here?

Max: I'm looking for our ship... From the '47 crash.

Kal: Who are you working with?

Max: No one.

Kal: Don't lie to me. I will kill you.

Max: Like you killed ferrini?

Kal: How did you get to los angeles?

Max: I-10 west, then straight north.

Kal: Don't get cute with me, you prick.

Max: Do you murder everyone who discovers you're an alien, or do they get a warning first? Unnhh!

Kal: Why do you think i know where this ship is?

Max: You knew it was in utah.

Kal: Who else knows?


Max: please, the...

Kal: answer me!

[Breathing hard]


Kal: so, this is the mighty king of antar. A low-rent tom cruise with a $10 haircut? Buddy boy, you have no idea what you're gettin' yourself into.

Max: I came all this way to find you. I need your help. you're our protector.

Kal: don't call me that. yeah...I was put on that ship to protect you. But that was 50 years ago.


Kal: boys!

Kal: You're leaving... Or you're dead. Take mr. Evans to my airplane

[Isabel and her mother are meeting with the wedding planner]


Isabel: I want a country wedding. Something simple but elegant.

Wedding Planner: Sounds like you and mom have been brainstorming.

Mrs Evans: Oh, not me. I, um... Can hardly get used to the fact that i'm here.

Isabel: mom, you said you'd be supportive.

Mrs Evans: I didn't exactly have a choice.

Wedding Planner: It's always a surprise when your little girl takes this step.

Mrs Evans: Mmm.

Wedding Planner: Patrick! I need mist over here. These lilies are languishing before my eyes.


Isabel: why are you being so negative?

Mrs Evans: isabel, I am in shock. I mean, I' barely gotten used to the idea of you graduating high school.

Isabel: Mom, we have been discussing this for 48 hours straight. I mean, you were the one who hired the annoying wedding planner.

Mrs Evans: Well, I mean, if you're actually gonna go through with this, you need to have a realistic plan. "If"?

Isabel: Sorry. So,

Wedding Planner: where were we?

Isabel: Well, I was thinking that i'd like to have the wedding in a freshly mown field...Maybe next to a pond, and then have the reception in an old barn.

Wedding Planner: Oh, that's a lovely notion. Really, it is, isabel, but when you go country, you open the door to a host of logistical nightmares. Plus, the insect population-- very hard to control.

Wedding Planner: You want to know a wonderful venue? The lobby of the springfield inn. I have done so many weddings there.

Isabel: But I don't want someone else's wedding.

Jesse: Maybe we could light the barn with torches. Not...Not like tiki torches. I...Mean... Maybe torches is the wrong word. More like candles. Oh, there's nothing more flammable than an old barn.

Isabel: Yes, well, that's why we need the pond. Windy, this is my fiance jesse.

Wedding Planner: So, when do we want to have the big day?

Isabel: This spring.

Mrs Evans: What?

Isabel: Yeah. We figured... Why wait?

Mrs Evans: This is not a race. I mean, the two of you just got engaged. Let's--

Isabel: mom...It's what we want. Can't you just be happy? We're planning my wedding. I mean, it's gonna be fun. It's gonna be great.

Wedding Planner: Oh...So cute, so in love.

[Scene switches to a party at Kal's mansion. Max crashes the party]

Man: So, uh, what happened with tiffany? Did she walk?

Kal: What, are you kidding? She's an actress. I bumped up her per diem. I put her in a bigger trailer. I got brian to rewrite the part.

Brian: That was my finest hour. now the hooker's a part-time yoga instructor.

Max: You'll open 30 million easy. Sorry I'm late. I...Was on the phone with variety.

Kal: I thought you were on an airplane.

Max: Nah. I wanted to keep talkin' about our project.

Kal: Project? You're killin' me, kal.

Max: Max evans. Antar films.

[Liz and Maria are talking in the Kitchen of the Crashdown. Liz takes cookies our of the oven]

Liz: Voila. M&m tabasco swirl cookies. I came up with the recipe all by myself.

Maria: A care package. Max is so spoiled, man.

Liz: No, he is not.

Maria: Liz, he hasn't been gone more than a week.

Liz: Could you just let me finish? Because he's calling in less than an hour.

Maria: What? really?

Liz: Uh-huh.

Maria: Are you guys gonna talk, or are you just gonna breathe heavy into the phone? Are you gonna repeat each other's name back and forth and back and forth?

Liz: Stop it! Ha ha!

Liz: Oh! Hey!

Isabel: Hi. Um... I'm getting married to jesse ramirez.

Liz: What?!

Maria: What?!

Isabel: Yeah, and you know weddings are full of all kinds of stupid traditions, like the garter toss and that--that chicken dance and, well...Bridesmaids, and since you guys are the closest thing i have to girlfriends, I was wondering if you would be mine?

Maria: Ok.

Liz: Yeah, sure.

Isabel: Great! Good. Ok. That's done. Ok.

[Isabel looks at the tray of cookies]

Isabel: is that for max?

Maria: Uh-huh.

Liz: Yeah. Sure is.

Isabel: He's so spoiled.

Maria: Mm-hmm.

Isabel: You know what? He doesn't know about the engagement yet, so let's just... Keep it that way. And, maria, I'm gonna need you to tell michael for me. Ok. See ya.

Maria: Did that just happen?

[Scene switches to Max talking at the party]

Max: An alien... Stranded on earth... Tries to find his way back home.

Woman: Like e.T.

Max: Yes. But... Think tom cruise.

Man: Sounds more like starman.

Max: Exactly.

Kal: That picture didn't open .

Max: Oh, it gets better, Kal. See, our guy hunts down another alien, also stranded on earth.

Kal: He's the only person who can help him on his quest.

Man: How?

Max: I'm glad you asked, scott. There's a ship

Kal: ha ha ha ha!

Max: And this other alien might know whe it is, or at least have the resources to find it. You see, this other alien is a big...

[Chuckles] Hollywood producer.

[everyone- Chuckling and laughter]

Kal: ah... that i like. Except i-- I don't like these feel-good science fiction flicks. I don't think they're interesting unless... Somebody dies.

[Michael is visiting Isabel]

Isabel: Why is it you feel you're above doorbells?

Michael: Got your message. Is it a joke?

Isabel: No. I'm getting married.

Michael: We agreed not to bring anyone else into this.

Isabel: Michael... I don't want to put my life on hold. This is my one chance to be happy... To love someone and have him love me back without all of this garbage that has made us miserable our whole lives getting in the way. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I don't see any reason why Jesse has to know the truth.

Michael: Well, knowing what i know about alien sex, he's gonna have major questions after the honeymoon.

Isabel: ok, michael, get out of my room.

Michael: what did max say?


Isabel: I'm gonna tell him when he gets back. Come on, michael. Just congratulate me.

Michael: On what?

[Back at the Hollywood party]

Man: Mmm. Call me tomorrow? Do lunch?

Kal: max. That picture of yours... Stick around. I got somethin' I'd like to throw at ya.

Man: you sure you don't want me to st--

Kal: good night, brian.

Man: Ok.

[Kal raises his hand, and Max flies across the room]

Kal: you come to my home. You taunt me in front of my friends. You threaten... To expose me!

Max: I have a son.

Kal: You mated with another alien hybrid.

Max: My child is back on antar. he's in trouble. That's why i need the ship... And one of its pilots.

Kal: The air force reassembled that ship. But it will never fly.

Max: If anyone can get it up and running, it would be you.

Kal: I told you... I told you i would kill you.


Max: you're gonna have to. Uhh!

[Langley breathes rapidly and shallowly- he raises his hand again towards Max]

Max: you can't kill me, can you? You've had so many chances. Utah...Yesterday in the film vault... but you can't... Because you're my protector. Get as mad as you want, but get one thing straight-- I am not going anywhere until you help me.

[Back in the diner, Maria and Liz are discussing Isabel]

Maria: I still can't believe Isabel's getting married. This is, like, a disaster of epic proportions. If you think michael freaked when he found out, Max is gonna go ballistic. And who is jesse ramirez?

Mrs Evans: Hi, girls.

Maria: Oh, hi, ms. Evans. You're here! I--i mean... How are-- how are you? Good.

Mrs Evans: So...What's new?

Maria: Uh, nothing. You know Roswell.

[Maria chuckles uncomfortably]

Mrs Evans: Hmm. Well... Actually, I, um... I was looking for michael.

Liz: Oh, I'm sorry, but he's not working today.

Mrs Evans: Oh. Well, Maria, would you kindly remind him that he still has my 9-by-13 casserole dish? Isabel took something over weeks ago for Max, and I'd like it back.

Maria: I--well, I'll remind him. Definitely.

Mrs Evans: So, liz... How is max?

Liz: Um... He's fine.

Mrs Evans: I was wondering if you happen to have his new cell phone number. Apparently, he, um, he changed it when he moved out. I've left a couple of messages at michael's, but...I'm not even sure he's living there anymore. I just want to talk to my son. I want to know that he's safe. I'm sure you can understand that, can't you?

Liz: I'm sorry, but i can't help you.

Mrs Evans: Well... I'll let you girls get back to work. Ok. Bye.

Maria: open defiance of a parental unit. Whoo! This is just so twisted and... Romantic. You and max are totally Romeo and Juliet against the world.

Liz: Well, actually, romeo never called last night.

Maria: What?

Liz: Yeah.

[Liz takes a man's plate]

Man: Hey! I'm not done!

Maria: He'd better be in a ditch somewhere.

Liz: Maria, do not say that.

Maria: I'm just saying blowing off a phone date is unacceptable, that's all.

Liz: Look, I am just trying to convince myself that he's not hurt or worse, that he is just busy.

Maria: Call his alien butt.

Liz: No. No, I am not gonna become the codependent girlfriend, not when he is on this whole quest.

Maria: Ok, I respect that... But, i mean, how long is this thing gonna take? He may never find his son.

Liz: Thanks for the pep talk, maria.

Maria: No. Ok, there's no doubt in my mind that he is madly in love with you, but, i mean, you're half of this couple. You know, you can't forget that.

[The next day, Max shows up at Kal's Mansion]

Kal: That'll be all, Giselle. Thank you.

Max: Why would someone who can't feel get a massage?

Kal: Excuse me?

Max: You had your finger in a lit candle last night, and you didn't even flinch. See, i don't think you can smell or taste, either. You must have a thousand lemons in your fridge.

Kal: I like tea.

Max: See, i don't remember much when I first came out of the pods, but I do remember this-- the first few months, I couldn't smell or taste anything except for strong flavors... Sugar, lemon...Tabasco. Eventually, our senses matured.

Max: You don't know how lucky you are to have even a fraction of human dna inside you?

Max: You have human envy?

Kal: there's not a sensual pleasure on this planet i can't afford, but I can't experience it, not like they can.

Max: if your life is so limited, then how can you stand living here?

Kal: I've learned to diminish my alienness.

Max: How? I don't shapeshift. I haven't done it in years. Gives the body organs a chance to function.

Max: That seems impossible.

Kal: Well, first 30 years, it was. Then, in 1978... I smelled chlorine in the pool. Soon after that, lemons. Last 20 years was a bust, but don't you feel sorry for me. I love my life. can you say the same?

Max: I need to find my son. He's in danger. You can help.

Kal: No, max.

Kal: This is my home- hollywood, california, U.S.A., Planet earth.

[Telephone rings]

[clears throat]


Kal: hello! Nicki, baby. No. No, no. No. I want your client on my set in 2 days. That's not true. I'll e-mail you a copy of the contract. I only yell because I love. Later.

Kal: Hey, kid...


Kal: this'll cheer you up. C.E.O. Of nokia? He gave me this. I got his granddaughter to meet brad pitt. Only other guy who's got it is Dick Cheney. George W. Is still pissed.

Max: Oh, yeah? Let me see it.

Kal: Huh? The phone. If it's that amazing, hand it over. It's yours.

Max: What? I mean,

Kal: you just--you said-- hey, you said yourself i should be more giving. Stick around. Have a sandwich. Take a swim. See you later, Max.

[Mrs. Evans walks in on Isabel kissing Jesse]

Mrs Evans: Isabel, honey, do you have-- uh... Um... Do you have the number of the, uh, printer that we used for your graduation announcements?

Isabel: Yeah, it's in my planner. I'll go get it.

Mrs Evans: Oh, no, no, no, no. I...I can find it, why don't you two just... Go back to doing whatever... It was that you were doing.

[Mrs. Evan's gets Max's new number out of Isabel's planner]

Max: hello?

Mrs Evans: Max. It's mom.

Max: Hi

Mrs Evans: how are you?

Max: good. I'm good.

Mrs Evans: Where are you, honey?

Max: I'm in california, mom.

Mrs Evans: california? Why?

Max: Just...Because...Mom. What is happening to our family? Do you know about your sister?

Max: What about her?

Mrs Evans: She and jesse ramirez got engaged.

Max: Wait. W-what? And you're ok with this?

Mrs Evans: Oh...Doesn't much matter what I think. But, max, isabel values your opinion. Will you talk to her?

Max: Ok.

Mrs Evans: ?Do you need anything?

Max: No, mom.

Mrs Evans: I just wanted to hear your voice. I love you so much, max.

Max: Me, too. Bye.

Kal: How's mommy?

Max: Why did you give me your phone?

Kal: I'm huge. I can get another one.

Max: Langley, stop. Look at me. Do you like ice cream?

Kal: I'm on the zone.

Max: Would you like to get me some?

Kal: No.

Max: angley, get me some ice cream. You see, i've been thinking about this. You didn't give me the phone because you felt sorry for me. You did it because i told you to. when i give a direct order you have to follow it, don't you?

Kal: Yes.

Max: I wish i knew these rules a little sooner, Kal. We could've saved some time.

Max: You and i are gonna find that ship.

[Max and Kal arrive at the air force base]

Max: Let me hear the plan again.

Kal: I will meet with general chambers, the military consultant i've used on many Kal Langley productions. I will find out where he ship is being stored and wet permission to examine it .

Max: Because...

Kal: Because I am striving for authenticity on my new picture, ...Saturn skies.

Max: Be real casual. Play it like it doesn't matter whether or not he gives what you're asking for because if you get too eager, he might get suspicious.

Kal: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Are you giving me direction? I'm sorry, but how many academy awards have you won, huh? 'Cause i've won 4.

[Kal meets with the general]

Kal: Aaaah!

General: Kal, you old dog, how are ya?

Kal: Eddie!

General: You hollywood boys. Who's the kid?

Kal: Him? Nah, he's... Just an intern. Wait here.

[Isabel and Michael are talking] ISMichael: we're not doing this here.

Isabel: When you get together with maria, nobody stood in your way, and max can clearly do whatever the hell he wants. I am the only one who seems to have to follow the rules.

Michael: I'm not changing my opinion. This marriage is wrong.

Isabel: Wrong for who? Ok, maybe this doesn't seem rational to you but it doesn't have to. I am crazy about this guy. God, michael, all I am asking for is a normal life.

Michael: And why doesn't jesse deserve the same thing? Everybody that we come into contact with is at risk. Only in his case, if and when the trouble starts, he won't even know what's coming. That kind of sucks.

Wedding Planner: Isabel! Oh, I'm so glad to run into you.

Isabel: One second...

Michael: If you really loved him, you wouldn't be this selfish.

Wedding Planner: Look at this. I just discovered a new horse-drawn carriage company. How about the fantastic gold tassels on his harness?

Isabel: Horses, um... I am actually the only girl who never liked them. We're gonna be taking a car to and from the reception.

Wedding Planner: Honey, do me a favor, just take this home and show it to your mom. you know, the more i think about it, the happier I am you turned down that april date at Emden pond.

Isabel: What?

Wedding Planner: Yeah, your mother was right, it's just too nippy that time of year.

Isabel: You talked to my mother?

Wedding Planner: When the date opened up, I called her right away.

[Cell phone rings]


Isabel: excuse me. hello?

Max: So you think you're getting married?

Isabel: H-how did you-- how did you find that out?

Max: Mom tracked me down. Isabel, you've only known this guy for a month.

Isabel: 4 months, and don't call him "this guy."

Max: Either way, I don't see the urgency.

Isabel: gonna have this conversation with you on the phone.

Max: Look, just don't make any more plans until I get back.

Isabel: Stop it. I am not a child.

Max: Yeah, well, you're acting like one.

Isabel: Yeah, well, you, too.

Wedding Planner: Uh, well, uh, you... Have a good one, ok?

[Kal and the general are talking in the General's office]

General: (on the phone) Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

General: >Kal, i wish I could help you, but the boys at the pentagon say it's a no-go.

Kal: Ed, come on. It's not like we're talking national security. Everybody knows this ship's a hoax.

General: Well, of course it's a hoax. I just think that after pearl harbor they're being a little bit more choosy. You understand.

Kal: But between you and me, the ship is on the base. Am i right?

General: Sorry, kal. I can't help you.

[Kal leaves, and is confronted by Max]

Max: >Where are they holding it?

Kal: >He wouldn't say.

Max: >Well, someone else has to know. Who can you call?

Kal: They won't help us.

Max: You're not telling me something.

Kal: You've lost it, kid.

Max: Tell me what you know, kal.

Kal: The ship is here.

Max: Take me to it.

[Mrs. Evans is folding clothes as Isabel walks in]

Mrs Evans: Hi, honey. How was class?

Isabel: You told max? That was my news to tell him. Where did you even find his number?

Mrs Evans: In your address book.

Isabel: oh, my god.

Mrs Evans: Isabel, let me explain.

Isabel: Don't. Please don't try to defend yourself. I ran into Windy today and she told me that a spot opened up at Emden pond, which I specifically said that I wanted, and you told her no. And then you go and tell Max, knowing full well that he won't approve. God, mom, you're acting like you don't want his wedding to happen.

Mrs Evans: Maybe I don't. I thought if i could just slow things down that maybe you'd come to your senses.

Isabel: Why?

Mrs Evans: Because you're making a mistake, Isabel.

Isabel: A mistake?! I love him.

Mrs Evans: Then date him. Get to know him. You don't have to marry him, Isabel. Not like this. Not in 6 months. For god's sake, isabel.

Isabel: I have been a good daughter. I have always, always made responsible decisions. Why would you think that now i'm not?

Mrs Evans: It hasn't even been a year since alex you graduated from high school without a firm plan for your future. I mean, your brother-- look what's happening with Max. We don't know. Your whole world has been torn apart. It only makes sense that you would grab ahold of the first stable thing that came along.

Isabel: No! That is not what he is to me.

Mrs Evans: He's not right for you.

Isabel: Why?! Because he's latino?

Mrs Evans: >Of course not!

Isabel: Then i don't understand why you don't want this to happen. I don't see any other reason for it!

Mrs Evans: Isabel, if you rush into this yo 're gonna wake up someday, sweetheart, and you are gonna be a bitter, live-at-home 20-year-old divorcee. Is that what you want?

Isabel: Thanks for your support, mom.

[Max and Kal are looking for the ship on the base]

Kal: It's in there.

Max: You can see through metal?

Kal: No. It's the only building big enough to hold the ship.

[Max and Kal open the doors to find the ship]

Kal: Well, you got what you wanted. I'm leaving. Oh, I forgot to mention... You'll need the key.

Max: Oh, I forgot to mention I have it. You can't leave. You're my pilot.

Kal: i'll have to shapeshift to operate the controls.

Max: My son needs me.

Kal: You're asking me to throw away everything i've ever worked for.

Max: You'll never be human, langley.

Kal: You don't want to go back there. This is such a better place.

Max: I'm gonna find my son and then we're coming back. It won't be that easy.

Max: How do we get this ship out of here?

Max: Tell me how we do this!

Kal: First, you have to open up the hangar door, but not until i get the ship airborne. Too soon, the alarm'll go off and all hell will break loose.

Max: And then what?

Kal: I lower the entry beam and you step in and we're out of here. Please. Listen to your human side. I don't want to go.

Max: shapeshift. Fly the ship.

[Kal Shapeshifts, and enters the ship]

[Liz shows up to talk to Maria with a box of Max's stuff]

Liz: I brought your cd back.

Maria: Good.

Liz: Sure. There you go. How about these peanut butter pretzels? I know that you really like those. Here. Just take them. The past 3 simpsons on tape. Really funny episodes. And why don't you take these stupid cookies that I made. And this really ugly, stupid picture of myself. Why don't you just take it all, maria?

Maria: Are we breaking up? No call?

Liz: Nothing. And I was totally panicked unti| I talked to isabel on the phone and she told me that max called her this afternoon.

Maria: Come here. I feel your pain, girlfriend. And you know what? Whenever this happens to me, there's only one thing I can do, and that is take it out on michael. Let's go to his apartment right now.

Liz: You know that I have been with him through all of this. All of it. Any time that he needs anything, I'm there. Right? And he can't even pick up the phone.

Maria: Well, this phone that you speak of, it's a revolutionary concept, yes, but it does work both ways.

Liz: I know.

[Back on the base, the ship begins to Rise - Max's cell phone rings. Liz's name shows up, and Max puts the phone back in his pocket. The ship crashes to the ground- alrams go off, and Langley is on the ground]

Max: langley.


[Weakly] too much damage from the initial crash. The generators overloaded.

Mrs Evans: Hey, you. There's leftover chicken in the fridge, honey.

Isabel: I didn't come to eat. I, um... I came because a spot opened up at the wedding pavilion at summerhaven park.

Mrs Evans: When will your father ever learn to load this thing right?

Isabel: Jesse and i are getting married there in 2 weeks.

Mrs Evans: You're what?

Isabel: Getting married in 2 weeks.

Mrs Evans: Because you're mad at me.

Isabel: No.

Mrs Evans: Yes, you are, isabel. You're trying to put me in my place, aren't you? You and I have been playing this game for years.

Isabel: No. This isn't about you. I came because I love you and I would very much like it if you would be a part of what is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Mrs Evans: I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

[Knock on door]

Mrs Evans: michael.

Michael: Mrs. Evans. Come on in.

Michael: Yeah, maria said that you wanted this back, so i... Oh, is this a bad time?

Mrs Evans: No. No, not at all. Isabel, why don't you see if michael would like something to drink?

Michael: No, I'm fine. Thanks.

Mrs Evans: Isabel?

Isabel: Excuse me.

[Back at Kal's mansion, Max helps him out of the car]

Max: Langley.

Kal: I destroyed my life for you tonight, all for nothing. Because of you, everything i've worked for is gone.

Max: Kal.

Kal: It's how you've always been, your majesty: Selfish and ungrateful. Being your protector might be encoded in my genes, but after tonight... I'll never stop hating you.

Max: kal. You were right. I slept with the enemy, then sent my own child back with her. It was the biggest mistake of my life, and I have to live with it every single day. It's my fault. I shouldn't have dragged you into this. But I didn't have anything to-- I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry.

Kal: Think of all the loved ones you almost left behind. Your sister... Girlfriend... Your mother, who feels like she's already lost you.

Max: How do you know about them?

Kal: It's my job. Go home, max. Don't come back. Word of advice... The more you embrace our alien side... The more you're gonna lose.

[Isabel is walking in the park, using her powers to knock out street lights- Michael comes up on his motorcycle]

Michael: That's city property. What's going on with your mom?

Isabel: I'm getting married in 2 weeks and she told me she wanted nothing to do with the wedding. I'm all alone in this, michael. Do you have any idea how that feels? Max found out the other day. You can imagine what his reaction was. That's why i wanted-- I just--I needed you to congratulate me the other night. You know, can you be on my side just this once?

Michael: Isabel, you don't care what i think.

Isabel: How can you say that?

Michael: Because if you did, then you wouldn't have had maria break the news.

Isabel: I'm sorry. That was stupid. I just--I was afraid that you would freak out and I didn't think that i could handle it, so... I'm sorry. I know that you're worried about jesse, but I'm gonna keep him safe.

Michael: I hope you can.

Isabel: Michael, your opinion means as much to me as max's. You're like a brother to me, too.

Isabel: The point is to just kind of...

Michael: So in 2 weeks...

Isabel: Less than, actually.

Michael: Congratulations, isabel.

Isabel: Thank you.

[Scene switches to Liz sweeping the floor-- Max knocks and comes in]

Liz: Hi.

Max: Hi.

Liz: When did you get back?

Max: Just now.

Liz: You didn't call.

Max: I was driving all night. I-- I just had to get back to see you. I-I'm sorry.

Liz: You can't do this, max. I love you, but... You know, lately, I just haven't been feeling it back.

Max: I didn't mean to...

Liz: But you did.

Max: liz, i know you've been here, alone, waiting for me, and... And I've... It was wrong. I--

Liz: no! Max. what, max? What happened?

Max: I failed. And my son... He's up there somewhere. I've just messed everything up. Langley's life. Yours. I'm so sorry, liz. I'm so sorry.

Liz: It's ok. It's ok.


Max: I'll never leave you, liz.

Kikavu ?

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