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#208 : A chacun son double (Partie 1)

Les doubles de Max, Isabel, Michael et Tess viennent sur Terre à l’occasion d’un sommet réunissant à New York les représentants des six planètes du système solaire. Le faux Michael tue le faux Max. Ces doubles doivent alors rencontrer leurs homologues afin de convaincre le vrai Max d’assister au sommet…


4.33 - 3 votes

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Meet The Dupes - Part 1

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A chacun son double (Partie 1)

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Photos promo

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)

Lonnie (Katherine Heigl), Ava (Emilie de Ravin), Zan (Jason Behr) & Rath (Brendan Fehr)


Logo de la chaîne The WB

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.11.2000 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Toni Graphia
Réalisé par : James A. Contner

Guests :
Desmond Askew ... Brody Davis
Garrett M. Brown ... Phillip Evans
Sean Allen Rector ... Lance


4 personnes aux allures de punks marchent dans les rues de New York.

Il s’agit des doubles de Max, Michael, Isabel et Tess issus du 2e jeu d’incubateurs.

Ils s’appellent respectivement Zan, Rath, Lonnie et Ava.

Ils utilisent leurs pouvoirs pour voler à l’étalage et prendre de l’argent dans le tiroir caisse d’un marchand de fruits et légumes.

Rath rappelle à Zan qu’on essaye de les contacter pour qu’ils assistent à un sommet politique.

Zan refuse d’y aller.

Rath parlant d’y aller sans lui, Zan lui rappelle qu’il est le Roi et que c’est lui qui commande. Mécontent, Rath paraît néanmoins se soumettre à son autorité.


Au lycée de Roswell, le professeur de sciences annonce aux élèves qu’un événement exceptionnel s’est produit : l’implosion d’une géante rouge. Après le cours, Liz essaye de parler du phénomène avec Max mais il écourte la conversation, triste et résigné.


A New York, Rath, Lonnie et Ava volent une voiture de sport. Zan n’est plus avec eux.

Seule Ava semble en être affectée.


A Roswell, Brody montre à Max que ses ordinateurs ont détecté une sorte d’émission d’énergie à New York. Tout excité, il en déduit que quelqu’un cherche à établir un contact.

Il met ensuite Max dehors afin d’être seul quand Maria, pour qui il a un faible, lui apporte son repas.

Maria, qui vient une fois de plus de se disputer avec Michael, ne lui prête guère attention.


Les doubles continuent leur route à bord de la voiture volée. Ils se rendent à Roswell pour chercher Max qu’ils veulent amener avec eux au sommet à la place de Zan.


Isabel s’est mise au jogging. Max essaye de lui parler de Valandra, à propos de laquelle il se pose des questions, mais elle ne veut rien entendre.


A leur arrivée à Roswell, les doubles sont arrêtés par Valenti qui les prend pour Michael, Tess et Isabel. Lui faisant croire qu’ils sont déguisés pour une soirée sur le thème de New York, ils profitent de l’occasion pour se faire conduire jusque chez les Evans en prétextant avoir aperçu une voiture suspecte devant la maison.


Au Crash Down, Max se montre toujours aussi froid et distant envers Liz. Elle lui avoue qu’elle en a assez, qu’elle voudrait qu’ils redeviennent amis.

Il lui dit qu’il ne peut pas, que c’est trop tôt, et part.


Rath et Lonnie fouillent la chambre de Max. Rath trouve une photo de Liz dans un tiroir. Il la trouve à son goût.

Surprise par M. Evans, Lonnie se fait passer pour Isabel, expliquant sa tenue par le fait qu’elle va jouer une adaptation rock de Roméo et Juliette.

M. Evans est ravi. Il lui confie cependant son inquiétude à propos de  Max qu’il trouve trop tendu . Il s’inquiète aussi de voir que tous les 2 semblent avoir à présent des relations difficiles, conflictuelles.


De son coté Maria demande une explication à Brody qui lui a donné un pourboire de 100$. Il essaye maladroitement de l’inviter à déjeuner.


Rath aborde Liz dans les couloirs du lycée. Elle le prend pour Michael. Il la drague ouvertement, allant jusqu’à l’embrasser. Elle s’en va, écœurée.


Max convoque toute la bande au Centre des OVNIS pour leur parler des observations de Brody.

Les doubles les rejoignent, créant la surprise.

Bien qu’ils sachent grâce à Hal Carver ( Eté 47 ) qu’ils y avaient 8 incubateurs à l’origine, aucun des  4 aliens ne se doutaient qu’ils auraient affaire à des sosies.

Les doubles se présentent, expliquant qu’ils ont perdu leur Zan dans un accident.

Rath demande à parler en privé à Max. Il essaye de le convaincre de se rendre au sommet en prétendant que c’est le seul espoir de rétablir la paix sur leur monde d’origine.

Lonnie affirme quant à elle que Max etc. ne sont que de pales copies « trop humaines ».

Elle explique ensuite à Isabel que Lonnie est le diminutif de Valandra. Comprenant qu’Isabel est au courant de la  trahison de Valandra et qu’elle n’en a rien dit à Max, Lonnie prétend être elle aussi bouleversé par cette histoire qu’elle préfère garder secrète.


Malgré l’insistance de Rath, qui lui dit que des millions de vies sont en jeu, Max refuse de se rendre au sommet.

Rath et Lonnie sont plus décidés que jamais à le faire changer d’avis.

La discussion ayant duré toute la nuit, tous se font surprendre par Brody qui est plutôt mécontent qu’on organise une « fête » sans le prévenir.

Maria intervient et lui propose de l’inviter pour un petit déjeuner. Brody est ravi et oublie tout le reste. Il confie cependant à Maria qu’il pense être bientôt enlevé à nouveau par les aliens.


Lonnie rend visite à Max dans sa chambre. Elle lui explique qu’elle a quelque chose sur le cœur, qu’elle n’a jamais pu dire à Zan avant sa mort, et qu’elle veut le lui dire à lui pour s’en libérer. Elle lui apprend alors la vérité sur Valandra et s’excuse de l’avoir trahi dans son autre vie.

Secoué par cette révélation, Max lui répond que ni elle, ni Isabel ne l’ont trahi. 

Lonnie le remercie et lui dit qu’elle se sent soulagée de lui avoir parlé. Sachant qu’il n’en est rien, elle ajoute qu’il a de la chance qu’Isabel lui ai dit la vérité.

Max va alors voir Isabel. Il est blessé qu’elle ai pu lui mentir à propos de Valandra et que ce soit finalement Lonnie qui lui ai appris la vérité.

Isabel se met en colère, disant qu’elle n’avait pas à s’excuser puisqu’elle n’a rien fait. Elle accuse Max de traiter tout le monde comme sa propriété et le compare à un enfant égoïste, le poussant à bout. Michael doit intervenir pour les séparer.

Max annonce alors qu’il part à New York.

Tandis qu’il s’éloigne, on voit qu’il a en réalité eu affaire à Lonnie et Rath qui avaient modifiés leur apparence pour le manipuler.


Avant de partir, Max rend visite à Liz. Il lui restitue le cadeau qu’elle lui avait fait pour Noël ( un couteau marqué Max et Liz 4 ever )

Il lui annonce qu’il part avec Lonnie, Rath et Tess.

Liz, le cœur serré, lui demande de ne pas révéler où se trouve le Granilith qui est très précieux et dangereux. Max a du mal à la croire.


Au moment de partir Ava a un flash. Elle revoit la mort de Zan qui a en réalité été tué par Lonnie et Rath. Elle refuse alors de partir.

Rath et furieux mais se contient à cause de Max. Ava reste donc à Roswell tandis que Max Tess, Lonnie et Rath partent pour New York.


00:00:01,213 --> 00:00:02,612



00:00:02,773 --> 00:00:05,731

- Max Evans?

- Oui. Qui es-tu?


00:00:05,893 --> 00:00:07,963

Brody Davis.

Tu travailles pour moi.


00:00:08,413 --> 00:00:09,926

Que t'est-il arrivé?


00:00:10,373 --> 00:00:13,604

Avant, tu déterminais le sort

d'une armée en jouant à pile ou face.


00:00:13,973 --> 00:00:16,726

Une chance pour moi que tu te fies

aux mauvaises personnes.


00:00:17,093 --> 00:00:18,685

Ça ne te rappelle rien,



00:00:27,653 --> 00:00:30,850

Tu connais les cocons qui ont abrité

Max, Isabel, Tess et moi?


00:00:31,253 --> 00:00:32,402

Avant ta naissance?


00:00:32,573 --> 00:00:34,529

Il en existe une autre série

quelque part.


00:01:17,493 --> 00:01:19,927

- Ça va, ma belle?

- Et toi?


00:01:20,453 --> 00:01:22,409

- Cool, ton style.

- Elle le sait.


00:01:23,053 --> 00:01:24,566

File-moi le ballon, G.


00:01:30,213 --> 00:01:33,569

Hé mec, tu me rends mon ballon!


00:01:35,013 --> 00:01:37,573

Ils nous ont recontactés hier soir.

Même invitation.


00:01:38,173 --> 00:01:40,562

- On doit répondre.

- Refusons.


00:01:41,293 --> 00:01:43,045

On va pas à la réunion?


00:01:43,213 --> 00:01:44,726

- Exactement.

- On assure pas.


00:01:44,933 --> 00:01:46,685

C'est la seule fois

où on nous appelle.


00:01:46,853 --> 00:01:48,650

Et alors?


00:01:49,053 --> 00:01:50,645

On refuse,

ils redemandent pas.


00:01:51,093 --> 00:01:53,561

- Pas question.

- Qu'est-ce qui te prend?


00:01:53,973 --> 00:01:55,770

J'irai tout seul!


00:01:56,493 --> 00:02:00,247

Ils veulent pas du numéro 2

mais des 4 royaux.


00:02:00,413 --> 00:02:02,529

On peut y aller

pour trouver des réponses?


00:02:02,693 --> 00:02:05,412

- Et si c'est un coup monté?

- Ils ont besoin de nous.


00:02:08,613 --> 00:02:10,205

Je suis en charge ici.


00:02:11,533 --> 00:02:14,605

- Ne l'oublie pas.

- Les mecs...


00:02:16,093 --> 00:02:17,890

La journée a été dure.

Soyons cool.


00:02:22,733 --> 00:02:24,530

T'es en charge.


00:02:53,853 --> 00:02:55,923




00:03:29,453 --> 00:03:30,522

Une semaine plus tard


00:03:30,693 --> 00:03:35,562

Un trou noir, c'est ce qui reste

quand une étoile meurt.


00:03:36,213 --> 00:03:39,330

C'est ce qui s'est produit

la semaine dernière.


00:03:39,613 --> 00:03:43,731

L'implosion stellaire spectaculaire

d'une géante rouge,


00:03:43,933 --> 00:03:46,527

une première

dans l'histoire de l'astronomie.


00:03:47,413 --> 00:03:50,928

C'est la 1ère fois

qu'une étoile principale,


00:03:51,093 --> 00:03:54,244

à la fleur de l'âge,

soudainement et sans prévenir,


00:03:54,453 --> 00:03:57,092

explose en supernova,

libérant une température


00:03:57,253 --> 00:04:00,370

de plusieurs millions de degrés

avant de disparaître.


00:04:00,653 --> 00:04:05,443

Un procédé qui, d'habitude,

prend des milliers d'années.


00:04:05,613 --> 00:04:09,242

Quelle a pu être la cause

de cette perte remarquable?


00:04:17,013 --> 00:04:20,562

Bizarre, cette histoire d'étoile, non?


00:04:22,133 --> 00:04:23,612

Et triste.


00:04:25,373 --> 00:04:30,242

C'est étonnant qu'une chose qui brille

autant puisse s'éteindre comme ça.


00:04:34,253 --> 00:04:35,322

C'est pourtant vrai.


00:04:49,333 --> 00:04:51,403

Qu'est-ce qui vous prend?


00:04:52,293 --> 00:04:54,568

C'est ma voiture.

Bande de voleurs.


00:04:55,333 --> 00:04:57,085

Au secours.

Appelez la police!


00:04:57,693 --> 00:05:01,845

Appelez la police,

ils me volent ma voiture.


00:05:12,573 --> 00:05:14,325

Le pied, cette caisse.


00:05:14,693 --> 00:05:16,604

Vivement qu'on quitte cette ville.


00:05:16,773 --> 00:05:19,685

Le compteur indique 120,

mais je parie qu'on peut faire du 130.


00:05:21,853 --> 00:05:27,325

- On formait une famille, tous les 4.

- Les temps changent.


00:05:27,573 --> 00:05:29,325

Dégage de là!


00:05:30,693 --> 00:05:33,082

C'était ton frère, Lonnie.


00:05:39,053 --> 00:05:41,647

C'est vrai. Zan est mon frère.


00:05:42,213 --> 00:05:44,249

Et Rath, mon mec.

Mais qui es-tu?


00:05:45,013 --> 00:05:47,686

Pourquoi respires-tu encore,

ici, dans cette voiture?


00:05:53,333 --> 00:05:55,642

T'es là parce que je t'aime.


00:05:59,173 --> 00:06:00,322

Trop mignon.


00:06:13,493 --> 00:06:17,202

- Salut, Brody.

- Max, te voilà.


00:06:17,373 --> 00:06:19,443

Je mourais d'envie de le dire

à quelqu'un.


00:06:19,613 --> 00:06:22,525

Regarde cette activité sur la côte Est.


00:06:22,733 --> 00:06:24,849

- Quelque part par là.

- New York.


00:06:25,613 --> 00:06:28,002

Ces signaux sont apparus

la semaine dernière.


00:06:28,173 --> 00:06:31,085

Quelqu'un ou quelque chose

essaie de prendre contact.


00:06:31,333 --> 00:06:33,528

Je vais ouvrir quelques fichiers


00:06:33,693 --> 00:06:36,446

pour voir si ces données

correspondent aux archives


00:06:36,613 --> 00:06:37,887

et essayer de...


00:06:40,373 --> 00:06:43,126

- C'est l'heure du dîner.

- J'ai pas faim.


00:06:43,373 --> 00:06:45,728

Peu importe.

Prends une pause.


00:06:46,333 --> 00:06:48,449

- Je viens d'arriver.

- Dehors.


00:06:53,973 --> 00:06:55,167

Avec du pepperjack.


00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,483

Ils en raffolent.


00:06:57,653 --> 00:07:01,771

Max a appelé, il veut tous

nous réunir samedi soir.


00:07:01,933 --> 00:07:04,163

- J'ai déjà des projets.

- Vraiment?


00:07:04,333 --> 00:07:06,085

Oui, et je peux pas annuler.


00:07:06,653 --> 00:07:10,771

- C'est trop mignon.

- Mignon? La finale de motocross?


00:07:11,173 --> 00:07:16,088

Je suis censée chanter

dans la nouvelle salle près du musée.


00:07:16,333 --> 00:07:19,006

Je t'ai déjà entendue chanter,

où est le problème?


00:07:26,933 --> 00:07:30,687

- Un "Galaxy sub", sans mayo.

- Merci beaucoup.


00:07:32,013 --> 00:07:34,004

Y a du pepperjack

dans le sandwich?


00:07:39,253 --> 00:07:43,371

- Non, je n'en vois pas.

- J'y crois pas!


00:07:43,533 --> 00:07:46,001

- C'est bon.

- Non, ce n'est pas bon!


00:07:46,173 --> 00:07:48,562

Vous avez demandé du pepperjack,

vous devez en avoir.


00:07:48,733 --> 00:07:50,644

C'est totalement inacceptable!


00:07:50,813 --> 00:07:52,724

- Ce n'est que du fromage.

- Pas du tout.


00:07:53,173 --> 00:07:55,482

- C'est un détail.

- Oui, c'est un détail,


00:07:55,653 --> 00:07:57,883

et une personne

qui oublie le fromage


00:07:58,053 --> 00:08:02,046

- ne mérite pas d'être en vie.

- Vous prenez votre travail à cœur.


00:08:02,213 --> 00:08:06,172

Reprenez votre argent.

Cadeau de la maison.


00:08:06,333 --> 00:08:09,325

Acceptez au moins ce pourboire.


00:08:10,333 --> 00:08:12,847

C'est inutile, je vous remercie.


00:08:14,893 --> 00:08:17,327

Que pensez-vous

de notre nouveau président?


00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:31,563

Ça va pas, Ava?

Tu dis rien depuis 2 jours.


00:08:32,933 --> 00:08:34,924

T'as dit que tu lui ferais

changer d'avis


00:08:35,133 --> 00:08:37,488

- sur la réunion.

- On n'a pas pu.


00:08:38,333 --> 00:08:41,006

- On a fait autrement.

- C'était le chef, Rath.


00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:43,210

Zan n'a pas voulu coopérer.


00:08:43,373 --> 00:08:45,841

- On est mieux sans lui.

- Et comment savoir


00:08:46,013 --> 00:08:48,163

si l'autre Zan sera différent?


00:08:48,333 --> 00:08:49,322



00:08:51,493 --> 00:08:54,724

Max Evans, c'est son nom.

On n'a pas de garantie.


00:08:54,893 --> 00:08:57,453

Mais cette fois-ci, on trouvera

un moyen d'entrer.


00:08:57,693 --> 00:09:00,048

Ils ne nous recevront pas

sans le roi.


00:09:00,253 --> 00:09:02,164

On va l'emmener

à la réunion


00:09:02,333 --> 00:09:04,528

et on avisera pour la suite.


00:09:09,573 --> 00:09:11,643

- Il faut qu'on parle.

- Encore un tour.


00:09:15,173 --> 00:09:18,643

- Qu'est-ce que tu fuis?

- Je garde la forme.


00:09:18,853 --> 00:09:22,243

Tu ne t'entraînais que sur

l'escalator du centre commercial!


00:09:24,093 --> 00:09:27,085

- Les temps changent.

- Bien. A plus tard.


00:09:27,853 --> 00:09:29,286



00:09:36,213 --> 00:09:38,807

Tu es bien Vilandra?


00:09:46,613 --> 00:09:48,808

Isabel, un lien unique nous unit


00:09:49,973 --> 00:09:51,850

depuis qu'on est sortis

des cocons.


00:09:53,333 --> 00:09:56,325

On se doit d'être honnêtes

l'un envers l'autre.


00:09:57,333 --> 00:09:58,322

Désolée, Max.


00:10:28,733 --> 00:10:31,088

Pourquoi on les a pas invités

à la réunion?


00:10:32,453 --> 00:10:35,365

On est les seuls à savoir

qu'il existe une autre série.


00:10:35,533 --> 00:10:37,842

Ils vivent au milieu de nulle part.


00:10:43,253 --> 00:10:45,244

Bon sang. Les flics.


00:10:54,853 --> 00:10:55,842

Restez cool.


00:10:56,693 --> 00:10:58,570

Pas de soucis,

c'est du tout cuit.


00:11:14,213 --> 00:11:15,931

Permis et carte grise.


00:11:18,213 --> 00:11:19,931



00:11:23,413 --> 00:11:26,769

Doux Jésus!

C'est quoi, cet accoutrement?


00:11:27,093 --> 00:11:30,608

On va a une soirée

sur le thème de "New York".


00:11:31,373 --> 00:11:34,012

On dirait que vous venez

d'une autre planète.


00:11:37,813 --> 00:11:41,010

- D'où vient cette voiture?

- C'est un emprunt, Shérif


00:11:42,333 --> 00:11:46,167

- Valenti.

- Lève le pied de l'accélérateur.


00:11:46,333 --> 00:11:49,166

Inutile d'attirer plus l'attention sur vous.


00:11:49,333 --> 00:11:51,324


avec les derniers événements.


00:11:51,893 --> 00:11:57,172

- C'est promis. On fera attention.

- Où est ton frère?


00:11:57,333 --> 00:11:59,164

On allait le chercher

mais on a vu


00:11:59,333 --> 00:12:01,608

une voiture bizarre

garée devant la maison.


00:12:01,813 --> 00:12:05,089

- Une voiture suspecte?

- Un chasseur d'extraterrestres.


00:12:06,533 --> 00:12:08,728

Comme si quelqu'un nous espionnait.


00:12:08,893 --> 00:12:11,361

On pourrait vous suivre

et vous verriez par vous-même.


00:12:13,453 --> 00:12:14,806



00:12:15,333 --> 00:12:17,005

Vous allez me suivre.


00:12:17,173 --> 00:12:18,891

Si tout va bien,

je vous fais passer.


00:12:19,133 --> 00:12:20,930


Shérif, vous êtes top.


00:12:43,733 --> 00:12:46,201

Tu veux autre chose?

La cuisine va fermer.


00:12:46,613 --> 00:12:48,285

Non merci.


00:12:50,893 --> 00:12:55,444

Je déteste le fait qu'on ne puisse

pas s'entendre.


00:12:58,333 --> 00:13:02,042

Avant qu'on s'embrasse,

on était amis.


00:13:03,053 --> 00:13:05,169

On parlait. On riait.


00:13:05,333 --> 00:13:08,245

On ne peut pas retrouver ça?


00:13:10,933 --> 00:13:12,332



00:13:14,293 --> 00:13:17,922

Je ne peux pas. J'ai...


00:13:21,853 --> 00:13:23,081

besoin de temps.


00:13:23,253 --> 00:13:25,642

Je te comprends.


00:13:26,333 --> 00:13:30,531

Je le respecte. Mais...


00:13:33,573 --> 00:13:35,848

je ne veux pas que tu me détestes.


00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:56,812

Belle journée

dans le quartier.


00:13:57,093 --> 00:13:58,526

Tu te vois habiter ici?


00:13:58,733 --> 00:14:00,485

Non, c'est du suicide.


00:14:01,493 --> 00:14:03,723

Allons voir ce qui fait

vibrer M. Max.


00:14:04,133 --> 00:14:05,851

Reste ici et fais le guet.


00:14:25,853 --> 00:14:27,445

Je le savais. Un scout.


00:14:35,413 --> 00:14:37,404

Mate ses fringues.



00:14:37,573 --> 00:14:39,928

Où il achète ça?

Chez "Farces et Attrapes"?


00:14:40,333 --> 00:14:42,324

Ici, on trouve ça tendance.


00:14:46,333 --> 00:14:51,168

Regarde un peu ça.

Il travaille pour un musée d'ovnis.


00:14:51,333 --> 00:14:52,322

- Non.

- Si.


00:15:01,333 --> 00:15:02,448



00:15:04,173 --> 00:15:06,448

Ce doit être sa salope.

Où tu l'as trouvé?


00:15:06,893 --> 00:15:08,645

Dans son tiroir à chaussettes.


00:15:09,253 --> 00:15:12,325

"Max, je t'aimerai toujours. Liz."


00:15:12,933 --> 00:15:14,924

Elle a rien d'extraordinaire.


00:15:15,653 --> 00:15:18,725

- Je me la ferais bien.

- Vas-y, mais ne la tue pas.


00:15:19,173 --> 00:15:21,528

Ce qu'on fait ici est important.

Ne gâche rien.


00:15:23,613 --> 00:15:25,046



00:15:30,013 --> 00:15:31,526



00:15:32,933 --> 00:15:36,721

- Papa.

- Que t'est-il arrivé?


00:15:36,893 --> 00:15:41,489

Tu ressembles à cette rappeuse

à la télé. Queen Latisha.


00:15:41,733 --> 00:15:44,725

- Queen Latifa.

- Tu ne t'es pas tatouée?


00:15:46,813 --> 00:15:49,168

T'inquiète, c'est du henné.

Ça part à l'eau.


00:15:52,653 --> 00:15:56,168

Pour dire vrai,

je ne suis pas Isabel.


00:15:56,333 --> 00:15:58,164

- C'est vrai?

- Oui.


00:16:01,333 --> 00:16:06,532

Je suis Juliette. Le lycée met en scène

une version rock'n'roll


00:16:06,733 --> 00:16:09,372

- de Roméo et Juliette et...

- Ma fille joue Juliette!


00:16:09,613 --> 00:16:11,205

C'est génial, trésor.


00:16:12,653 --> 00:16:15,804

"L'odeur de la peinture, les cris

de la foule." J'ai fait du théâtre.


00:16:16,013 --> 00:16:19,085

- J'ai joué "Puck" en dernière année.

- Homérique, papa.


00:16:19,533 --> 00:16:21,364

Tu as hérité de ça.


00:16:21,653 --> 00:16:26,090

Je suis contente que tu t'intéresses

à quelque chose.


00:16:26,253 --> 00:16:29,563

- Si ton frère en faisait autant.

- Max. Il est si...


00:16:29,733 --> 00:16:34,409

Angoissé. Je m'inquiète pour lui.

Même la thérapie ne l'aide pas.


00:16:34,973 --> 00:16:38,329

- Manifestement, elle t'aide.

- C'est vrai.


00:16:39,893 --> 00:16:46,241

- Il m'aide à me trouver.

- Que dirais-tu


00:16:46,413 --> 00:16:49,052

si Max et toi alliez

au même rendez-vous?


00:16:49,293 --> 00:16:51,329

Pour découvrir ce qui vous sépare.


00:16:53,333 --> 00:16:56,405

- Je pensais que t'avais rien vu.

- Les portes qui claquent,


00:16:56,573 --> 00:17:01,567

le silence à table. Vous ne vous battiez

pas comme ça avant.


00:17:01,813 --> 00:17:03,565

J'aimerais trouver une solution.


00:17:05,333 --> 00:17:08,086

Promets-moi que tu vas essayer.

Le rendez-vous.


00:17:18,693 --> 00:17:23,130

Un psy.

Tordu, non?


00:17:23,293 --> 00:17:27,605

Max est timbré.

On peut s'en servir.


00:17:30,773 --> 00:17:33,048

"Je t'embrasse. Liz."


00:17:41,453 --> 00:17:44,729

- C'est quoi?

- Un pourboire.


00:17:45,333 --> 00:17:49,724

- De 100 dollars? Pourquoi?

- Honnêtement?


00:17:51,013 --> 00:17:54,892

C'est Ben Franklin.

Je supporte pas ce type.


00:17:55,253 --> 00:17:58,609

Donnez-moi cinq "Andrew Jackson"

quand vous voulez.


00:17:59,573 --> 00:18:02,406

Vous avez vu ses beaux cheveux épais


00:18:02,573 --> 00:18:05,326

qui lui donne un air d'Elvis.

Ses pattes...


00:18:06,053 --> 00:18:08,328

Vous avez beaucoup trop d'argent.


00:18:09,613 --> 00:18:11,729

Je ne sais pas où vous voulez en venir,


00:18:11,933 --> 00:18:17,803

mais Maria DeLuca, ici-même,

n'est pas à vendre. Attendez, non...


00:18:17,973 --> 00:18:20,407

- Même pas pour autant.

- Et un déjeuner?


00:18:22,253 --> 00:18:25,882

- Un rendez-vous?

- Non, absolument pas.


00:18:26,933 --> 00:18:30,050

La prochaine fois que vous m'apportez

un sandwich,


00:18:30,213 --> 00:18:33,091

vous pourriez vous joindre à moi

et me l'offrir,


00:18:33,253 --> 00:18:35,323

même si j'ai trop d'argent,

vous paieriez.


00:18:35,533 --> 00:18:38,331

Ça deviendrait un non-rendez-vous,


00:18:38,813 --> 00:18:44,809

et vous resteriez manger avec moi

en tout bien tout honneur.


00:18:45,973 --> 00:18:49,329

- Qu'en dites-vous?

- Je...


00:18:49,893 --> 00:18:54,250

- Je vous trouve un peu étrange.

- Parfois, oui.


00:19:01,613 --> 00:19:04,764

- Ça gaze? T'as l'air occupée.

- Excusez-moi.


00:19:05,173 --> 00:19:08,882

Mon Dieu, Michael!

T'as fait quoi à tes cheveux?


00:19:09,053 --> 00:19:12,329

- J'aimerais t'y faire goûter.

- "Goûter...", c'est ça.


00:19:13,093 --> 00:19:15,163

Et si tu me faisais

un petit quelque chose?


00:19:15,333 --> 00:19:18,325

Ne me touche pas.

Qu'est-ce qui te prend?


00:19:18,653 --> 00:19:21,326

Disons que comme Maxie

et toi, c'est fini...


00:19:22,493 --> 00:19:24,324

Arrête, d'accord?


00:19:26,333 --> 00:19:31,168

C'est bon, j'ai compris.

Je voulais savoir si je te plairais.


00:19:31,333 --> 00:19:35,167

- Non, ça ne risque pas d'arriver.

- Bien sûr que non.


00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:37,402



00:19:40,573 --> 00:19:41,642

J'y crois pas.


00:19:44,893 --> 00:19:46,121



00:19:50,493 --> 00:19:53,610

Les signaux que Brody a détectés

pourraient avoir un rapport


00:19:53,773 --> 00:19:57,402

- avec l'étoile morte...

- Tu nous as convoqués d'urgence


00:19:57,573 --> 00:20:00,610

- pour parler d'une étoile qui a claqué?

- Ca a un sens.


00:20:02,013 --> 00:20:06,529

- Ca me hante.

- J'ai annulé mon show, Max.


00:20:06,733 --> 00:20:09,201

On devrait se préparer

au prochain défi.


00:20:10,573 --> 00:20:12,370

Il est bien comme Zan. Regardez.


00:20:12,533 --> 00:20:15,172

En plus arrogant.

Pas étonnant que sa nana l'ait lourdé.


00:20:15,333 --> 00:20:17,051

Quelle bande de ratés!


00:20:17,293 --> 00:20:20,922

Pourquoi on leur a révélé leurs secrets?

On dirait une réunion de conseil.


00:20:21,653 --> 00:20:23,530

Désolé, je suis en retard.


00:20:25,053 --> 00:20:29,012

Je n'ai pas dit que la réunion

était une soirée déguisée.


00:20:29,373 --> 00:20:33,161

C'est trop tard pour fêter Halloween

et trop tôt pour Mardi Gras.


00:20:33,333 --> 00:20:36,484

C'est quoi, ces tenues?

On va à un show de Ricki Lake?


00:20:42,333 --> 00:20:46,611

Laissez tomber. Y a pas besoin

d'occasions spéciales pour se déguiser.


00:20:46,773 --> 00:20:48,331

Et de toutes façons...


00:20:51,733 --> 00:20:53,530

Alex. Tu es en retard.


00:20:55,333 --> 00:20:57,324

Par ici.


00:21:27,333 --> 00:21:29,608

- C'est flippant.

- Qui êtes-vous?


00:21:30,093 --> 00:21:32,732

- On est vous.

- Je ne comprends pas.


00:21:32,893 --> 00:21:36,772

- Des changeurs de forme.

- A votre place, je flipperais.


00:21:37,213 --> 00:21:39,568

- Comment est-ce possible?

- Huit.


00:21:40,333 --> 00:21:42,085

Huit, il y avait huit cocons.


00:21:42,253 --> 00:21:44,323

- Tu savais?

- Oui...


00:21:45,733 --> 00:21:47,530

On vient de l'apprendre. Donc...


00:21:47,693 --> 00:21:50,730

Je pensais pas

que vous seriez nos sosies.


00:21:51,173 --> 00:21:53,562

On savait seulement

qu'il y en avait 8 au début.


00:21:53,813 --> 00:21:56,646

- On ne savait rien des 4 autres.

- Ils sont allés à New York.


00:21:58,013 --> 00:22:00,447

Le centre de l'univers.

Pizzas succulentes.


00:22:00,613 --> 00:22:05,403

- Vous n'êtes que trois.

- On vient de perdre le 4e.


00:22:11,333 --> 00:22:14,325

- Il s'appelle Zan.

- Je suis Max.


00:22:15,333 --> 00:22:18,450

- Comment l'avez-vous perdu?

- Il est mort dans un accident.


00:22:18,733 --> 00:22:21,850

Non, tous ses pouvoirs,

ses capacités...


00:22:22,453 --> 00:22:26,332

Il est mort dans la rue.

Pour rien.


00:22:30,813 --> 00:22:31,802



00:22:33,533 --> 00:22:35,410

- Lonnie.

- Isabel.


00:22:35,653 --> 00:22:37,291

- Je suis Ava.

- Tess.


00:22:39,333 --> 00:22:41,563

Voici Michael. Et nos amis:


00:22:41,733 --> 00:22:44,008

Alex, Maria et Liz.


00:22:45,693 --> 00:22:46,682

On se connaît.


00:22:47,693 --> 00:22:51,322

Désolé. J'essayais

de tâter le terrain.


00:22:54,013 --> 00:22:57,130

Quelque chose se prépare.

Ca va tous nous affecter.


00:22:58,413 --> 00:23:00,051

On peut parler? En privé?


00:23:16,333 --> 00:23:17,607

Tu lui ressembles tant.


00:23:19,653 --> 00:23:21,291

- A Zan?

- Ouais.


00:23:24,333 --> 00:23:26,688

On a été contactés.


00:23:27,293 --> 00:23:29,249

On dirait qu'un groupe

de gens des bois


00:23:29,413 --> 00:23:32,883

- veut s'entretenir avec nous.

- Des "bois"?


00:23:33,053 --> 00:23:34,725

Notre système stellaire.

Chez nous.


00:23:36,133 --> 00:23:39,842

Les familles qui règnent sur les 5

planètes ont organisé une réunion.


00:23:40,013 --> 00:23:42,163

Tout ce que je sais,

c'est que c'est important


00:23:42,333 --> 00:23:44,289

et que ça a un rapport

avec la paix.


00:23:44,453 --> 00:23:47,172

Zan allait représenter notre famille,


00:23:47,893 --> 00:23:49,963

- et donc on a besoin de toi.

- De moi?


00:23:50,893 --> 00:23:53,965

Comme Zan est mort,

tu es notre seul roi.


00:23:56,333 --> 00:23:58,324

Pourquoi ils nous ont pas contactés?


00:23:58,813 --> 00:24:01,202

Ils ignorent qu'il y a deux séries.


00:24:02,333 --> 00:24:03,448

Pourquoi deux séries?


00:24:04,133 --> 00:24:09,446

Ils ont fait une 1ère série imparfaite

avant d'en faire une autre.


00:24:10,333 --> 00:24:12,324

Vous êtes donc défectueux?


00:24:12,853 --> 00:24:17,324

Non, c'est vous.

Trop humains. Sans te vexer.


00:24:18,693 --> 00:24:21,161

Quand on nous a envoyés ici,

c'était la guerre.


00:24:21,333 --> 00:24:23,608

On était la seule chance

de survie, alors


00:24:24,293 --> 00:24:26,329

ils ont envoyé les 2 séries,

par sécurité.


00:24:29,333 --> 00:24:32,006

Vous étiez proches, vous et Zan?


00:24:32,373 --> 00:24:34,568

Plus proches que des frères...


00:24:35,333 --> 00:24:38,006

Je l'ai admiré toute ma vie...


00:24:38,173 --> 00:24:43,327

Je voulais lui ressembler

et puis un jour, plus rien.


00:24:59,693 --> 00:25:03,322

Lonnie est un diminutif

de Vilandra?


00:25:03,733 --> 00:25:06,122


Tu connais Vilandra?


00:25:06,453 --> 00:25:08,444

- J'en ai entendu parler.

- Et?


00:25:08,613 --> 00:25:09,568



00:25:15,333 --> 00:25:18,131

Elle a trahi sa famille,

détruit le château de cartes,


00:25:18,293 --> 00:25:20,284

tué toute le monde.

Tu vois?


00:25:22,813 --> 00:25:25,691

Ça a été dur de le garder pour moi

toutes ces années.


00:25:26,253 --> 00:25:27,606

Oui, je sais.


00:25:29,333 --> 00:25:33,212

Tu n'as rien dit à Max?

Vous semblez si proches.


00:25:34,013 --> 00:25:38,928

C'est ce que je voulais

mais je ne pouvais pas y croire.


00:25:40,293 --> 00:25:41,567

Et l'idée de lui dire...


00:25:42,373 --> 00:25:46,207

C'est bon.

Ce sera notre petit secret.


00:25:48,413 --> 00:25:50,847

Mesdemoiselles, des rafraîchissements?


00:25:51,013 --> 00:25:53,129

Non, pas ce soir, Opie.

Plus tard.


00:26:00,293 --> 00:26:02,011

J'ignore le sens

de cette guerre.


00:26:02,173 --> 00:26:04,209

C'est à propos de nous,

les 4 royaux.


00:26:04,693 --> 00:26:07,082

Il y a eu une révolution,

ils ont tous été tués


00:26:07,333 --> 00:26:09,289

et envoyés sur Terre pour renaître.


00:26:09,453 --> 00:26:12,923

Depuis, les bois sont une zone de guerre.

Et ils veulent la paix.


00:26:13,253 --> 00:26:16,450

Je sais que t'es pas Zan

et que c'est tordu de t'imposer ceci


00:26:16,613 --> 00:26:19,730

mais ça comptait pour lui.

Il a vu la paix,


00:26:19,893 --> 00:26:23,886

la chance de faire quelque chose

de sa vie. C'est tout.


00:26:25,973 --> 00:26:28,533

- Je ne suis pas Zan.

- Ne t'inquiète pas.


00:26:28,733 --> 00:26:33,329

Je serai à tes côtés.

Mais sans toi, il n'y a pas de réunion,


00:26:33,493 --> 00:26:37,168

et pas d'espoir de paix.

Des millions de vies sont en jeu, Max.


00:26:37,373 --> 00:26:40,365

Tu dois agir.


00:26:54,533 --> 00:26:57,605

- Nous y voilà.

- Là-bas, aussi.


00:26:59,373 --> 00:27:01,091

Je pensais avoir tout vu.


00:27:01,653 --> 00:27:05,362

Ils veulent que j'assiste à la réunion

à New York.


00:27:07,373 --> 00:27:10,365

- Toi, seul? On est pas invités?

- J'ai déjà refusé.


00:27:11,013 --> 00:27:13,811

Il va falloir le convaincre.

Il est aussi têtu que Zan.


00:27:14,373 --> 00:27:16,933

- On n'a pas beaucoup de temps.

- J'y travaille.


00:27:17,093 --> 00:27:20,722

Comme avec Zan?

Tu peux pas foirer, Rath.


00:27:21,533 --> 00:27:24,286

S'il ne va pas à la réunion,

on est coincés sur Terre


00:27:24,453 --> 00:27:25,966

pour le restant de nos jours.


00:27:37,813 --> 00:27:42,568

Entendons-nous sur ce point.

Le faux Michael t'a embrassé?


00:27:42,733 --> 00:27:45,327

Et tu ne m'as pas parlé

de ce fait pertinent?


00:27:45,493 --> 00:27:46,972

Je n'ai pas pu.


00:27:47,173 --> 00:27:49,528

Le fait que Michael

me colle sa langue...


00:27:49,693 --> 00:27:52,685

- Ca n'a rien d'inhabituel.

- Maria, ce n'est pas Michael.


00:27:52,893 --> 00:27:55,361

- Mais tu l'ignorais, Liz.

- Remets-toi.


00:27:58,173 --> 00:28:00,368

Désolée, je peux...


00:28:01,053 --> 00:28:03,362

Je peux te parler une seconde?


00:28:11,373 --> 00:28:15,127

La même chose s'est produite

avec Kyle, mais sans se produire.


00:28:15,453 --> 00:28:18,570

Je ne peux dire à Max

ce que je n'ai pas fait,


00:28:19,373 --> 00:28:21,250

mais à toi non plus,


00:28:21,453 --> 00:28:23,648

alors ne me questionne pas.



00:28:25,653 --> 00:28:28,087

je me sens idiote en restant ici.


00:28:28,253 --> 00:28:31,723

Tu te rends compte que

ce que tu dis n'a pas de sens.


00:28:32,453 --> 00:28:34,489

Je dors depuis longtemps?


00:28:41,133 --> 00:28:42,612

- Il est 7h30.

- Du matin?


00:28:45,853 --> 00:28:48,447

C'est mon chef. Cachez-vous.


00:28:54,733 --> 00:28:57,691

- C'est quoi, cette histoire?

- Bonjour.


00:28:58,493 --> 00:29:02,771

Vous faites la fête? Et on ne m'invite

pas dans mon propre bâtiment?


00:29:07,613 --> 00:29:11,845

- Qui êtes-vous?

- Brody, voici mon jumeau, Bob.


00:29:12,573 --> 00:29:15,485

- J'ignorais que tu avais un jumeau.

- J'habite à New York.


00:29:15,653 --> 00:29:17,325

Ça explique la coupe de cheveux.


00:29:17,493 --> 00:29:20,132

Qui peut m'expliquer

votre présence à tous ici?


00:29:29,173 --> 00:29:31,323

Si on allait prendre un petit-déj'?


00:29:34,213 --> 00:29:35,328

Prenez votre temps.


00:29:37,493 --> 00:29:38,482

Tu veux que je le tue?


00:29:40,493 --> 00:29:41,482

Je vais réfléchir.


00:29:48,733 --> 00:29:51,531

- Tu crois en Dieu?

- N'est-ce pas un peu tôt


00:29:51,693 --> 00:29:53,729

- pour cette conversation?

- Oui.


00:29:53,893 --> 00:29:57,772

C'est bon.

Je dirais peut-être. Toi?


00:29:58,573 --> 00:30:01,690

Oui, avant. Peut-être encore.


00:30:02,453 --> 00:30:04,523

Il y a tant de choses curieuses.


00:30:05,493 --> 00:30:06,482



00:30:08,573 --> 00:30:11,724

- Tu crois aux extraterrestres?

- Je sors avec l'un d'eux.


00:30:12,373 --> 00:30:16,127

- Je blague.

- Pas moi.


00:30:17,373 --> 00:30:20,843

- J'ai eu une expérience.

- Ton enlèvement?


00:30:21,133 --> 00:30:23,328

T'es au courant?

Max te l'a dit.


00:30:23,493 --> 00:30:28,123

Oh, non. Je me suis renseignée.


00:30:28,293 --> 00:30:31,649

Un beau multimillionnaire


00:30:32,053 --> 00:30:35,090

qui achète un centre d'ovnis

attise ma curiosité.


00:30:35,853 --> 00:30:40,244

- J'ai cherché sur Internet et j'ai...

- Découvert que j'étais taré.


00:30:45,413 --> 00:30:47,608

J'ai l'impression que ça va se reproduire.


00:30:48,493 --> 00:30:52,008

- Pourquoi?

- Des trucs...


00:30:52,293 --> 00:30:54,329

Des moments qui manquent

dans le temps,


00:30:54,493 --> 00:30:57,485

des rêves bizarres

dont je ne me souviens pas,


00:30:58,093 --> 00:30:59,970

ça me rappelle la dernière fois.


00:31:00,813 --> 00:31:05,125

Si je disparais pendant deux jours,


00:31:05,693 --> 00:31:09,925

ne le prends pas mal.

C'est qu'on m'a enlevé.


00:31:13,973 --> 00:31:18,967

Tu ne me dis pas: "Je suis sûre

que ça ne se reproduira pas"?


00:31:19,133 --> 00:31:22,011

- "Tu te fais des idées, Brody"?

- Non, mais on m'a appris


00:31:22,213 --> 00:31:24,681

qu'à Roswell

tout peut arriver.


00:31:29,853 --> 00:31:32,367

- Il ne changera pas d'avis.

- Je m'en fiche.


00:31:32,853 --> 00:31:34,730

Il viendra à New York,

coûte que coûte.


00:31:36,293 --> 00:31:37,692

Ça veut dire quoi?


00:31:39,493 --> 00:31:40,926

Tu veux savoir?


00:31:44,493 --> 00:31:45,767

Je ne veux pas y être mêlée.


00:31:49,053 --> 00:31:50,725

Cette fille pose problème.


00:31:50,893 --> 00:31:52,485

T'en fais pas.


00:31:53,493 --> 00:31:55,529

Max viendra avec nous.

Je te le jure.


00:32:13,493 --> 00:32:15,848

- Que fais-tu ici?

- Fallait que je te voie.


00:32:19,493 --> 00:32:20,892

C'est dangereux.


00:32:22,013 --> 00:32:23,332

Il fallait que ça sorte.


00:32:23,493 --> 00:32:25,802

Une chose que je n'ai

jamais dite à Zan.


00:32:26,253 --> 00:32:29,370

Si je pouvais te le dire,

je réussirais à le sortir de ma tête.


00:32:31,053 --> 00:32:32,247

Qu'y a-t-il?


00:32:34,173 --> 00:32:36,812

- Je voulais m'excuser.

- De quoi?


00:32:39,573 --> 00:32:40,926

De t'avoir trahi.


00:32:44,493 --> 00:32:48,008

Max, t'as déjà été fou amoureux

et prêt à tout pour elle?


00:32:50,493 --> 00:32:52,484

Sur notre planète, Vilandra...


00:32:52,773 --> 00:32:58,370

Moi, Isabel... On avait une dent

contre un certain Kivar.


00:32:58,853 --> 00:32:59,922

On t'a trahi.


00:33:02,053 --> 00:33:03,486

On a du sang sur les mains.


00:33:03,653 --> 00:33:05,132

On a tué tout le monde.


00:33:06,653 --> 00:33:10,407

Vilandra était Sœur Arnold.


00:33:10,973 --> 00:33:12,247

Tu n'es pas Vilandra.


00:33:14,493 --> 00:33:15,562

Et Isabel non plus.


00:33:16,573 --> 00:33:20,361

Non, pas techniquement.

Elle est comme...


00:33:21,253 --> 00:33:23,244

un démon que je porte.


00:33:24,133 --> 00:33:26,727

Que nous portons, Isabel et moi.

Elle me l'a dit.


00:33:28,693 --> 00:33:30,365

Isabel ne me trahirait jamais.


00:33:31,693 --> 00:33:35,481

Mais non. Tout comme je n'aurais

jamais trahi Zan.


00:33:38,893 --> 00:33:41,327

Je suis contente

qu'elle t'ait tout dit.


00:33:41,493 --> 00:33:44,326

Tu as de la chance

d'être proche de ta sœur.


00:33:44,493 --> 00:33:46,165

J'aurais aimé l'être avec Zan.


00:33:54,453 --> 00:33:56,091

Tu m'as menti sur Vilandra.


00:33:57,773 --> 00:33:59,491

- J'ignore de...

- La ferme!


00:34:01,013 --> 00:34:05,882

Elle m'a trahi ainsi que Michael,

Tess et notre mère.


00:34:07,093 --> 00:34:09,129

- Toute notre planète.

- Qui t'a dit ça?


00:34:09,613 --> 00:34:12,969

- C'est elle?

- Elle m'a fait ses excuses.


00:34:14,253 --> 00:34:16,323

Je l'ai appris par une étrangère.


00:34:16,493 --> 00:34:19,326

- Mais ma propre sœur...

- D'accord, Max.


00:34:19,693 --> 00:34:23,003

Maintenant tu sais.


00:34:23,853 --> 00:34:25,491

Ce secret me rendait malade.


00:34:25,653 --> 00:34:28,850

Te décevoir, toi, le grand roi,

me rendait malade.


00:34:29,493 --> 00:34:32,007

- Je te faisais confiance.

- Je n'ai rien fait.


00:34:33,173 --> 00:34:35,323

Je n'ai rien fait!

Et je ne vais pas rester là


00:34:35,493 --> 00:34:39,327

à me faire accuser pour un acte que

quelqu'un a commis dans une autre vie,


00:34:39,493 --> 00:34:40,972

un acte qui n'a aucun sens.


00:34:41,253 --> 00:34:43,164

Pourquoi n'as-tu rien dit?


00:34:43,333 --> 00:34:45,324

Parce que c'est ma vie


00:34:45,493 --> 00:34:48,769

et que je ne vais pas la passer

à me justifier auprès de toi.


00:34:49,093 --> 00:34:52,244

Te prouver que je ne te trahirai pas.

C'est éreintant.


00:34:52,413 --> 00:34:53,846

Je ne t'ai rien demandé.


00:34:54,013 --> 00:34:57,323

Oh, si! Tu traites les gens

comme si ils t'appartenaient!


00:34:57,613 --> 00:35:00,525

Je ne suis pas à toi, Max.

Je ne l'ai jamais été!


00:35:01,573 --> 00:35:04,007

Je n'ai pas l'impression

de te connaître.


00:35:05,293 --> 00:35:08,410

Tu ne t'occupes que de ta personne


00:35:09,733 --> 00:35:11,291

et de Liz Parker.


00:35:12,853 --> 00:35:14,809

Tu as ce que tu mérites.


00:35:15,973 --> 00:35:18,203

Tu vois dans le miroir

qui tu es!


00:35:18,373 --> 00:35:22,730

Tu n'as rien d'un roi, tu es un petit

garçon égoïste et pitoyable!


00:35:24,333 --> 00:35:25,652

Qu'est-ce qui te prend?


00:35:28,413 --> 00:35:31,246

- Je vais à New York.

- C'est une très mauvaise idée.


00:35:31,413 --> 00:35:33,802

Alors c'est la bonne chose à faire.


00:35:34,413 --> 00:35:36,404


Va avec eux!


00:35:39,813 --> 00:35:42,407

J'ignore ce qui s'est passé.

Il est devenu fou.


00:35:42,813 --> 00:35:43,802

Ne t'en fais pas.


00:35:44,653 --> 00:35:47,042

- Tout ira bien.

- Je sais.


00:35:52,413 --> 00:35:54,643

- Répands la nouvelle.

- On part aujourd'hui.


00:36:00,253 --> 00:36:01,971

Changeons de vêtements.


00:36:02,133 --> 00:36:03,122

Ca marche.


00:36:42,933 --> 00:36:48,371

Tu voulais qu'on soit amis.

J'y ai réfléchi.


00:36:51,093 --> 00:36:55,928

J'ai pris conscience

que c'était impossible


00:36:56,253 --> 00:36:57,402

parce que


00:36:59,613 --> 00:37:02,889

je suis toujours accroc à toi


00:37:05,213 --> 00:37:10,810

et à ce qu'on avait.

J'ai donc décidé de rompre.


00:37:14,413 --> 00:37:15,846



00:37:22,013 --> 00:37:23,002

Max & Liz

Pour toujours


00:37:27,573 --> 00:37:31,043

Max, c'est à toi.

Je te l'ai offert à Noël.


00:37:31,253 --> 00:37:32,242

Je te le rends.


00:37:34,853 --> 00:37:37,492

Je vais à New York.

Avec Rath, Lonnie...


00:37:38,933 --> 00:37:41,401

et Tess. A la réunion.


00:37:47,533 --> 00:37:49,046

Tu vas revenir?


00:37:50,813 --> 00:37:53,771

Je l'ignore.

Il est trop tôt pour le dire.


00:37:58,413 --> 00:38:00,051

Attends, Max.


00:38:03,493 --> 00:38:08,442

A la réunion... Le Granilithe?

C'est puissant.


00:38:08,613 --> 00:38:12,526

Ça pourrait être dangereux

si ça tombait entre les mauvaises mains.


00:38:12,813 --> 00:38:16,362

De quoi parles-tu?

Comment sais-tu pour le Granilithe?


00:38:20,133 --> 00:38:24,046

Je ne peux pas te dire,

mais je sais que...


00:38:24,773 --> 00:38:26,729

Je t'en prie, Max,

fais-moi confiance.


00:38:27,813 --> 00:38:29,405

C'est bien là le problème, Liz.


00:39:58,133 --> 00:39:59,168

Trop serré.


00:40:01,013 --> 00:40:04,085

On dirait qu'il y a pas de place

pour moi.


00:40:06,693 --> 00:40:09,207

- C'est quoi, ton délire?

- J'y vais pas.


00:40:09,373 --> 00:40:11,807

Sois pas bête.

Tu veux rester dans le désert?


00:40:14,173 --> 00:40:15,652

Monte dans la voiture.


00:40:19,933 --> 00:40:22,242

- Je t'ai dit de monter ou...

- Tu vas me tuer?


00:40:22,413 --> 00:40:24,051

Qu'est-ce qui se passe?


00:40:26,613 --> 00:40:28,092

Tu crois que j'allais la tuer?


00:40:29,413 --> 00:40:33,372

Tu veux rester?

Alors, reste. C'est pas un problème.


00:40:44,973 --> 00:40:47,282

C'est bon.

En route pour New York.


00:41:16,893 --> 00:41:19,453

A suivre...

(Episode begins in New York City. We see 4 people who look like the pod squad - except they're wearing punk clothing - come up the stairs from the subway. They pass by a fruit stand. The Max look-a-like causes the stand to fall. As the vendors gather the fruit, the Isabel look-a-like steals money from their cash register. The group of four continue walking down the street)

PUNK: Hey, what's up, girl?

LONNIE: What's up, man?

PUNK: You look good!

RATH: She knows it. Yo, gimme the rock, G.

(The street punk tosses his basketball to the Michael look-a-like, who keeps it and continues walking down the street)

PUNK: Hey, yo! My man! My ball!

RATH: They contacted us again last night. Same invite. We gotta tell 'em something.

ZAN: Tell 'em no.

LONNIE: Yo, you sayin' we ain't going to the summit?

ZAN: That's what I'm saying.

RATH: Yo, that's messed up, duke. This is the only time we've ever been contacted.

ZAN: Whatever. That's it.

AVA: We tell 'em no, they won't ask again.

ZAN: Tell 'em hell no.

RATH: What is up with you, man? I'm tired of you. I'll go by myself!

ZAN: They don't want the number 2. They want the royal four.

RATH: Why don't we go and see what they gotta say? Why don't we go and get the answers?

ZAN: What if it's a setup?

RATH: No, it's not a setup! They need us!

ZAN: I'm the man. Don't forget.

LONNIE: Yo. Guys. It's been a mad long day. Let's just chill.

RATH: Yeah. You the man.

(Opening credits)

TEACHER: A black hole...that's what's left after a star dies. And that's exactly what happened last week, my friends. The spectacular, stellar, implosion of a red giant, unheard of in the history of astronomy...the first time a post-main sequence star burning in its prime suddenly and without warning violently exploded in a supernova of a hundred million degrees and disappeared, a process that typically takes many thousands of years. What could have accounted for this...remarkable loss?

(Class ends. Liz catches up with Max in the hallway)

LIZ: Hey. Kinda weird about that star, huh? Kinda sad. It just doesn't seem that something burning so bright could just...burn out.

MAX: But it did.

(Max walks off)

(Back in New York, Rath, Lonnie, and Ava steal a Trans Am. Zan is no longer with them)

RATH: Trans Am, baby. Yeah! Can't wait to get out of the city. Red line says 120, but I bet you she goes 130.

AVA: We were family. The four of us.

LONNIE: Things change.

RATH: Yo, move outta the way!

AVA: He was your brother, Lonnie.

LONNIE: That's right. Zan's my brother. Rath's my lover. But who are you? Why are you still livin' and breathin' and ridin' in this car? Oh, that's right. You're here 'cause i love you. Ain't that sweet?

(At the UFO Center, Brody is working on his computer. Max comes in)

MAX: Brody.

BRODY: Max. You're here! I've been dying to tell someone about this all day. Look, activity...on the East coast, somewhere near here.

MAX: New York?

BRODY: Uh-huh. See these blips? They appeared last week. Someone or something is trying to make contact. I'll run a few programs, try to see if any of the ratios match anything from the records, see if we can't find...

(Brody's pager goes off)

BRODY: Time for dinner.

MAX: I'm not hungry.

BRODY: Well, just...whatever. Take a break. Go!

MAX: I just got here.

BRODY: Go, go, go, go, go!

(At the Crashdown)

MARIA: And don't forget the pepperjack. Guy's nuts about his pepperjack.

MICHAEL: Yeah. All right.

MARIA: Oh, Max called. He said that he wants to have a meeting with everybody Saturday night.

MICHAEL: No. I can't make that.

MARIA: Really?

MICHAEL: Yeah. I got big plans. I can't change 'em.

MARIA: That is so sweet.

MICHAEL: Sweet? It's the dirt bike finals.

MARIA: Hello? I'm singing on Saturday at the new performance space next to the museum!

MICHAEL: Yeah. But I've heard you sing before. What's the big deal?

(Maria delivers the sandwich to Brody at the UFO Center)


MARIA: Galaxy Sub. Hold the mayo.

BRODY: Thank you very much.

MARIA: Is there pepperjack in that sandwich?

BRODY: Uh...no. Doesn't appear to be.

MARIA: I just...I can't believe it! I cannot believe it!

BRODY: It's ok, really.

MARIA: No. No, it's not ok. You ordered pepperjack. You have the right to expect pepperjack. This is...this is unacceptable is what it is!

BRODY: It's just cheese.

MARIA: No, it's not just cheese.

BRODY: But it's a very small thing.

MARIA: Yes. It is a very small thing, and that's why a person who can't even get the cheese right does not deserve to live!

BRODY: Wow. You take your job very seriously.

MARIA: You know what? Here. Take your money back. It's on the house.

BRODY: Well, then at least let me give you a tip. Here.

MARIA: That's unnecessary. But thank you.

(Maria leaves)

BRODY: So, uh, what do you think of our new President?

(Switch to the Trans Am)

RATH: What's your problem, Ava? You ain't said nothin' in 2 days.

AVA: You said you were gonna make him change his mind about going to the summit. You...

RATH: Well, we couldn't, so we went with an alternative.

AVA: He was the leader, Rath!

RATH: Zan coulda ruled a planet, but he didn't wanna deal. We are better off without him.

AVA: And how do we know this...other Zan is gonna be any different?

LONNIE: Max. Max Evans. That's his name. And we don't. We don't. But we'll be smarter about it this time. We'll find another way in.

RATH: They don't wanna meet with just the three of us. They want the king. So all we gotta do is get him to the summit, and we'll marinate on the rest later.

(Max is driving around in his jeep and spots Isabel jogging along the road)

MAX: We need to talk.

ISABEL: One more mile.

MAX: What are you running from?

ISABEL: I'm just getting in shape.

MAX: Since when? Your only exercise used to be the escalator at the mall.

ISABEL: Things change.

MAX: Fine. I'll see you later. Vilandra. Are you...Vilandra? Isabel, there's always been a special bond...ever since we came out of the pods. We have to be able to be honest with each other.

ISABEL: I'm sorry, Max.

(Isabel goes back to jogging)

(Switch back to the Trans Am, which has entered the Roswell city limits)

AVA: So how come they weren't invited to the summit?

LONNIE: Because we're the only ones that know there's another set of us out there. Besides, they're living out here in the middle of nowhere under a rock.

(Rath speeds by a police car, which happens to be driven by Sheriff Valenti. He flashes his lights and pulls them over)

RATH: Damn! 5-0.

LONNIE: Be cool.

RATH: Don't worry. He's already toast.

(Sheriff Valenti parks behind them and walks up to the front window. Rath gets ready to blast him)

SHERIFF: License and registration. Michael? Ha ha ha ha ha! Lord have mercy! What's with the hair and the outfits?

LONNIE: We were actually on our way to a party. It was kinda like a New York theme.

SHERIFF: You look like you're from another planet. For once. So where'd you get this car?

LONNIE: We, uh, we borrowed it, Sheriff, um...Valenti.

SHERIFF: Hey, listen, you wanna slow it down a little bit. There's no need to attract any additional attention to yourselves, especially with what we've been through lately.

RATH: Word! No, you ain't lyin', sir.

SHERIFF: Where's your brother?

LONNIE: We were actually on our way to get him, but we were kinda nervous about goin' by the house, 'cause there was like a weird car parked out front.

SHERIFF: A weird car?

RATH: You know...alien hunter.

LONNIE: Yeah. Felt like we were being watched by someone, so, like maybe we could follow you back and you could check it out and make sure it was safe.

SHERIFF: All right. I'll tell you what. You follow me. If the coast is clear, I'll just wave ya on in.

LONNIE: Cool. Thanks, Sheriff. You're the freakin' man!

SHERIFF: Ha ha ha ha.

(Switch to the Crashdown, where Max is studying, probably thinking about the star that died)

LIZ: Um, do you want anything else from the kitchen? 'Cause it's gonna close.

MAX: No, thanks.

LIZ: I hate this. I hate that we can't even be around each other. Long before we kissed...we were friends. We talked. We laughed. I don't understand why we just can't go back to that.

MAX: We can't. I can't. I just...I need time.

LIZ: Ok. I understand that. I do. I...I can respect it. But, um...I don't want you to hate me.

(Max leaves)

(Switch to the NY aliens. Sheriff Valenti has led them to the Evans home)

RATH: It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.

LONNIE: Can you imagine actually living here?

RATH: No! I'd kill myself.

LONNIE: Let's get in there and see what makes Mr. Max spin. Stay by the car and keep lookout.

(Ava sits on the hood to keep watch. Rath and Lonnie climb in through Max's window)

LONNIE: I told you. Total cornball.

RATH: Check out this gear. Unbelievable. Where does he shop for stuff like this...freakin' Conway's?

LONNIE: Yo. Out here, they think that's hip.

RATH: Mm-hmm!

LONNIE: Oh, my God! Check this out. He works in the UFO museum.



RATH: Hoo! Look at this.

LONNIE: Ah. This must be his bitch. Where'd you find this?

RATH: In his sock drawer.

LONNIE: "To Max. I'll always love you. Liz."

RATH: Liz.

LONNIE: She ain't got nothin' goin' on.

RATH: Yeah, well, I'd do her.

LONNIE: Fine. Do her, but don't kill her. What we're doin' here is important. Don't screw it up.

(Mr. Evans is looking for Max and knocks on the door. Rath dives to the floor and hides next to the bed)

PHILIP: Max? Izzie?

LONNIE: Hey...Dad.

PHILIP: What happened to you? You look like some...rapper on TV. Like that, uh, Queen Latisha.

LONNIE: Queen Latifah.

PHILIP: Tell me that's not a tattoo.

LONNIE: Chill, Dad. It's henna. It'll wash off. Ha ha ha. Ok. No, no...you know what? I'll tell you the truth. I ain't really Isabel.

PHILIP: You're not?

LONNIE: No. I'm...Juliet. See, school's doing this kinda rock 'n' roll version of Romeo and Juliet, and, well...

PHILIP: And my daughter's playing Juliet? That's great, honey! Oh ha ha! The smell of the grease paint. The roar of the crowd. I took theater, too. I was Puck my senior year.

LONNIE: Totally epic, Dad.

PHILIP: Ha! You certainly got that jive down. No, but I'm glad that you've...taken an interest in something, honey. But, I wish your brother would.

LONNIE: Max? Yeah, he seems so, uh...

PHILIP: Tense. Now, I'm worried about him. Even the therapy's not helping him...though obviously it's helping you.

LONNIE: Yeah, a shrink. But he is...helping me...to find myself.

PHILIP: I was thinking...perhaps you and Max could have a joint session to work out whatever's come between you.

LONNIE: I didn't think you'd noticed.

PHILIP: The doors slamming, the silence at the dinner table? Oh...I've never seen you fight like this.

LONNIE: Well, I'd really like to work it out.

PHILIP: Promise me you'll consider it? The joint session?

(Lonnie nods)


(Mr. Evans leaves. Rath comes out from his hiding place)

LONNIE: Yeah, ok. Ha. A shrink? How whack is that, yo?

RATH: So...Max's a head case. We can use that. "Love, Liz". Mmmm.

(Maria goes back to the UFO Center)

MARIA: What is this?

BRODY: A tip.

MARIA: $100 tip? Why?

BRODY: Honestly? It's Ben Franklin. I can't stand lookin' at the bloke. Now, you give me 5 Andrew Jacksons any day. Look. I mean, there's a head of hair. It's nice and thick. It's got kinda an Elvis thing going on. The sideburns...

MARIA: Clearly, you are a man with too much money. Look, I don't know what you're thinking, Mister, but Maria De Luca, right here...not for sale. I mean, sure...no. No! Not even for that much money.

BRODY: Then how 'bout lunch?

MARIA: Did you just ask me out on a date?

BRODY: No! No, absolutely not.

MARIA: Oh...

BRODY: But maybe the next time you bring me a sandwich, you could bring one for yourself and not charge me for it even though I have too much money, but pay for it yourself because that would make it officially not a date. And then stay and eat it with me. And keep me company while I'm dateless. What do you think?

MARIA: I, um...I think you're a little strange.

BRODY: Mm...sometimes, yeah.

(Rath finds Liz at school)

RATH: Whassup? You look tight.

LIZ: Excuse me? Did...oh, my God, Michael! What is with your hair?

RATH: I wouldn't mind kickin' it to ya.

LIZ: Kickin' it. Yeah.

RATH: Whaddaya say you give me a little somethin' somethin', huh?

LIZ: Oh, my God! Get away from me! What is going on with you?

RATH: I just thought since Maxie wasn't around that we could, uh...

LIZ: Just stop, ok?

RATH: Ai-ight. You got me. I just...I just wanted to see, you know, if you'd go for it, and you...

LIZ: No. It's not gonna happen...ever.

RATH: Of course not.

(Liz starts to leave. Rath grabs her and kisses her on the lips)

LIZ: Uhhh. Oh, my God! Eww!

(Liz hurries off to class)

RATH: Epic.

(Saturday, at the UFO Center, Max is explaining what he's been pondering the past few days)

MAX: So I think that the signals Brody tracked could be connected to the dying star somehow, and...

MICHAEL: You called us all together here for this emergency meeting to talk about a star that croaked?

MAX: I think it could mean something. It's...been haunting me.

MARIA: I cancelled my performance, Max.

MAX: I think we should be ready for the next challenge.

(Ava, Rath, and Lonnie listen in on the discussion from behind a grating)

RATH: Yo. He's Zan, all right. Look at him.

LONNIE: Zan with an even bigger stick up his ass. No wonder his bitch left him.

RATH: What a bunch of scrubs.

LONNIE: I don't know why they told all those humans about their secrets. It's like a freaking town meeting down there.

(Alex interrupts)

ALEX: Hey, sorry, guys. Sorry I'm late.

(Alex breaks out in laughter upon seeing what appears to be Michael, Isabel, and Tess in punk clothes)

ALEX: I don't remember it saying anything about costumes on the invitation. Oh. But it's too late for Halloween, and it's too early for Mardi Gras, so what's goin' on? Are we like goin' on the Ricki Lake show or something?

(Alex peers through the grating and notices the real Michael, Isabel, and Tess standing next to Max, Maria, and Liz in the area below. He realizes something is different with the people in front of him)

ALEX: Scratch that question. Uh, who needs a holiday to dress up, right? Anyway...

(Alex hurries away and goes down to meet his friends below)

MAX: Alex. You're late.

ALEX: Uh...um...uh.

(Alex points to the stairs. Rath, Lonnie, and Ava appear at the top of the stairs)

RATH: Hey, yo, up here!

MARIA: Now this is freaky.

MAX: Who are you?

LONNIE: We're you.

ISABEL: I...I don't understand...

MICHAEL: They're shape-shifters.

LONNIE: I know you must be buggin' out right now, 'cause I'd be buggin', too.

ISABEL: How could this be?

MICHAEL: 8. 8. There was 8 pods originally.

RATH: You know about that.

MICHAEL: Yeah, I...we just found out recently, so...I just...didn't know you'd look like us.

MAX: All we know is that there were 8 originally. We never knew what happened to the other 4.

LONNIE: They went to New York.

MAX: New York?

RATH: The Big Apple. Center of the universe. Amazing pizza.

LIZ: Um...but there's only 3 of you.

LONNIE: We had a fourth. We just lost him.

AVA: He name was...Zan.

MAX: I'm Max.

ISABEL: How did you lose your Max?

RATH: He died in a stupid accident. You know, all his powers, all his abilities, and, you know, he died in a street accident. For nothin'. Yo, I'm Rath.

LONNIE: Lonnie.

ISABEL: Isabel.

AVA: I'm Ava.

TESS: Tess.

MAX: This is Michael, and these are our friends: Alex, Maria, and Liz.

LIZ: Uh, we met.

RATH: Sorry about that. I was, uh...I was just trying to get the lay of the land. Something's cookin'...something that's gonna affect all of us. Could we talk in private?

(Rath and Max go to another room to talk)

RATH: You look so much like him.

MAX: Zan?

RATH: Yeah. Anyways...we've been contacted. You know, it seems some of peeps from the hood, they wanna hook up with us and have a sit-down.

MAX: The...the hood?

RATH: Our star system. Home. You...the ruling families of the 5 planets...they wanna have this summit meeting. I don't know, duke. I mean, I know it's important and it's got something to do with making the peace, but, you know, Zan was gonna go and represent our family and...that's why we need you.

MAX: Me?

RATH: Yeah, with Zan dead, you're the only kin we got.

MAX: Why did they contact you and not us?

RATH: We're the ones they found. They don't know that there's 2 sets.

(Back in the main area of the UFO Center, Michael is asking Lonnie some questions)

MICHAEL: So why are there 2 sets?

LONNIE: Well, they made one batch and didn't get it quite right, so...they made another.

MICHAEL: So you guys are, like, defective.

LONNIE: Actually, you're the defectives. Too human. No offense. When they sent us down here, the war was still going on. We were possibly the only chance for survival, so they sent both sets, you know, for insurance.

(Switch back to Max and Rath)

MAX: Were you close, you and Zan?

RATH: Oh, yeah, we were closer than brothers, man. I mean...you know, all my life, I looked up to him and I wanted to be like him and...and then just one day, just...bam!

(In the main part of the UFO Center, the others are getting to know each other)

ISABEL: So...Lonnie. Is that short for Vilandra?

LONNIE: That's right. You know about Vilandra?

ISABEL: I've heard some things.

LONNIE: What do you know?

ISABEL: What do you know?

LONNIE: She betrayed her family...brought down the whole house of cards...got everyone killed. Sound familiar? It's been hard keeping it to myself all these years. You have no idea.

ISABEL: Yes, I do.

LONNIE: You haven't told Max? But you seem so close.

ISABEL: I...I wanted to, but...but I didn't even want to believe it myself, and...the thought of telling him...

LONNIE: It's ok. It's ok. It'll be our little secret.

ALEX: Ladies, uh...frosty beverage?

LONNIE: No 3 ways tonight, opie. Maybe later.

(Back in the other room, Max and Rath continue their private discussion)

MAX: I don't even know what the war's about.

RATH: We know it's about us...the original royal four. Some kind of revolution happened, and they were all killed and sent to earth to be reborn. Ever since then, the hood's been a war zone. And now they want peace. I know you're not Zan, and I know it's kinda screwed to lay all this stuff on you, but this meant a lot to him. He's our peace. He's our chance to do something with this life. This is it.

MAX: I'm not Zan.

RATH: Don't worry. I mean, I'll be right there with you. But without you...there is no summit and there is no peace. Millions of lives hang in the balance, Max. So you...you gotta step up.

(Max discusses what's going on with Isabel, Michael, and Tess)

MAX: Well...here we are.

ISABEL: And there we are.

MICHAEL: I thought I'd seen everything.

MAX: They want me to go to New York to a...a summit meeting.

MICHAEL: What, just you? We weren't invited?

MAX: I already told them no.

(Rath and Lonnie are discussing how things are turning out)

RATH: Think it's gonna take some work. He's got that same brick head as Zan.

LONNIE: We don't got a lotta time.

RATH: Back off. I'm on it.

LONNIE: Like you were on Zan? Do not screw this up, Rath. He goes to the summit, or we are stuck on this wretched planet for the rest of our lives.

(In another room in the UFO Center, Liz and Maria are having a discussion)

MARIA: Ok. So duplicate Michael kissed you, and you decided not to tell me this very pertinent fact?

LIZ: No, I wanted to tell you, I just...I couldn't...

MARIA: But you thought, hey, it's just Michael slipping me the tongue. There's nothing unusual about that...

LIZ: Maria, it's not Michael.

MARIA: But you didn't know that then, Liz!

LIZ: Can't you get over it? I'm sorry. Look, can I just...can I just talk to you for one second?

(Maria nods)

LIZ: Ok. This thing kind of happened with Kyle, but it didn't really happen, and I can't tell Max what I didn't do. But I can't tell you what I didn't do either, so don't ask me to explain it, ok? But...the point is, I just feel really stupid being here.

MARIA: Do you realize that what you just said made absolutely no sense?

ALEX: Hey, how long have I been asleep?

(The sound of someone opening the front door is heard)

MAX: It's 7:30.

TESS: In the morning?

MAX: I-it's just my boss. Hide.

(Brody enters the UFO Center to find everywhere inside)

BRODY: What the hell is this?

MAX: Morning.

BRODY: Wha? Is there a party going on? Funny I wasn't invited, seeing how it's my building. And who are you?

MICHAEL: Uh, Brody, this is my, uh, twin brother Bob.

BRODY: I didn't know you had a brother.

RATH: I live in New York.

BRODY: Well, that explains the hair. Now who can explain what you're all doing here?

(Maria saves the day by asking Brody to breakfast)



MARIA: Um...you know how you asked about lunch?

BRODY: Uh-huh.

MARIA: Well, how do you feel about having a little breakfast?

BRODY: Stay as long as you like.

(Brody and Maria leave)

RATH: You want me to kill him for you?

MICHAEL: I'll get back to you on that.

(At the Crashdown, Brody and Maria are having breakfast together)

BRODY: You believe in God?

MARIA: Isn't it a little early for that conversation?

BRODY: Yeah, you're right.

MARIA: Ok. Fine. Fine. Um...it's a definite maybe. You?

BRODY: I used to. Maybe I still do. There are just so many things that make me wonder.

MARIA: Like...

BRODY: Do you believe in aliens?

MARIA: Why not? I'm dating one. I'm kidding. Of course. Heh.

BRODY: You see, I'm not. I had an experience once...

MARIA: Oh, right. Your abduction!

BRODY: How do you know? Oh, did Max say something?

MARIA: Oh, no. No. I just...I kinda looked into your background. You know, good-looking...multi-millionaire...buys UFO Center. Kind of stirs my curiosity. So...I did an internet search and, I...

BRODY: And found out I'm a whacko.

MARIA: Ha ha ha.

BRODY: I've got a feeling it's about to happen again.


BRODY: Well, just things...missing moments of time, bizarre dreams I can't remember in the morning. It all reminds me of the last time. So, if I...suddenly disappear for a couple of days, it's nothing personal. I've just been abducted.


BRODY: Ok? Just like that? No "I'm sure it won't happen again, Brody." "It's all in your head, Brody."

MARIA: No, no, it's just that if there's one thing that living in Roswell's taught me is that anything can happen.

(The New York aliens are talking things over)

AVA: He'll never change his mind.

LONNIE: I don't care. He's coming to New York one way or another.

AVA: What is that supposed to mean?

LONNIE: You really wanna know?

AVA: I don't want to be a part of this.

RATH: That chick is turning into a real problem.

LONNIE: Don't worry. Max is coming with us. I guarantee it.

(Lonnie goes to visit Max at the Evans home)

MAX: What are you doing here?

LONNIE: I had to see you.

MAX: It's dangerous.

LONNIE: I had to get something out, something I never got to say to Zan, and now it's too late, and I was thinking about how maybe if I tell you, I can get it outta my head, you know?

MAX: What is it?

LONNIE: I wanted to apologize.

MAX: For what?

LONNIE: For betraying you. Max, have you ever been so crazy in love that you'd just do about anything? Well, back on our planet, Vilandra...me...Isabel...this person we used to be...we had it bad for a guy named Kivar. We sold you out, man. We're the ones with blood on our hands. We're the ones that got everybody killed. Vilandra was the, uh...the Benedict Arnold.

MAX: But you're not Vilandra. And neither is Isabel.

LONNIE: Not technically, no. But she's like this...demon I carry around inside of me. We both do, Isabel and I. She told me so that night we met.

MAX: Isabel would never betray me.

LONNIE: Course not. Just like I would have never shafted Zan. I'm glad she's come clean with you about this. You're lucky to have a sister you're so tight with, you know? I wish Zan and I had been that tight.

(We see Isabel walking down an alley. Max has been waiting and confronts her)

MAX: You lied to me about Vilandra.

ISABEL: I don't know what you're...

MAX: Shut up! She betrayed me...and Michael and Tess and our mother...our whole planet?

ISABEL: Who told you this? Did she tell you this?

MAX: She cared enough to apologize to me. I had to hear it from a stranger! And yet, my own sister...

ISABEL: All right, Max. Fine. Fine. Now you know. I was sick of keeping it a secret, sick of worrying about disappointing you...the great king.

MAX: I trusted you.

ISABEL: I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything, and I'm not gonna stand here and be accused of something someone else did in another lifetime, something completely irrelevant!

MAX: If it's so irrelevant, then why didn't you tell me?

ISABEL: Because I have my own life, and I can't live it when I'm busy trying to prove myself to you all the time, trying to prove I won't betray you! It is exhausting living with that!

MAX: I never asked you to prove yourself.

ISABEL: Yes, you did. You treat everybody like they're your property. I don't belong to you, Max. I never did.

MAX: I feel like I don't even know you.

ISABEL: How could you? All you care about is yourself. And Liz Parker, of course. Maybe you're finally getting what you deserve...finally looking in the mirror and seeing what you really are, and you are no king! You are a self-centered, self-indulgent little boy!

(Michael comes along and intervenes)

MICHAEL: Hey, what are you doing?

MAX: I'm going to New York.

MICHAEL: That is an amazingly bad idea, Max.

MAX: If you think it's bad, Michael, then I know it's the right thing to do.

MICHAEL: Fine. Fine! Go be with them!

(Max leaves)

ISABEL: I don't know what happened. He just went crazy on me.

MICHAEL: Don't worry. It'll be ok.

ISABEL: I know.

(We see now that Rath and Lonnie were impersonating Michael and Isabel to manipulate Max)

RATH: Start spreadin' the news.

LONNIE: We're leavin' today. Let's get the hell outta these clothes.

RATH: Word.

(Max visits Liz before taking off for New York)

LIZ: Hi.

MAX: You said...you wanted to be friends...and I thought about it. And...I realized that...that I can't be friends with you because...I'm still hanging on...to you. To what we had. So...I decided to make a clean break. Here.

(Max hands Liz a pocket knife)

LIZ: Max, this is yours. I gave it to you last Christmas.

MAX: I'm giving it back. I'm...I'm going to New York with Rath and Lonnie and...and Tess...to the summit.

LIZ: Are you gonna come back?

MAX: I don't know. I can't think that far ahead.

LIZ: Wait, um, Max...um...when...when you're at the summit, the granilith, ok? It's powerful, and it could be really dangerous if the wrong people get their hands on it.

MAX: What are you talking about? How do you know anything about the granilith?

LIZ: Oh...I can't tell you. But I just...I know, and...please, Max. You have to trust me.

MAX: I guess that's the problem, Liz.

(Max leaves. He and Tess meet up with Ava, Rath, and Lonnie. Ava has a flashback to when Zan died. We see Rath pushing Zan into the street in the path of an oncoming truck)

AVA: Too tight. Looks like there's no room for me. Just as well.

RATH: What you trippin' about?

AVA: I ain't goin'.

RATH: Don't be crazy. What are you gonna do, stay in the desert? Yo...just get in the car. Hey, I said get in, or I'll...

AVA: Kill me? What, you gonna kill me?

MAX: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are we doin' here?

RATH: Wha? Ha ha. You think I was gonna kill her? You wanna stay? Then you can stay. It's not a problem. Let's, uh...let's go to New York.

(Ava leaves. The episode ends with Max, Tess, Rath, and Lonnie getting into the car and starting the drive to New York)

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